A Dictionary of Words for Masculine Women

I have been diagnosed as a female to male transsexual. However, I am dissatisfied with the word ‘transsexual’. First, ‘transsexual’ is a medical term describing a pathological condition, and I do not agree that the right to determine my own destiny constitutes mental illness.

Further, I object to the word itself, with its implication of ‘trans’ meaning ‘to pass through’, which implies that there are only two genders and that a person must adhere to one or the other without ambiguity. All persons are composed of a mixture of masculine and feminine traits, and it’s time people learned to accept it. I may not be a perfect man–but neither is anybody else.

In my quest for an alternate word to describe what I am, I have culled the following list of words that somehow related to the gender and sexual dynamics of masculine people born female. Many of them are derogatory, and many of them are identified with lesbians. While a number of the words fit my self-concept (once cultural bias is subtracted), I still haven’t found the word I’m looking for, but I’ve got a lot more options than I used to!.

Notes on definitions: Language is extraordinarily fluid, especially language which has not been captured by formal dictionaries and given fixed meaning. The same terms can have multiple meanings which vary from group to group and individual to individual; therefore the following terms should not be taken as bricks in a road, unalterable and immovable, but rather as marks I have left behind me as I have made my own singular journey. It is quite likely that many of these terms will have an entirely different significance to another traveler in the uncharted territory of transgender identity.

This document has grown sufficiently huge that I have had to break it up into smaller chunks:


  • ABBESS: a female head of an abbey; a madam, a procuress, a female pimp (cf abbot, Mary, academician, geek)
  • ABBOT: an abbess’ favorite man (cf ponce, bronco, catamite, toyboy, role reversal, john)
  • ABODI: (African American) gay male (cf zami)
  • ABRAHAM: the penis; the female genitals (cf timothy)
  • ABRASIVE: rough, irritating, offensive, tactless, bitchy, a common description of women with masculine personalities (cf bitch, boy, gender variant, hard, ugly, dominant)
  • ACADEMY: institutions of higher learning; a brothel, one of many terms denigrating female intelligence (cf bluestocking, nerd, academician, severe)
  • ACADEMICIAN: an inhabitant of an academy, a scholar; a prostitute; an intellectuel woman (see academy, bluestocking, nerd)
  • ACDC: erotically attracted to men and women (cf bisexual); alternating between masculine and feminine gender expression (cf bisexual, bigendered, bisensual); alternating between top and bottom roles (cf top, bottom, dominant, submissive, switch, middle)
  • ACHUMAWI: a tribe of Native Americans in California having female to male transgendered persons, whose tribal name is unknown (cf true spirit, kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman)
  • ADVENTUROUS HETOROSEXUAL: a person who identifies as a heterosexual but is willing to experiment with more than the ‘man on top missionary position’ socially approved sex; a bisexual or bisensual person who is primarily oriented towards the opposite sex, but who also enjoys erotic interaction with members of the same sex (cf asexual, bisexual, bisensual, homosexual, heterosexual, monosexual, pansexual); a heterosexual who is willing to experiment with role reversal or crossdressing in themselves or their partner (cf bigendered, transfan, trans hag, tranny hawk, t bird, crossdresser, transgendered, pangendered)
  • AIDS: Aquired Immune Difficiency Syndrome, a sexually transmitted disease which can also be transmitted via dirty needles and unscreened blood transfusions, gay f2ms working as hustlers are at risk, as is anyone who engaged in unsafe practices (cf gay f2m, hustler)
  • AFTER MARKET: a female to male transsexual who has had genital surgery, as opposed to biological men who are ‘factory equipped’ (see factory equipped, frankendick, SRS)
  • AGULE: (Lugbara African) female to male transgendered priests (cf Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • AGYALE: (Nzema African) ‘friendship marriage’, usually between an adult male and a teenage male, but also between two women
  • AIONOLIT: (Hebrew) “which is the female counterpart to a eunuch, or gay man. The Talmud translations in English call aionolit a barren woman, but the context shows that it’s talking about FTM transgenders and lesbians.”–Faris
  • AJUAGO: (Shilluk African) a female shaman who could have lovers but not marry
  • ALPHA FEMALE: a dominant or assertive woman, a woman boss, the leader among a group of females; (scientific) previously referred to the heirarchy among animals, now used to type human beings (cf bitch, boss, boss girl, alpha male, top cow)
  • ALPHA MALE: a dominant or assertive man, the leader among a group of males; an f2m transsexual with a leadership position; previously used by scientists to refer to the animal(s) at the top of heirarchy, eg, wolves, now used to type human beings, eg, ‘alpha geek’ the most knowledgeable computer expert (cf bitch, boss, boss girl, alpha female)
  • ‘ALMAH: (Hebrew ‘female lad’, tomboy) “There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not: The way of an eagle into the sky, the way of a snake into a rock, the way of a ship into the heart of the sea, and the way of a man with an ‘almah.”–Proverbs 30:18-19
  • ALTERNATELY GENDERED: gender variant; transgendered (cf)
  • AMAZON: (ancient Greek) a legendary woman warrior; a masculine woman; the term is also applied to women of other cultures, such as the Dohomeans of West Africa, whose women supposedly cut off their right breast to facilitate drawing their bows; and esp to the warrior women of Tupinambo, South America, which resulted in the Amazon River being named after them (see Amazon-soldieress, sir, butch, virago, dykeosaurus, Califia, androgynae, ithyphalloi, Kaineus, Athena, hermaprodite, Dice, Eros, muscle moll, amazon neurosis, goddess, Goddess Grace, valkyrie)
  • AMAZON-SOLDIERESS: (Dahomey African) a regular corp of female warriors numbering approximately 2400 in 1850, originally drawn from the criminal elements (adulterous wives, women convicted of capital crimes and misdemeanors, etc), later drawn from all aspects of society, most were alleged to be virgins, though a corp of female prostitutes was kept for their use (cf. Amazon) “As the blacksmith takes an iron bar and by fire changes its fashion, so we have changed our nature. We are no longer, we are men.”–Amazon-soldieress chief, quoted by Frederick Forbes, 1849-50;
  • AMAZON NEUROSIS: failure to accept the socially decreed norm that women are feminine, passive, and attractive to men and instead manifesting aggressive or militarnt attitudes (cf Amazon, ballbreaker, butch, gender variant, Xena complex)
  • AMERICAN BOYZ: the largest grassroots f2m organization, for people “assigned female gender at birth who feel that is not an adequate of complete description of who they are” (cf boyz, boyzzz)
  • AMBIGUOUS GENDER: a person of indeterminate gender (see androgyne, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex)
  • AMBISEXUAL, AMBISEXTROUS: erotically attracted to both sexes, bisexual (cf bisgendered, bisensual, bisexual, pansexual)
  • AMOROSO: a male lover, esp the partner of an older woman (cf ponce, boy, majo, kept man)
  • AMRI YA MUUNGU: (Zanzibar African) ‘the will of God’, the belief that inborn homosexuality is an act of God, and hence tolerable, in contrast to the belief that male prostitution is a chosen sin, and hence, intolerable (cf walevi, hawapendzezwi na nguo za kike)
  • AMY-JOHN: a masculine lesbian; an Amazon (cf Amazon, muscle moll, butch)
  • ANATOMY: the human body, esp those parts not visible under clothing; the genitals
  • ANDANDARA: (Zande) a species of wild cat, considered to be female, and linked with lesbians and witches, the three of which were considered to engage in sex with one another, thereby causing bad luck and disaster for any male who associated with them or witnessed their acts (cf bagbaru, kaima)
  • ANAJIFICHA: (Zanzibar African, Swahili ‘lit. ‘s/he is hiding’): to be closeted (cf. yuko wazi)
  • ANDI: an andrognymous person, used by members of adrogynous communities to refer to other androgynous people (cf androgyne)
  • –ANDRO: having male or masculine characteristics
  • ANDROCENTRIC: phallocentric; centering around men or masculinity; f2m-centric (cf ftm, f2m, ftm-centric, transman, phallic woman)
  • ANDROCRACY: rule by men or males, patriarchy; sexism by female to male transsexuals towards genetic women
  • ANDRODYKE: ‘androgynous dyke’, a lesbian of indeterminate shape; ‘butch lite’, (see butch, androgyne, dike, dyke, epicene, hermaphrodyke, transdyke)
  • ANDROGEN: any of the steroid hormones that develop and mantian masculine characteristics (cf testosterone, t boy, the big t)
  • ANDROGENIZE: to treat with large doses of male hormones (cf androgen, testosterone, transsexual, f2m)
  • ANDROSTERONE: one of the male sex hormones (cf testosterone)
  • ANDROGYNE: a person with physical traits of male and female; a hermaphrodite; a person with an ambiguous gender; a pseudo-hermaphrodite; a person with a male physique and female genitals; an intersexed or transgendered person with a masculine appearance and feminine genitals, as distinguished from hermaphrodites (see ambiguous gender, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, hermaphrodite, angel)
  • ANDROGYNAE: (ancient Greece) another name for Amazons (see Amazon, androgyne)
  • ANDROGYNATION: (historical) sexual intercourse between male and female
