Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries for Men

Top Trends in Cosmetic Surgery for the Modern Man

When cosmetic surgery gets mentioned in the media, the stories are almost always about women.

However, the reality is quite different, because more and more men are choosing a cosmetic surgery.

Everyone deserves to look and feel good, so i explored the top cosmetic surgery procedures for men.

Vaser Liposuction

The first cosmetic surgery procedure is Vaser Liposuction. This procedure is somewhat different from traditional liposuction procedures due to the fact that it is a minimal invasive procedure.

During Vaser Liposuction, a small probe is used to transmit sound energy. This sound energy liquifies fat cells before the actual removal process starts. After the transmission of the sound energy, a gentle suction process is used to remove the fat from the body.

There are many different places on the body where one can have Vaser Liposuction, including the chin, chest, flanks, inner thighs, ankles, neck, upper arms, abdomen, outer thighs, knees, upper back, lower back and the buttock crease.

Vaser Liposuction also comes with a great number of advantages. The procedure does not require general anaesthetic and there is only a minimal risk of bleeding, bruising and general discomfort. The procedure also tighten the skins due to an increase in collagen production.

Male Breast Reduction or Gynaecomastia

Male breast reduction is seen as somewhat taboo, however it ranks in the top five procedures for guys.

Many men are opting for a breast reduction and this is not always caused by obesity. Enlarged male breasts can also occur due to a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances are unfortunately quite common and can be caused by excessive alcohol use, anabolic steroids, liver failure, cancer, congenital abnormalities and dramatic weight loss.

Men who opt for male breast reduction surgery will be put under general anaesthetic. The surgery itself only takes around 90 minutes. During this procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision around the nipple and will suck out excess fat. The size of the cuts is somewhat dependant on the amount of fat that needs to be removed. In extreme cases, the nipple may have to be repositioned.

The effects of a male breast reduction are usually permanent, but some factors may contribute to another enlargement. Weight gain, hormonal imbalances and the use of drugs can cause the breasts to become enlarged again.

Male Tummy Tucks or Abdominoplasty

The time where tummy tucks were only popular with women is definitely over. Many men are opting for a tummy tuck wheree heavy weight loss or age has made the abdominal region saggy.

Male tummy tucks are executed under general anaesthetic, given the fact that this is an invasive surgical procedure. During a tummy tuck, the surgeon will make an incision across the lower abdomen and around the belly button. These incisions make it possible to remove excess skin, fat and even stretched and torn muscles.

If you plan to go in for a tummy tuck, you need to keep in mind that this procedure has the best results when the patient is at their target weight.

A tummy tuck procedure will leave a scar, although this type of scar is not really visible when wearing underwear. Surgeons do advise to maintain a healthy and steady weight after the procedure so that the skin stays toned and shaped.

Patients who have had a tummy tuck, usually have to remain in the hospital for two nights. This procedure also requires some recovery time, so patients may need to take some time off work.

Eyelid Surgery or Blepharoplasty

Many men who have trouble dealing with the ageing process will probably have a blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

Droopy eyelids are a common characteristic of ageing, so many people use this kind of procedure.

However, the results of eyelid surgery do not only limit themselves to beauty and a youthful appearance.

Patients who suffer from serious droopy eyelids may experience an improvement in vision due to the fact that their field of view is no longer obstructed.

During the ageing process, eyelid skin will stretch and the accompanying muscles will weaken. This problem can be solved by eyelid surgery by removing excess skin, muscle and fat from the upper or lower eyelids.

There are also two different types of eyelid surgery: The cosmetic blepharoplasty; and the functional blepharoplasty. The first procedure is only meant to improve the appearance of the patient, while the second procedure is performed for medical reasons, for example impaired vision, irritation and forehead discomfort.

Patients who believe they are eligible for functional blepharoplasty should consult their eye doctor before moving on to surgery.

Even though male eyelid surgery can provide a youthful appearance and improve the field of vision, the results of this surgery are not permanent. This is due to the complexity of the ageing process, because ageing continues with or without surgery. However, the results of blepharoplasty can remain as long as 10 years, depending on other factors including your general health.

Eyelid surgery can be executed on either upper or lower eyelids, or both at the same time. During this particular procedure, the surgeon will make an incision in the natural folds of the eyelids, more specifically the crease of the upper eyelid, beneath the eye lashes or behind the lower eyelids. These incisions are barely visible after surgery and have no physical consequences for your appearance.

Before the removal begins, the surgeon will place certain markings on the location of excess skin and fat that needs to be removed. In some cases, not only skin and fat will be removed, but also muscle tissue. The amount of excess fat, skin or muscle that will be removed can only be determined by the surgeon during the procedure.

Another thing patients should be aware of is that the procedure might be different for some people, for example patients who frequently suffer from dry eyes. Dry eye patients will have less tissue removed, so that the eye will be less exposed to air and make the problem even worse.

Face/Neck Lift Surgery

The male face and neck lift surgery has also made it into our top five. This is a surgery that is typically requested due to the ageing process. Ageing can cause the skin to lose its elasticity, causing a loss of volume and a decent of soft tissues.

Face and neck lift surgery does not consist out of one particular procedure, because there are many different options when it comes down to this type of surgery. The only thing that is consistent with male and female face and neck lift surgery is that the scars are designed to be invisible and hidden.

The facelift procedure will also depend on many factors, including but not limited to: The anatomy of the face; requests of the patient; the effects of ageing on your physical appearance and much more.

The most common types of face and neck lift surgery are:

  • Cutaneous facelift: also referred to as the traditional facelift. During this procedure the skin is lifted from the tissues and tightened. The physical improvement is quite clear, but the deeper facial tissues remain unaltered, providing the patient with a result that will not last as long.
  • SMAS facelift: SMAS refers to a deeper layer beneath the skin of the face which contains muscle and soft tissue. This particular layer is used to elevate the soft tissue, providing a longer lasting result than the traditional facelift.
  • MACS lift: this procedure is performed on patients without loose skin in the neck. During this particular procedure, the soft tissues of the face are raised and suspended to provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Short scar lift: this lift is characterised by a limited scar behind the ear and does not extend into the scalp. However, this does mean that the skin cannot be tightened to the extent that is possible in other procedures.
  • Neck lift: the neck lift procedure is meant to eliminate vertical folds in the neck, tighten the skin and reduce fat beneath the chin.

Many patients wonder if the effects of a face and neck lift are permanent. This is a tough question to answer, given the fact that the ageing process does not stop. The effects of ageing are usually noticeable again 10 years after the surgery. However, you will still look seven to 10 years younger with the surgery.

Every face and neck lift is accompanied by a recovery period and is somewhat dependant on how invasive the procedure was. In general, patients need to remain in hospital for one to two days. The recovery period at home can vary from two days to two weeks, again depending on the procedure that was implemented. The majority of surgeons recommend to avoid bending forward, drinking hot drinks and consuming chewy foods during the recovery period to minimize facial swelling.

Contains excerpt from GSN.

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