  • ANDROGYNOUS/ANDROGYNY: having characteristics of both male and female (cf androgyne, hermaphrodite, angel) “Now the sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature, which once had a real existence, but now is lost, and the word ‘Androgynous’ is only preserved as a term of reproach.”–Plato, from the Symposium (cf genderbending, epicene, bisexual, hermaprodite, androgyne)
  • ANDROPHOBIA: fear and hatred of men; the belief that there is something inherently wrong with men which is the cause of all the ills in the world (cf misandrist)
  • ANGEKOK: (Greenlandic Eskimo) an Eskimo magician or medicine worker, esp a male or masculine one (cf kurami, White Whale Woman, true spirit)
  • ANGEL: an androgynous spirit of Christian, Jewish, or Moslem mythology having both masculine and feminine traits, generally represented as having beardless faces, flat chests, and flat genitalia, and dressed in male garb–and bearing a strong ressemblence to transsexual men once they have taken testosterone and/or had their chests reduced (cf androgyne, hermaphrodite, f2m, fallen angel); a supportive person, esp a financial backer of an enterprise; a male homosexual as either a top or bottom, esp one who financially supports other homosexuals, a sugar daddy; a gay f2m who take the same roles, a leader in the f2m community (cf saint, daddy); an androgyne; a mysterious image on a radar screen, an enemy aircraft, an intimidating but admired person (cf spitfire, virago, saint); in modern mythology, a reinvention of the angel motif to a embody a positive attitude toward sexuality, sexual minorities, and transgendered people–modern angels are often portrayed in fiction and art as androgynous bisexual or gay males (cf androgyne, angelic, angelina, archangel, fallen angel, epicene, bigendered, saint, secular preacher)
  • ANGELIC: of or pertaining to angels, featuring androgynous, spiritual, positive, or supportive characteristics (cf angel, archangel, saint)
  • ANGELINA: a catamite; a receptive sex partner of any gender (cf angel, angelic, archangel, ponce, submissive): a gay male or transman that supports one or more other men or transmen (cf daddy)
  • ANTI-BOD: a scrawny man or fat woman (cf bod)
  • APACHE: a tribe of Native Americans in the Southwest having female to male transgendered persons, whose tribal name is unknown (cf «ndŽ?dzan, kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman)
  • APHRODITE: (ancient Greece) goddess of love and beauty who was worshiped by crossdressed men and women (cf goddess, Athena, Eros, Hermaphrodite, Amazon)
  • ARCHANGEL: a high ranking angel; a powerful person (see angel, angelic, saint)
  • ARTICHOKE: a debauched woman; an ugly old woman; a diseased or ugly prostitute (cf beldame, horse, slut)
  • ASEXUAL: an orientation in which a person chooses to avoid sexual activity and sexual identification (cf autosexual, bisexual, bisensual, pansexual, monosexual, homosexual)
  • ASSINIBOIN: a tribe of Native American in the Great Plains who had female to male transgendered persons, whose tribal name is unknown (cf kurami, manly-heartedly woman, true spirit)
  • ASSISTANT TOP: a person who assists a top, also referred to as a ‘junior top’ or a ‘top in training’ (cf top, dom, domme, master, SM)
  • ASSUMED MASCULINITY: (20th century US) the use of masculine pronouns and words to indicate both male and female persons, with the result that females must be specifically mentioned for clarification (cf brother, sir); the obliteration of neutral or inclusive language and words from minority or historical traditions by the dominant culture, with the result that the feminine presence that was once an integral part of the meaning is replaced by a masculine assumption
  • ASTROLOGY: (Dogon African) a profession in which gay people are supposed to excell (cf. gatekeeper)
  • ATARGATIS: ancient Middle Eastern deity whose rites included crossdressing; also known as Astarte, her name and attributes were perverted by Christians who made her into a male demon named Astaroth
  • ATHANASIAN FELLOWSHIP: sexually active people, esp those that advocate for sexual freedom, from ‘Athanasian wench’, a prostitute, from the Christian Athanasian Creed, which begins with the words, “Whosover desires…”
  • ATHENA: (ancient Greece) goddess of wisdom, sometimes represented as a man, or as wearing male clothing (cf Amazon, Eros, Aphrodite, Hermaphrodite, ithyphalloi)
  • AUNT NANCY MAN: (19th century) a male supporter of women’s suffrage (cf pussy whipped, The Boss, cotquean, role reversal, goddess, goddess worship, Amazon neurosis, nancy)
  • AUTOSEXUAL: one whose significant sexual involvement is with oneself; someone who prefers mastubation over partnered sex (cf asexual, bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, lesbian, gay)
  • AXOTI: (Dahomey African) the practice of massaging and enlarging the lips of the vagina (cf long labia)
  • BAA: (Navajo American) a woman warrior; a Navajo woman’s name; a woman with masculine characteristics, a tomboy, who was not nadle (cf nadle, nadle___baa, nadle___bass dilbaa, situational gender identity, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • B-GIRL: euphemism for butch lesbian
  • BABAMBA: (Congo) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters (cf agule, Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • BABY BUTCH: a woman starting to attempt a butch role; a newly out masculine lesbian (see butch, lipstick butch, butch dagger)
  • BACHELOR: an unmarried man; an unmarried masculine woman; gradually replacing bachelorette for any unmarried woman
  • BACHELORETTE: an unmarried woman; an unmarried masculine woman
  • BACKWARDS DAY: (modern Native American) a form of protest in which Native American women who have been subjected to sexism by other Native Americans spend the day with their clothing turned around backwards and their braids over their faces, the behavior is mildly contrary (cf Contrary)
  • BADE: (Crow American ‘not man, not woman’) a transgendered person (cf kurami, sacred person, wintke, manly-hearted woman, bedache)
  • BAGBARU: (Zande African) lesbian, either of two women who entered into a in which one was the husband and the other the wife (cf kaima)
  • BAIT: an effeminate gay man or butch lesbian who acts as a look out and lures police away from same-sex activity, presumably because of the assumption that an effeminate man or butch woman will excite suspicion and hence be able to decoy the police (cf fribble, gender police)
  • BALDING: among heterosexuals baldness is often construed as a sign of diminishing virility and lessening of personal power, while among gay men it is often seen as a sign of virility and dominance; a common side effect of testosterone use in female to male transsexuals (cf bear, virile)
  • BALL-BEARING: possessing testicles (cf packing)
  • BALL-BEARING STEWARDESS: a male flight attendent; a transsexual flight attendent
  • BALLSY: possessing testicles; gutsy, cocky, impudent
  • BALL-BREAKER: a female who is threatening to men (cf bitch, dog, boss, dominant, goddess, butch, man-eater)
  • BARE-ASSED: with a naked ass, unclothed; with a hairless ass, a male or female without much body hair (cf boy, shave-tail, smooth faced boy)
  • BASEMENT TRANSVESTITE: (Alison Laing, 1989) a crossdresser who has come out of the closet in personal circles, but has not come out publicly. (cf crossdresser, transvestite, closet, out)
  • BASHA: (Zanzibar African) a male authority figure; the king in a deck of playing cards; a masculine, straight-acting male who assumes the dominant role in gay sex (cf. shoga)
  • BASTARD: an obnoxious f2m, ‘just goes to show, you don’t have to have a prick to be a prick’
  • BATTLE AXE: an aggressive, militant or ugly woman, often referred to as ‘the old battle axe’ (see beldame, bitch, amazon, cotquean, dog, dykeosaurus, horsefaced, manly-hearted woman, ogress, spitfire, virago, warrior woman)
  • BDSM: bondage, dominance, sado-masochism, leathersex; any form of kinky or non-standard sexuality, including crossdressing and role reversal, and other gender based sexual variations (cf crossdressing, role reversal, forced masculinization)
  • BEAR: a hairy, fleshy, large, virile man, esp in the gay male community; a woman with the same attributes; a grumpy person (cf she-bear, sir, master, top, dom, bottom, submissive, yonic, forced masculinization, intersexed, testosterone)
  • BEARD: facial hair; in Western cultures it is associated only with males, though it occurs in small numbers of females of Caucasian descent; among some peoples (Native American, Asian) beards on males are scant, while among some peoples, beards are considered desirable for both males and females (ancient Egypt, females of high status wore artificial beards) (cf transsexual, testosterone, polycystic ovarian disease)
  • BEARDED WOMAN: a person with a male body who identifies as a woman; a person with a female body who has been taking testosterone and has acquired a beard; a woman with a naturally high level of testosterone resulting in facial hair (see beldame, intersexual, transsexual, bear)
  • BELDAME: (historical) a grandmother, any remote ancestress; a post-menospausal woman with virilization of her secondary sexual traits, such as facial hair and rough voice; eg, Macbeth’s witches (see bearded woman)
  • BERDACHE, BARDACHE: (French-Arabic) slave boy, male prostitute, eunuch; (among Native Americans) a derogatory term for a person who lives wholly or partially as a member of the opposite sex, if bi-gendered may have apparel, name, and family for each gender identity; each tribe has its own terms and customs for such people, but white people usually lump them all together under the derogatory and erroneous term ‘berdache’; further, white people improperly assume all ‘berdaches’ to be gay or lesbian (see wintke, kurami, nadle, ninauposkitzipspe, manly hearted woman, moroni noho, White Whale Woman, Woman Chief, cross dresser, transvestite, transsexual) “The berdache was often the tribe or band’s medicine man, doctor, story teller, matchmaker, or leading scalp dancer.”–Maurice Kenny (Mohawk American), 1988
  • BERDACHE KACHINA: a ceremonial role among the Hopi passed down through a particular family or families, the kachina was represented with a yucca blossom and an eagle feather, and was embodied by transgendered persons (cf berdache, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • BERING STRAIT ESKIMO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered persons, whose tribal name is unknown (cf kurami, manly-heartedly woman, true spirit)
  • BI: bisexual; bisensual; bigendered; bi-curious (cf)
  • BI-COASTAL: bisexual; on two coasts, a reference to the split between the f2m organizations focused in the North/West versus the f2m organizations focused in the South/East
  • BI-CURIOUS: a person who is curious about the possibility of experiencing a same-sex interaction (cf queer, questioning, bisexual, bisensual, adventurous heterosexual, queer-friendly)
  • BIFURCATED: (19th century US) feminine clothing with legs, as in ‘bifurcated skirts’ (split skirts) fiercely opposed by the social morals of the day, the wearing of such garments could result in arrest or being beaten up, such clothing was commonly worn by cowgirls (cf California riding costume, bloomer, upper-ten, crossdressing, trousers, cowgirl)
  • (THE) BIG T: testosterone, esp, testosterone given intramuscularly to female to male transsexuals (cf t boy, testosterone, androgen)
  • BIGENDERED: having two genders, exihibiting cultural characteristics of male and female roles; alternating between masculine and feminine roles (see ambiguous gender, epicene, variant expressive, androgyne, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, pandgendered) “We all possess both maculine and feminine characteristics in our body. For example, in a tragic situation, being a man, the female characteristics are elicited. The same is true for the woman. Some situation happens and it elicits the male, and she acts like a man. For that reason, because you need both, you have male and female characteristics.”–D.B. (Navajo)
  • BIMBO: (Italian) a young man, an adolescent boy (cf boy, man); (American) (now obsolete) a macho or muscular man; (current usage) a sexually attractive but not too bright woman; a sexually attractive, but not too bright man, also ‘male bimbo’ (cf boy, boytoy, yonic man, MSO)
  • BIO BOY: a genetic male, esp one who takes a receptive role in erotic encounters (cf factory equipped, boy, boytoy)
  • BINARY GENDER SYSTEM: a system in which only two gender roles are recognized (cf sexual apartheid)
  • BINDING, BINDER: the act of using some sort of restraint to flatten and conceal the breasts (cf drag king, male impersonator, crossdressing, stippling, packing, elevator shoes)
  • BIPHOBIA: oppression of bisexuals and bisexuality, either by heterosexuals or by homosexuals (cf bisexual, bisensual, heterosexual, monosexual, homosexual)
  • BISENSUAL: having an appreciation for sensuous but not sexual contacts with two genders
  • BISEXUAL: having features of two sexes (see bigendered, intersexual, transgendered); erotically attracted to two sexes, a typical pattern is for bisexuals to be attracted to very masculine men and very feminine women, but this is not a universal pattern (cf bisensual, sex-blind, pansexual, homosexual, asexual, ambisexual, heterosexual, monosexual); a tomboy (cf tomboy, feminine facade, feminized phallus)
  • BITCH: a female dog or other female animal; a woman who won’t take shit from men (see megabitch, bullbitch, boss girl, bitchy, ball-breaker, dragon lady, phallic woman); a catamite, one of the most common terms likening a yonic man to a female (cf ponce, catamite, toyboy, submissive, bottom, yonic man)
  • BITCHY: sexually provocative, ‘like a bitch in heat’; malicious, catty, aggressive; when used of males, acting like a bitch, either in a verbal or sexual manner (cf bitch, boss girl, bullbitch,)
  • BLACK TRIANGLE: (mid 20th century German) a badge applied by Nazis to lesbians incarcerated in concentration camps; (modern usage) a symbol of lesbian pride
  • BLOKA EGLA WA KE: (Lakota Sioux American) “thinks she can act like a man”, (cf koskalaka, koskalaka winyan, winkte, winkte winyan, true spirit, kurami) “in striving and excelling in such masculine achievements as riding horses and owning and providing for cattle and ultimately family and tiospaye [extended family grouping]”–Beatrice Medicine (Standing Rock Lakota Sioux)
  • BLOOMER: (19th century US) a mode of dress for women introduced in 1851 by Amelia Bloomer as a healthier alternative to the long skirts and corsets then in vogue, it consisted of ‘bloomers’ (similar to harem pants) worn under a short skirt (cf upper-ten, bifurcated); “The Bloomer was an uncouth being, her hair, cut level with her eyes, depended with the graceful curve of a drake’s tail around the flat Turanian countenance, whose only expression was sullen insolence. The body-dress, glazed brown calico, fitted her somewhat like a soldier’s tunic, developing haunches which would be admired only in venison.”–Sir Richard Burton, 1860 [‘Turanian’ is a now obsolete word for several tribes of Asiatic peoples in Eastern Europe; it is not clear whether the observed person was East European, or was being likened to a one, in either case this is a racist as well as a sexist remark.–ed]
  • BLUESTOCKING: (18th century England) a man who attended literary assemblies; a rude term for a woman who affected literary or intellectuel or political interests (cf nerd, academy)
  • BOB: ‘battery operated boyfriend’ euphemism for a vibrator (cf dildo, prosthesis, phallus, strap on dildo)
  • BOD: somebody with an attractive body (cf anti-bod)
  • BODY DYPSHORIA: body image disorder in transsexual persons, which in its extreme forms can lead to self-mutilation or suicide (cf GID, transsexual)
  • BODY FASCIST: a person who takes upon himself to define and enforce what bodies are supposed to look like, and who uses medical, legal, religious and social pressures to create an environment in which their victims lose control of their bodies and must conform to the dictates of the authorities (cf gender police, pussy patrol)
  • BODY MODIFICATION: the alteration of the physical body by extreme exercise, tattoos, piercings, scarification, branding, stretching, hormones, surgery, or other practices (cf urban primitive, queer rebellion)
  • BONAE: (Roman) ‘the good people’ male and female crossdressed pagan dancers who had the power to grant prosperity to any house that gave them gifts
  • BOON DAGGER: a lesbian; a masculine woman (cf dike, bull dagger, old bull)
  • BORDER WARS: the butch-ftm border wars, in which some segments of the butch and ftm communities argued bitterly with each other over the limits of their identities and theories (cf Label Wars)
  • BOSS: a man or woman with excellent command of their art or craft; a man or woman with lots of attitude; eg, ‘Mary Chapin Carpenter is one boss lady’ (see bossy, boss girl, bitch, ball-breaker)
  • (THE) BOSS: among rural Americans, the wife in a heterosexual marriage (cf boss, boss girl, bossy, maja, majo, roler reversal, pussy whipped, cotquean, goddess, goddess worship)
  • BOSS GIRL, BOSS LADY: a bossy or competent woman; the woman in charge; a dominant woman (cf alpha female, boss, bossy, cotquean, lipstick butch, bitch, dragon lady)
  • BOSSY: when applied to women, overbearing or domineering (see boss, boss girl, bitch, dragon lady)
  • BOTTOM: the receptive partner for sex, not a synonym for passive, bottoms expect to take an equal role in the encounter, though they are on the receiving end (cf dom, domme, top, submissive, yonic, gentleman slut, slut. macho slut)
  • BOTTOM SURGERY: the colloquial term for f2m SRS, surgical process of reconstructing female into male genitalia (cf SRS, top surgery, phalloplasty, clitoral release)
  • BOXING: a sport that was legal for women until 1860 in the US, then forbidden, and not restored until 1977
  • BOY: a masculine or boyish lesbian; a masculine or boyish woman; a woman who takes the ‘boy’ roll in a sexual relationship (see boychick, boychik, transboy, daddy, t boy, boy scout, boytoy, boyish, smooth-faced boy, bio boy, t boy, boyz, boyzzz, gentleman slut)
  • BOY-DYKE: a boyish looking, or boy-identified dyke (cf boy, f2m, tomboy, boy-dyke, butch)
  • BOY-DYKE-FAG: a boy-dyke who dates other boy-dykes, butch women, or f2ms (cf boy, f2m, tomboy, butch, boy-dyke, female faggot)
  • BOYHOLE: the vagina of a female to male transgendered person
  • BOY-IN-THE-BOAT: the clitoris (cf rufus)
  • BOY SCOUT: a helpful young man, a member of the Boy Scouts of America, or someone who abides by their principles; by extension, a f2m with a traditional masculine gender presentation and mainstream values, esp a helpful one (cf gentleman butch)
  • BOYCHICK: a masculine or boyish woman, a woman who takes a male cultural role (see guy, boy, mandyke, passing woman)
  • BOYCHIK: (Yiddish American) ‘boy’, a term of endearment for a young male; a boychick (cf boy, boychick, transboy)
  • BOYISH: (used for either males or females) behaving like a boy; behaving in a charmingly submissive and flirtacious manner, inviting sexual advances (cf boy, boychick, boyz, boyzzz, submissive, bottom, poncey, ponce, gentleman slut)
  • BOYTOY: a male or female who takes a boy role during erotic encounters (cf boy, boyish, man, submissive, sextoy, toyboy); a woman who is a sextoy for men
  • BOYZ: a member of the American Boyz organization for people on the female to male spectrum, their significant others, friends, family, and allies; by extension, any f2m crossdresser, transsexual, or intersexual (see boyzzz, boy, boychick, transboy, t boy, boyish)
  • BOYZZZ: a female to male person, not necessarily associated with the American Boyz (see ‘boyz’, ‘boy’ ‘boychick’)
  • BRAVE HEART CRY: (Sioux American) the trilling cry of courageous women (cf ohitika win, turtle woman, manly-hearted woman, kurami, true spirit)
  • BREECHES: trousers; (17th century English theatre) a role played by a woman in male apparel (cf page)
  • BRIMSTONE: (historical) a prostitute, esp a bold or shrewish one (cf spitfire)
  • BRONCO: (from Spanish ‘rough horse’) an unruly horse, an horse that must be broken to be ridden; ((early 20th century) a catamite, a gay male bottom (cf punk); (late 20th century) a Western man or cowboy, especially when viewed as a sex object by either men or women (cf MSO, rodeo, cowgirl)
  • BROTHER: a male sibling; a male member of a church, fraternal organization, or other group; in some organizations, a term of address for both male and female members (cf sir, guy)
  • BROTHERSISTER: an term of address for an androgyne or other person of difficult to determine gender (cf androgyne, transsexual, transgenderist, gender fuck, intersexual)
  • BRUMAIWI: (Atsugewi American) a female to male transgendered person (cf kurami, true spirit)
  • BUCKAROO: (from the Spanish ‘vaquero’, cowboy) a Californian cowboy or cowgirl (cf she-buckaroo, cowboy girl, cowgirl, Western Amazon, Miss West, she-buckaroo)
  • BUFFARILLA: (from ‘gorilla’ and ‘buffalo’) a large, ugly woman (cf muscle moll, ogress, butch, skag)
  • BUFFALO CALF ROAD WOMAN: (Cheyenne American) In 1876 at the Battle of the Rosebud, the Cheyenne and Sioux under Crazy Horse were retreating and her brother was abandoned on the field of battle, she dashed out on her pony and rescued him from under the noses of the white men, her courage so heartened the Indians that they rallied and defeated General Crook, henceforth, the Cheyenne referred to the Battle of the Rosebud as ‘Where the Young Girl Rescued Her Brother’; Buffalo Calf Road Woman’s conspicuous act of courage vaulted her out of the usual feminine gender role into warrior status, and eight days later she was one of six females documented to have ridden into battle against Custer, but it is not known how she dressed or referred to herself after this series of events, but she had status equivalent to male warriors though remaining married to her husband Black Coyote (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • BULL: an uncastrated male of any bovine species; ‘bull’ is frequently used in fanciful ways to indicate masculinity (cf bull bitch, bull dagger, bull dike, old bull); as a verb, to move like a bull, to act violently or to mistreat, to bully
  • BULLY: a child of either sex who torments another child; an adult of either sex who torments a person that is at a disadvantage (cf bull, bull bitch)
  • BULL BITCH: a female bulldog, a masculine woman (see bull dagger, bull dike, butch)
  • BULL DOGGER: (early 20th century US West) a black steer wrestler, esp Bill Pickens, the black cowboy who invented bulldogging (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, bull dagger)
  • BULL DAGGER: (early 20th century US West) from ‘bull dogger’ a black cowgirl; a masculine black woman; a black lesbian; (late 20th century US) a lesbian of any race, esp a very masculine one (see to dike, dyke, bull bitch, bull dike, dieseldike, butch, cowgirl)
  • BULL DIKE, BULLDYKE, BULL DIKER: a bull dogger; a lesbian or masculine woman, esp a butch one (see butch, dyke, see diesel dike)
  • BUTCH: toughly masculine, when used for gay men or women, esp lesbians (see stone butch, gentleman butch, mannish, boss girl, lipstick butch, dieseldike, bull bitch, bull dagger, bull dike, tomboy, severe, Amazon)
  • BUTCH BOTTOM: a butch woman who prefers to take the receptive role in sex (see butch)
  • BUTCH DAGGER: a masculine lesbian (see bull dagger, butch, dyke)
  • BUTCH GRRL: a masculine woman, especially a heterosexual one (cf riot grrl, butch, phallic woman, dom, domme)
  • BUTCHFEMME: a lesbian; a mannish woman
  • BUTCH IT UP, (ALL) BUTCHED UP: adoption of more masculine or macho appearance than is usual, said of either a male or female (see dike, drag)
  • BUTCH MAFIA: a community of butch women
  • BUTCHOPHOBIA: fear and hatred of butch women (cf butch, homophobia, transphobia)
  • BUTCH STRIPTEASE: when drag kings strip down far enough to reveal their female bodies (cf femme pretender, drag king)
  • BUYAZI: (Gisu African) a male or female crossdresser, formerly it was not associated with homosexuality, but now it is
  • BYKE: ‘bisexual dyke’, a bisexual woman (cf dyke, bisexual)


  • CAH: ‘congenital adrenal hyperplasia’, a condition affecting female children, which causes development of the clitoris to a degree that it may ressemble a penis in size, and may be accompanied by development of what appears to be a scrotum, though the child is female and has no testes, at puberty they will develop secondary male characteristics, unless suppressed by medical intervention (cf intersexual, transsexual)
  • CALIFIA: (historical) legendary queen of a tribe of Black Amazons in West Africa, the state of California was named after her; (modern) Pat Califia, author of butch erotica and commentary on gender and sexuality
  • CALIFORNIA RIDING COSTUME: (19th century US West) splits skirts worn by women for riding, this compromise between female modesty and the practicality of trousers was fiercely resisted, “So great at first was the prjeudice against any divided garment in Montana that a warning was given me to abstain from riding on the streets of Miles City lest I might be arrested! After riding forty-eight miles from the ranch, I was much amused at the laughing and giggling girls who stood staring at my costume.”–Evelyn Cameron
  • CARRIER: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, two spirit)
  • CASTRATE: to remove the testicles surgically; to remove the ovaries surgically; to expurgate a book; some scientists theorize that castrated animals are more willing to allow themselves to be mounted by males, during the 19th century castration was practiced as a ‘cure’ for homosexuality and masturbation (cf catamite, yonic man, mounting, transsexual)
  • CATAMITE: (via Latin ‘Catamitus’ from Greek ‘Ganymedes’) receptive partner for anal sex, esp a boy or young man; a male prostitute or eunuch, esp a feminine one (cf boy, berdache, two-spirit, true spirit, sodomy, gay f2m, submissive, ponce, toyboy, cotquean, meacock, molly)
  • CATTLE QUEEN: a successful ranchwoman (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, Miss West, Western Amazon)
  • CELIBATE: not engaging in partnered sex; asexual, neuter, autosexual (cf)
  • CHANGE: a person who has had a sex change (cf SRS, transsexual)
  • CHANGER: a person who frequently changes gender roles
  • CHELXODELEAN(E): (Illinois American) a female to male transgendered person (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • CHEYENNE: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known, but who are sometimes called ‘manly-hearted women’ in English (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • CHICHIFO: (Mexico) a male hustler; generally they solicit just enough of a financial transaction to make it appear that they are not gay and are just doing it for the money (cf macho, joto, puto, mayate)
  • CHINESE AMAZONS: a mythical tribe of Chinese warrior women who took male partners (cf Mulan, Amazon, warrior woman, Ranma, phallic woman, yonic man)
  • CHIPEWYAN: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • CHUGACH: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • CLITORAL RELEASE: a medical technique whereby a clitoris which has been enlarged by taking testosterone can have the labia trimmed and the glans released, accompanied by implants in the labia, which result in a small but passable set of male genitals, it is much less expensive and less likely to have complications than phalloplasty (cf SRS, transsexual, bottom surgery, frankendick, love dart, phalloplasty)
  • CLITORECTOMY: (medical) also called clitoroplasty, the surgical reduction of the clitoris; among intersexed individuals, the reduction of a ‘too large’ clitoris to a ‘normal’ size; among certain African tribes, the removal of the clitoris, often accompanied by infibulation, intended to protect the chastity of the child, ‘female circumcision’; surgical reduction of the penis among African is descried by Americans, but routinely practiced by American physicians upon American children whose clitorises are considered ‘too large’ (cf intersex, IGM)
  • CLOCKED, TO CLOCK: for a non-transgendered person to detect a transgendered person (cf ping, passing, passing woman, passing man)
  • CLOSET: ‘the closet’, the metaphorical place where secrets are kept about identity, eg, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, ethnic background, religion, politics or other issues that are negatively stereotyped and would expose the owner to discrimination and possible violence if it were known that they had such secrets (cf out, coming out)
  • CLOTHESHORSE: a frame for drying clothes; a person who is extremely fond of fashionable, fancy, or trendy clothing; a woman with a fetish for male clothing who is unwilling to admit to being a transvestite or crossdresser (cf genderbender, crossdresser, gay woman, fetish)
  • CLUELESS: exhibiting unawareness and insensitivity to things that should have been noticed (cf clue, clue factory)
  • CLUE: a hint about how to better interact with people to whom one has been insensitive (cf clueless, clue factory)
  • CLUE FACTORY: an apocryphal place where clues are manufactuered (cf clueless, clue)
  • COCK: a penis; a strap on dildo (cf Trickster, strap on dildo, dick, clitoral release, phalloplasty)
  • COCKTEASE: a flirtacious woman who sexually excites a man but does not allow sex; a flirtatious straight man who sexually excites a gay man or transsexual but does not allow sex (cf boy, toyboy, bronco, rodeo)
  • COGNITIVE DISSONANCE WEEK: for an ftm who is still menstruating, that period of time in which they have their periods (cf masculine protection, ftm, testosterone)
  • COMING OUT: ‘coming out of the closet’, exposing a facet that had been kept hidden due to a fear of rejection, discrimination, or violence; often coupled with self-acceptance after a period of self-hatred (cf closet, out)
  • COMPLEMENTARY: (Rroma) the belief that all human beings and spiritual beings have a male side and female side that complement each other, for those that believe in successive lives while passing through the material an spiritual world, the ability to balance male and female is at its greatest when the spirit is most mature, producing an individual who is totally balanced with both sides, with male and female attributes in harmony (cf Rroma, she’ chorne, datha)
  • CONDOM JEWELRY: (Maine Native American) Native American jewelry, especially brooches and earrings for women which contain a condom, distributed as part of an AIDS prevention campaign (cf true spirit, kurami)
  • CONCUBINE: a woman living in with a man as his wife, but not legally recognized as a wife; a secondary or subordinate wife in a polyagamous relationship; a lesbian domestic partner or wife; gay male domestic partner or wife (cf male concubine)
  • CONTRARY SEX: (Zanzibar African) homosexuality
  • COOKED: socialized into a particular gender role, either by upbringing, or through transition (cf transgendered, transsexual)
  • COOZEY, COOZE, COOCH: a man or esp a woman considered as a sex object, esp for nonorthogenital sex (cf catamite, submissive, bottom, boy, yonic, pervert, ponce); also, any person, esp a man or lesbian fond of coozey (cf tranny hawk, t bird, pervert)
  • COPESS: a female cop, a female law enforcement officer
  • COTQUEAN: (historical Scottish) an emasculated man, a homosexual; a shrewish woman, a lesbian; either member of a (heterosexual) marriage in which the female dominates the male (see alpha female, quean, molly, tommy, mollycot, molly, meacock, wear the pants)
  • COW: a female bovine, by extension, cattle of any sex; one of the few occassions in which the feminine has become the default reference for a group of mixed sexes, usually a masculne term is used; also, a woman, esp an old, fat, or ugly woman, ‘old cow’ (cf cowgirl, bull, top cow, horse-faced, beldame, ogress, slut, bitch)
  • COWBOY GIRL: (19th century US West) a female cowboy, later shortened to cowgirl (cf cow, cowgirl, wrangler, hard, Miss West, cattle queen) “This is a deuced fast place. Most independent women here I ever seen.”–Mollie (19th century)
  • COWGIRL: (20th century US West) a woman who performed the exact same work as a cowboy; a ranchwoman or female ranch hand who handled livestock, esp cattle, broke horses, competed in the rodeo, or otherwise performed men’s work. Early rodeos allowed competition by women in all events, later women were banned from all events except barrel racing in ARA and PRCA rodeos. IGRA rodeos permit men and women to compete equally in all events. Cowgirls often adopted male attire and masculine or male identities & names (cf bronco, rodeo, cow, cowboy girl, wrangler, hard, cattle queen, Miss West) “I have a great respect for ladies. Especially those with revolvers.”–anonymous, 1950s
  • COWPOKE: a cowboy or a cowgirl (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, Western Amazon, Miss West, buckaroo)
  • COYOTE: (Native American) Native American Trickster god some times portrayed as male, some times as female, sometimes as straight, gay, lesbian, or crossdresser of either gender, in some stories he carries his penis in a box on his back (cf berdache, kurami, true spirit, two spirit, strap on dildo, Coyote scam, crazy wisdom)
  • COYOTE SCAM: (late 20th century Native American) a con job performed by a modern Coyote in order to teach a lesson, they generally consist of Coyote acting out exaggerated expressions of stereotypes believed by his audience and can generally be detected by Coyote’s assertion that if you send him money he will validate your existence and make you into a real life imitation of whatever it is you think you want to be (cf Coyote, crazy wisdom)
  • CREATOR: (from Sioux wakan takan, ‘great mystery’, usually rendered in English as either Great Spirit or Creator) the supreme deity, personified as the Creator of the world and all things in it, a hermaphrodite being that brought forth men and women from Its own body (cf Double Woman, kurami, winkte, true spirit)
  • CREATURE: (19th century US West) term of contempt used by white people for transgendered Native Americans, esp Yellow Head of the Ojibwa tribe, who wore women’s dress, was courageous in battle, and obnoxious when drunk (cf berdache, winkte, true spirit) “He was famous for once having stood off a whole band of Sioux with nothing but a bow and arrows, while he covered his companion’s retreat to safety.”–O’Meara
  • CREE: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • CROSSDRESSER, CD: the most neutral word to describe a person who dresses, at least partially, or part of the time, as member of the opposite sex; carries no implications of ‘usual’ gender appearance, or sexual orientation (cf drag king, male impersonator, feminine impersonator, passing woman, XDR, f2m)
  • CROSSGENDER: A person who crosses gender distinctions, as opposed to ‘bigender’ somebody who exhibits both masculine and feminine gender identities (cf transgender, bigender)
  • CROSSWIRED: gender variant, transgendered, “The whole thing about labels sux! It has caused more confusion in my life than I want to go into now. I am a spiritual being who chooses to follow the goddess in thought & body.”–Pat Earl, m2f prisoner (cf gender variant, transgendered, crossdresser, transsexual); gay, lesbian, or bisexual (cf gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer)
  • CROW: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf Woman Chief of the Crow, kurami, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • DADDY: a man who takes a parental role in an intimate relationship; a sugar daddy, a man who supports his lover–any orientation (cf angel, angelina); a lesbian or woman who takes a parental male role in an intimate relationship (see boy, top, dom, bear, she-bear, master)
  • DANDY: (historical) a well-dressed dressed man (cf all diked out); a flamboyant gay male (cf gay) ; a clotheshorse (cf FTV)
  • DATHA: (Lavari Vlax Romani, ‘many paths’) a homosexual; Rroma churches often welcome gays because there is no taboo against homosexuality under Romaniya, however, particular tribes may have taboos as each tribe is autonomous and self-defining, (cf Rom, Rroma, Romaniya, she’chorne, complementary)
  • (THE) DEADLIER OF THE SPECIES: the female, after Rudyard Kipling’s poem (cf warrior woman, ball-breaker, bitch, goddess)
  • DEFEMINIZE: to make unfeminine; a biological theory that holds that all fetuses begin as female, but male fetuses must be defeminized and also masculinized in order to be come male, abnoramilities in this process are seen as the cause of transsexualism in this theory (cf masculinize)
  • DEMONIC POSSESSION: (15th – 17th century Europe and US) the Christian belief that gender and/ore sexuality nonformity was inspired or caused by Satan, leading to old women being persecuted as witches (cf beldames); (20th century US) the belief held by a small number of Christians that gender or sexual nonformity is the result of demonic possession, this is paralleled by youth who use Satanism as a form of rebellion; also, the belief by certain sects of Christians that all non-Christian religions are false religions and all non-Christian deities are demons intent on deceiving human beings, this interpretation is widely advocated by the 700 Club; some modern Christian churches run ‘street missions’ to find homeless, runaway or impoverished lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered youth whom they can recruit and retrain as model heterosexual Christians; in its more extreme incarnation, deprogrammers kidnap lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons and use a process of medical and/or religious brainwashing to retrain them as conventional heterosexuals (cf reparative therapy, ex-gay)
  • DICE, DIKE: (mythological Greek) ‘Dice’, goddess of justice, one of several deities invented to personify natural law; a lesbian (see dyke, Amazon, ithylphalloi, Kaineus, Athena)
  • DIKE/DYKE: a ditch, hole, or excavation; the female genitals; a woman; a lesbian (cf dice, dyke)
  • DICK: a penis, as opposed to a ‘cock’ ie, a strap on dildo; the enlarged clitoris of a female to male transgendered person who has been taking testosterone (cf Trickster, strap on dildo, cock, testosterone)
  • DIESELDIKE: a very masculine lesbian; a woman of any orientation who works as a mechanic (see bull dike, boon dagger, bull bitch, dykeosaurus, butch, bull dagger)
  • DILDO: artificial phallus used for sexual stimulation of men or women, in the US they are generally fashioned in the shape of penis or with a slim, neutral cylindrical shape, in other cultures they are quite ornate and may be highly decorated or made in the image of animals and equipped with accessories for additional sensations (cf phallus, prosthesis, strap on dildo, dick, cock, ithyphallic); also, a vibrating dildo, a vibrator
  • (TO) DIKE: (nineteenth century) to get dressed up fancily, formerly applied to well-dressed men, eg. ‘all diked out’; later applied to women who adopted masculine apparel (see, dice, dyke, bulldyke, dieseldike); for a woman to wear clothing stereotypically worn by men, eg, uniforms
  • DIKE-NWAMI: (Nigeria African, lit. ‘brave woman’) a female person who adopts a man’s role in life, but who is still considered woman
  • DIRECT: straight forward, plain spoken in speech and action, often used in the phrase ‘masculine directness’, used for women who do not dissemble, a neutral term, one of the few terms that does not carry a sexual connotation (see bitch, boss, dominant, domme, dom, top)
  • DISCORDANT GENITALIA: genitalia that do not match the overall masculine or feminine appearance of a transgendered person (cf after market, testosterone, transsexual, intersexual, SRS, transgendered)
  • DOG: an unattractive woman; a masculine woman; (cf horse-faced, handsome, bitch, ogress, jane, unwomanly) alternatively, a person who adopts a dog identity (metaphorical or literal) to provide an interface with a society that disapproves of their sexuality or gender expression (cf zoophilia, furrysex)
  • DOM: dominant, esp a person who is sexually dominant, carries an implication of neuter or masculine identity, whether used for males or females; the masculine variant of ‘domme’ (cf boss, bitch, top, daddy)
  • DOMINANT: strong, forceful, decisive; erotically aggressive, maintaining the initiative in erotic situations (cf dom, domme, top, daddy, boy, bottom, submissive, yonic, phallic woman, ithyphalloi)
  • DOMME: the feminine variant of ‘dom’, a dominant feminine person, usually but not always female; a domina, a dominatrix (cf boss, bitch, goddess, phallic woman, top)
  • DOUCHE BAG SHAKER: a man who is supported by a woman
  • D.R.A.B: ‘dressed as a boy’ (see drag, drag, D.R.A.G., in drab, trans king, clotheshorse)
  • D.R.A.G: ‘dressed as a girl’, attributed to stage directions of Shakespeare’s day, during which period women were forbidden, and so males had to play female roles dressed as a girl (cf drag, D.R.A.B)
  • DRAG: A coherent set of apparel that projects a particular image, eg ‘business drag’, ‘cowboy drag’, ‘femme drag’, ‘drag queen’, (cf D.R.A.G., drag king, D.R.A.B., drag queen, f2m drag queen, trans king, clotheshorse)
  • DRAG BOY: (Jewish American) a butch lesbian, a drag king (cf drag king, butch, trans king clotheshorse)
  • DRAG BUTCH: a a butch female who passes as a heterosexual male (cf butch, stone butch, strict butch, gentleman butch)
  • DRAG KING: lesbian variant of ‘drag queen’; a woman who appears as a man on a temporary basis, she may or may not have any masculine expression in her usual life, sometimes appears in an exaggerated way or as part of a public performance (cf crossdresser, male impersonator, feminine impersonator, passing woman, drag queen, f2m drag queen, stippling, binding, trans king, clotheshorse, drag boy)
  • DRAG KING PAGEANT: a competition, usually hosted by lesbians, to determine which of various entrants is the most convincing masculine impersonator, transsexuals or other people who have had bodily modifications are usually barred from competing (cf drag king, transsexual, passing woman, passing man, butch, masculine impersonator, trans king)
  • DRAG QUEEN: a person, usually a gay male, who dresses up in an exaggeratedly feminine manner as a form of recreation; some women are now participating as drag queens (see also f2m drag queen, crossdresser, transsexual)
  • DRAGONFLY LODGE: (Cheyenne American) “In this connection, the Dragonfly is the symbol of the whirlwind, that which connects Mother Earth and Father Sky, the bridge between male and female principles.”–Terry Tafoya (Taos/Warm Springs) (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • DRAGON LADY: a very aggressive woman, an admiring or affectionate term (cf bitch, boss, goddess, ballbreaker)
  • DRAMATURGY: the playing out of roles in every day life (cf feminine impersonator, male impersonator, role reversal, gender role)
  • DRAWER TEST: a test of femininity used by some feminists and lesbian separatists, to wit, any person who is able to remove her dick and put it in a drawer is welcome, also known as the ‘slam it in the drawer test’ on account of those male-to-female transsexual lesbians who insisted they were perfectly capable of putting their (still attached biological) penis into a drawer (cf dildo, strap on dildo, m2f, gender police, dick, cock)
  • DUDINE: (1930s) a female dude, a woman who dressed like a cowgirl but was not; by the 1930 cowgirls were being forced out of rodeo and film and replaced by rodeo queens and dudines; barrel racing is the only rodeo event current open to women outside of the IGRA circuit (cf cowgirl, Western Amazon, bull dagger)
  • DYKE, DIKE: a hole, ditch, excavation; a lesbian, esp a masculine lesbian (see dike); a woman wearing masculine clothing, especially uniforms (cf mama bear, to dike)
  • DYKE DADDY: a man who enjoys the company of lesbians, espcially butch lesbians (cf trans hag)
  • DYKEOSAURUS: an aggressive or very masculine lesbian (see bull dike, butch, bitch)
  • DYKETYKE: a boy or young man who enjoys the company of lesbians, especially butch lesbians (cf Dyke Daddy, fag hag)
  • EGO-DYSTONIC HOMOSEXUAL: (psychology) a person who has difficulty coping with the fact that they are homosexual (cf ego-dystonic heterosexual)
  • EGO-DYSTONIC HETEROSEXUAL: (canting slang) a person who has difficulty coping with the fact that they are heterosexual (cf ego-dystonic homosexual, queer straight)
  • ELDER: an older, wiser member of a community; among Native cultures, a person at least thirty years of age, esp a leader (see kurami, true spirit, beldame, bull dike, old bull)
  • ELECTROLYSIS: the permanent removal of undesired facial and body hair, principally for female clients who are perceived as too masculine because of their naturally occuring facial or body hair, it is also used by m2f transsexuals to make their appearance more feminine (cf transsexual, butch, severe, premasculine)
  • ELEVATOR SHOES: shoes with a thick sole designed to make a short person seem taller (cf passing, drag king, packing, stippling, binding)
  • ELXA: (Native American) a transgendered person (cf transgendered, wintke, kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman)
  • EPANGA: (Khoisan African) lover, either a gay male or lesbian (cf. omukeutu, oupanga)
  • EPICENE: (19th century, from a Greek root, meaning ‘common’ or ‘shared’) a person of indeterminate shape, an androgyne; an effeminate or bisexual man—Wild Bill Hickok and Oscar Wilde were considered to be epicene (see androgyne, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, boy, ponce)
  • EROS: (ancient Greece) god of love and sex, usually represented as a handsome youth, but also as a hermaphrodite; as Phanes s/he is considered the mother of the world and always represented as a hermaphrodite (cf Amazon, Athena, hermaphrodite, Kaineus, Dice)
  • EUNUCH: a male whose testicles or testicles and penis have been removed or never developed (cf intersexual, castrate, catamite, androgyne); (historical Byzantium) a female who lived openly as an effeminate man, considered to be equivalent to a male eunuch, the clitoris might have been removed (cf gay woman, androgyne, angel, passing woman, posestra)
  • EX-GAY: a former homosexual, esp one who has been through Christian gender training to become a stereotypical heterosexual (cf demonic possession, reparative therapy)
  • EXPERIMENTS OF NATURE: a euphemism for ‘mutations’, especially intersexed people, embodying the idea that there are only two sexes, and that variations are abnormal and undesirable (cf binary gender system, intersex, transsexual)


  • F2M, FTM: abbreviations for ‘female to male’; usually used to identify f2m transsexuals, but also used to identify f2m crossdressers and intersexuals (see transsexual, FTV, WTM, MTM, transman, crossdresser, drag king, intersexual); (West Coast United States) ftm is used only for female to male transsexuals, (East Coast United States) f2m is used in the broader sense (note divergent spellings)
  • F2M COMMUNITY: female to male transsexuals as a group; female to male crossdressers, transsexuals and intersexuals as a group; female to male crossdressers, transsexuals, intersexuals, and their significant others, friends, family, and allies as a group (see f2m spectrum)
  • F2M SPECTRUM: anyone born female who feels that is not an adequate or complete description of who they are along with their significant others, friends, family, and allies; the f2m community
  • FACTORY EQUIPPED: a biological male, as opposed to a transsexual male (cf after market, frankendick, SRS, dildo, strap on dildo)
  • FAILED HETEROSEXUAL: a term derived from the belief that people become queer because they attempt and fail at heterosexuality
  • FAG: ‘factory accessorized gay’, a gay f2m (cf gay f2m, fagdyke, faggot, transsexual)
  • FAG DRAG: a drag king who performs a gay male identity (cf drag king, femme pretender, transfag, fagdyke)
  • FAGDYKE: a gay or bisexual f2m (see transfag, female faggot, gay woman, gay f2m, mandyke)
  • FAGGOT: a term of contempt for either men or women; (historical) a bundle of sticks; (historical) a bag of old bones; (historical) an old, ugly, despised woman, ie, one likely to be burnt as a witch (see beldame, horse-faced, dog, skag); (historical) a female prostitute (see gay, spitfire, brimstone, slut); (20th century US) a male homosexual; note: many modern theorists look to medieval origins for homosexual slang, but terms such as faggot, fairy, gay, and queen come out of 19th century slang for women, esp prostitutes, because homosexual males were stereotyped as effeminate and promiscuous (cf cotquean, homosexual, heterosexual, transgendered, fairy, gay, slut, quean, queer)
  • FAG HAG: a derogatory term for a woman who prefers gay male company, however modern awareness realizes that many women have perfectly good reasons to prefer gay men over straight men for companionship; also, sometimes used for a female faggot (see female faggot, gay woman, transfag, fruit fly, trans hag)
  • FAIRY: (19th century England) a jaded or debaunched old woman (cf beldame); (19 – 20th century US) a homosexual of either gender (cf homosexual); (20th century US) any man who practices nonorthogenital sex acts, a man who performs anal sex or oral sex with either male or female partners (see epicene, bisexual, adventurous heterosexual); a feminine man
  • FALLEN ANGEL: in Christian mythology, any of the angels that rebelled against Jehovah and followed Lucifer; Lucifer himself; any person fallen from moral conduct; any person engaging in religiously disapproved forms of sexuality or gender identity (cf angel, archangel, angelic, saint, secular preacher)
  • FALSE TRANSVESTITE: a female masqueradeing as a male transvestite, especially women who do so to work as prostitutes (cf female female impersonator)
  • FANCY SHAWL DANCE: (20th century Native American) a lively form of dance done by women wearing colorful shawls; originally all women were limited to the slow and stately Traditional dance, but some women disguised themselves as men and entered Men’s Fancy Dance and won the competition; after that the category of Fancy Shawl Dance was established to enable women to show off their dancing prowess (cf kurami)
  • FAUX MEN: ‘fake men’, lesbians, especially butch lesbians; women who masquerade as men (cf drag king, male impersonator, f2m, transsexual, intersexual)
  • FEIGELE: (American Yiddish, lit. ‘little bird’) timid, shy; stereotypically gay
  • FEMALE BERDACHE: (1997 US) “female bodied, crossdressing Native American warriors and shamans”–Pat Califia, Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism, note, Native Americans consider the term ‘berdache’ offensive (cf berdache, kurami)
  • FEMALE CIRCUMSION: (Africa) the removal of the clitoris and reduction of the labia, often accompanied by infibulation; (United States) infant genital mutlilation (IGM), the reduction of a ‘too large’ clitoris for purely cosmetic or reasons of social acceptability (cf IGM, female eunuch, love dart)
  • FEMALE DRAG QUEEN: a woman who dresses and performs as a drag queen (cf female female impersonation, femme, feminine facade)
  • FEMALE ENUNCH: a woman who has had her clitoris removed; a virgin; (historical Byzantium) a female who lived openly as an effeminate man, considered to be equivalent to a male eunuch, the clitoris might have been removed; (rare) asexual females in other cultures (cf eunuch, gay woman, androgyne, angel, passing woman, posestra, female man, female faggot)
  • FEMALE FAGGERY: a collective term for women who identify with, or as, gay men; the actions and beliefs of people so identified (see female faggot, girlfag, fag hag, trans hag)
  • FEMALE FAGGOT: a woman who passes as a man and who engages in gay identified relationships with men; (see guy, one of the boys, gay woman, trans fag, gay ftm, fagdyke, female faggery, girlfag, fag hag, trans hag); sometimes mistakenly called a ‘fag hag’
  • FEMALE FEMALE IMPERSONATION: exaggeratedly feminine performances by actresses such as Mae West and Texas Guinan; Texas had given up a career as the toughest and most masculine of the screen cowgirls to become a high femme speakeasy hostess in New York (cf false transvestite, feminine facade, female drag queen, femme)
  • FEMALE HUSBAND: a female man who married a woman (cf female man, female knight, female son, transman, transsexual, crossdresser); in some African tribes, a custom in which a female was obliged to fill a male role due to a death of male kin (cf Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • FEMALE KING: (Lovedu African) female rulers who consciously play the role of kings, rather than queens
  • FEMALE MAN: an f2m transsexual who has not had genital surgery
  • FEMALE KNIGHT: (11th century Norman Sicily) a woman who wore male dress and armor, cut her hair short, and who fulfilled all the duties of a knight in combat and in fealty (cf sir, woman warrior, jawan, posestra)
  • FEMALE OFFENDER: from the book Female Offender, by Cesare Lombroso, 1895, a well regarded scholar, which asserted that women who looked like men were congenital criminals; sexologists Krafft-Ebbing and Ellis concluded that such people were ‘sexual inverts’ or lesbians (cf sexual invert, dike, tomboy, cowgirl)
  • FEMALE PENIS: (Protestant Reformation in Europe) an enlarged clitoris, if a crossdressing woman who had sex with women was determined to have a ‘female penis’, they could be in some jurisdictions be convicted of sodomy which was a capital crime as opposed to merely convicted of crossdressing ,which was not (cf hermaphrodite, ambiguous genitals, crossdresser, f2m)
  • FEMALE POPE: the legendary Pope Joan, a woman who passed as a man and was elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, but who was stoned to death after giving birth during a public parade, the Catholic Church denies her existence
  • FEMALE-TO-CONSTRUCTED-MALE:Ê(late 20th century, Janice Raymond The Transsexual Empire) a circumlocution for female to male transsexual that emphatically denied the legitimacy and reality of transmen (cf feminist fundamentalism, f2m, transsexual, transman) “All transsexuals rape women’s bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves.”–Janice Raymond (see FTG, gay ftm, transfag, fagdyke, fag, female faggery)
  • FEMALE SON: a tradition in which a daughter was raised as a boy or with male privileges, sometimes to replace serve as a replacement in a family that had no surviving sons, but sometimes because the nature of the child was considered masculine (cf posestra, vowed virgin, kurami, female man, transman, tomboy, female husband)
  • FEMALE TRANSVESTITE, FTV: a biologically female person who wears male clothing, either as a hobby, or as usual appearance, implies an element of sexual gratification (see cross dresser, berdache, male impersonator, mandyke, F2M, transvestite)
  • FEMININE FACADE: appropriately feminine behavior exhibited to smooth social interaction for a girl or woman who was previously ostracized for being a tomboy (cf tomboy, feminine impersonator, feminized phallus, penis envy)
  • FEMININE IMPERSONATOR: a genetic woman who feels she is faking being female (cf crossdresser, male impersonator, passing woman)
  • FEMINISM: the belief in the equality and worth of women, particularly its dogmas and political agendas, as distinguished from those who believe in the equality and worth of women, but disagree with many points of feminist theory and practice (cf feminist fundamentalism, womanism)
  • FEMINIST FUNDAMENTALISM: the creed that men and the patriarchy are the source of all ills that befall women, and that the only way to combat them is to eliminate pornography, prostitution, sexual harassment of women, and male or masculine influences, as per Mary Daly, Andrea Dworkin, Janice Raymond, and many other white middle class college educated thinkers; in this view of the world m2fs are interlopers who are adopting new tactics to control and shame women, and f2ms are traitors who have sold out to the patriarchy, while issues of race and class are overlooked, except as to how they enable men to victimize women (cf gender police, f2m)
  • FEMINIZED PHALLUS: a convoluted psychological theory in which effeminacy in a boy is blamed on the ‘fact’ that his mother has feminized his phallus, because she was a tomboy as a child, and though she has learned to adopt a ‘feminine facade’, she secretly maintains a tomboyish identity, which she manifests by remaking her son in her image. These women were frequently diagnosed with penis envy and blamed for their sons ‘feminine mannerisms. (cf feminine facade, feminine impersonator, penis envy, penis awe, trousers)
  • FEMME FETISH: an erotic attraction to femininity, which can manifest as an erotic attraction for feminine men or women, or/and as an erotic attraction for owning, using, or wearing feminine objects, many transgendered people (m2f and f2m) have a femme fetish to one degree or another (cf transvestite, FTV, drag queen, f2m drag queen, crossdresser, XDR, forced crossdressing)
  • FEMME PRETENDER: a feminine drag king who performs an exaggerated parody of masculinity, often ending the performance by exposing her breasts or otherwise contradicting the masculine performance (cf drag king)
  • FETISH: (Native American) a ritual object with spiritual significance; (modern American) an object with sexual significance, esp an object that causes arousal or is used as an aid to arousal (cf transvestite, clotheshorse, fetish appeal)
  • FETISH APPEAL: something that appeals to a person who is interested in bdsm
  • FINAL GIRL: the woman who survives the monsters in a horror film, generally speaking, slightly butch, and hence unattractive to males, the monsters don’t eat her which is a metaphor for the belief that ‘real men don’t want unfeminine women.’
  • FIRE BIRD, FREE WOMAN: (Polynesian) A woman who eschews formal marriage and maintains her independence; always a respected member of Polynesian society; paralleling faka fafini, an effiminate man who dressed and lived as a woman, and who was also accepted by Polynesian society.
  • FIRST BERRY PICKER: among Bella Coola Indians, the woman or transgendered person entitled to pick the first berries of summer was called Skheent (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit) “His face is like a woman, his voice that of a woman, but he has masculine characteristics as well.”–McIlwraith, 1948
  • FLESHY: (early to mid 20th century) a euphemism for ‘muscular’, which was considered bad for a woman (cf muscle moll, girljock, Mack truck, stout, robust)
  • FNG: (1960s Vietnam) ‘fucking new guy’, during the Vietnam War recently assigned, inexperienced soliders were considered likely to get themselves and the men around them killed and hence were not welcomed until they have several months of experience and the old guys didn’t have to worry about them doing something stupid that would get them all blown up; a newly out f2m, esp one who has only recently joined an organization and starts asserting their opinion and throwing their weight around (cf FNT, f2m)
  • FNT: ‘fucking neurotic transsexual’, a term of opprobrium referring to obssessive preoccupation with transgenderism to the point of emotional paralysis and misery (cf penis envy, f2m-centric, Gender Identity Disorder)
  • (TO) FOLLOW THE TAIL OF THE CROW: (colloquial 19th and early 20th century US) to slavishly follow a Christian (esp. an evangelical) minister, who is caricaturized as a crow because of his black dress and whose preaching is caricaturized as a raucous cawing (cf gender police, queer rebellion); (Native American) in Ghostdance, to seek guidance from crows, the messenger spirits of the Ghostdance
  • FOLLOWING THE PATH: (Native American) following the path revealed by the Great Mystery, being true to the spirit within (cf true spirit)
  • FORCED CROSSDRESSING: an erotic role playing game in which one partner is ‘forced’ to behave as or don the apparel of the opposite sex, forced feminization of men is most common, but forced masculination of women is also practiced by some couples; likewise, forced feminization of f2ms is practiced by a small number of couples (cf crossdresser, transvestite, dom, domme, top, bottom, submissive, yonic, forced masculination, boy, daddy)
  • FORCED MASCULINIZATION: an erotic game in which a woman is ‘forced’ to behave as a boy or man and/or to don masculine apparel (cf forced crossdressing, girlfag)
  • FRANKENDICK: (from Frankenstein’s monster) a derogatory term for the results of female to male gential surgery, so called because it is supposedly incapable of sensation or function (cf factory equipped, after market, SRS, dick, cock, drawer test, strap on dildo)
  • FREAK: failing to adhere to conventional norms of appearance (cf misfit, ogress, mutant, morph, scrat, Old Scratch)
  • FRIBBLE: an effeminate, transvestite, or homosexual male (cf meacock, cotquean); a female transvestite, mannish or dominant woman (cf butch, cotquean)
  • FRIGHTEN THE HORSES, FRIGHTEN THE MUNDANES: cause consternation or dismay, esp by one’s appearance or sexual habits (cf freaking the mundanes)
  • (THE) FRIENDLY HORMONE: testosterone; studies have found that men with low levels of testosterone are more aggressive, and that administration of testosterone improves their temperment; among female to male transsexuals, many report that taking testosterone makes them feel more peaceful and relaxed (cf f2m, transsexual)
  • FROTTAGE: a form of sexual activity in which one partner rubs his or her genitalia against the other partner’s body, can be performed either clothed or unclothed, (cf tribadism)
  • FRUIT FLY: a derogatory term for a woman who prefers the company of gay men (cf fag hag, female faggot, gay woman, trans fag, girlfag)
  • FTG: female to gay male transsexual (cf gay F TM, transfag, fagdyke)
  • FTM: see f2m
  • FTM-CENTRIC: centering around female to male transsexuals; centering around people on the female to male spectrum to the deliberate exclusion of non-transgendered partners and other non-transgendered individuals who are nonetheless expected to support f2ms (cf androcracy, reverse sexism)
  • FTM DRAG QUEEN: a person born female with a masculine identity who has a fetish for feminine clothing or who likes to dress up as a drag queen as a form of recreation (cf drag queen, drag king, female female impersonator)
  • FTM-SPECIFIC ERECTILE TISSUE: the enlarged clitoris of an f2m person who has used testosterone and/or pumps, resulting in an organ significantly larger than the usual female clitoris, but not as large as a male penis
  • FTV: a female transvestite (cf female transvestite, crossdresser, drag king, passing woman, masculine impersonator, gender bender)
  • FURRYSEX: a form of sexual identity in which an individual defines themselves as an animal or fantastical being, either for fun, or as a sustained identity (cf. zoophilia, dog)
  • GAI: Gay American Indian, association of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Native Americans (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, two-spirit, kurami)
  • GAL-BOY: a lesbian (cf butch, Amy-John)
  • GATEKEEPER: (Dagara African) a person who fulfills an important role by bridging the gap between the spiritual and material worlds, “Any person who is this link between this world and the other world experiences a state of vibrational consciusness which is far higher, and far different, fomr the one that a normal person would experience. This is what makes a gay person gay.”–Mailidoma Some (cf two spirit)
  • GAY: (19th US) happy, merry, flirtacious, sexually active; gay girl=prostitute, gay boy=male prostitute, to go gaying=to go in search of sex (cf gay woman, gay f2m, gay it up); (modern US) homosexual in orientation or appearance
  • GAY BODY: the idea that homosexual or prehomosexual persons can be identified by physical appearance; fifty yearsÕ worth of studies have demonstrated that there are no significant physical differences between homosexuals and non-homosexuals, however the search goes on, usually now translated into a search for gay gene or a physical cause of Gender Identity Disorder with the goal of preventing the development of homosexuality and/or transsexualism in adults (cf transsexualism, homosexuality, gender identity disorder, prefeminine, premasculine, gay gene, left-handed, body dysphoria)
  • GAY CARD: mythical card granting the bearer membership in the gay community
  • GAY GENE: the theory that homosexuality is genetic in origin (cf gay body)
  • GAY GODDESS: anyone of several Hollywood actresses popular with gay men and lesbians (cf goddess, the gay goddess, the Goddess Grace)
  • (THE) GAY GODDESS: athletic, butch, African-American actress Grace Jones, especially in her incarnation as the Goddess Grace (cf goddess, gay goddess, Goddess Grace)
  • GAY IMPERSONATOR: a woman who presents herself as a gay man (see fag hag, gay woman, gay f2m)
  • (TO) GAY IT UP: to act in a stereotypically gay way; for a woman to adopt effeminate male dress as opposed to feminine or masculine dress (cf gay, gay woman, genderbending, angel, androgynous, crossdresser, fag hag)
  • GAY FTM, GAY F2M: a biologically female person who identifies as a gay or bisexual male and engages in gay identified relationships with men; they are distinguished from heterosexual women in that they view themselves as men, not as women and follow gay models of sexuality (cf female faggot, trans fag, gay woman, fagdyke, FTG)
  • GAY ROLE MODEL: a gay male, usually androgynous in appearance, who is used as a role model by women (cf gay impersonator, gay woman)
  • GAY WIDOWER: a heterosexual man who is married to a fag hag or a trans fag hag; a heterosexual man whose wife leaves him home to babysit while she hangs out with her gay male or transmale friends (cf widower, fag hag, trans fag hag, gay woman)
  • GAY WOMAN: a lesbian, esp a butch lesbian; to paraphrase Mary Daly, “while she may relate genitally to other women, has bought into patriarchal values inimical to womanhood”; (see dike, dyke, butch, guy, mandyke, daddy, boy); also, a heterosexual woman who identifies as or with gay men (see female faggot, trans fag, gay ftm, fruit fly, fag hag, fagdyke)
  • GBTS: (Native American) ‘gay, bisexual, and two-spirited’; also ‘gay, bisexual, and transsexual’ (cf GB2, GBT2, two spirit)
  • GB2: ‘gay, bisexual, and two-spirited’ (cf GBTS, GBT2, two-spirit)
  • GBT2: ‘gay, bisexual, transgendered, and two-spirited’ (cf GBTS, GB2)
  • GEEK: (early 20th century) a person who performs disgusting sexual acts, a pervert; a carnival performer who performs disgusting entertainments, such as biting the head off a live chicken; a person with bad hygiene or an ugly appearance who is considered sexually unattractive; an intelligent but socially inept person who is considered sexually unattractive; a gross or disgusting person of any sort; intelligent females were often stereotyped as geeks and nerds (cf bluestocking, academy)
  • GEN: ‘genetic’, a genetic man or woman; ‘the gens’, genetic people, esp those who are unaware of or who don’t understand transgendered people (cf bio boy, factory equipped, genman)
  • GENDER: masculinity or feminity, non-biological factors determining whether one is man or woman or other (cf binary gender system, sexual dimorphism)
  • GENDERBENDING, GENDERBLENDING, GENDER BLURRING: androngynous, combining elements of two or more genders (see two-spirited, androgyne, hermaphrodite, bigendered, bisexual)
  • GENDER DYSPHORIA: Gender Identity Disorder, the condition of having the gonads and apparently normal physical development of one gender while identifying with and feeling that one is a member of the opposite gender; transsexualism (see gender identity disorder, transsexual)
  • GENDER-FREE: not bound by the constraints of a two-gender system; not
    relating behavior to genetal, genetic or other physical means; free to
    choose from behaviors attributed to any gender– this does not mean
    androgyny, anthough it may be expressed that way however it may also be expressed
    as being largely stereotypically a man or woman, as long as the behaviors
    have not been artificially encouraged (cf transgendered, gender variant, andrygyny)
  • GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER, GID: Failing to identity with and behave in accordance with the expectations of one’s assigned gender; differs from gender dysphoria in that the a person with GID does not necessarily identify with the opposite gender, but simply fails to identity with their own gender; (see gender dysphoria, transsexual); “the psychological stress that results from having narrowminded bigots dictate my gender”–Anonymous; an obfuscation of male or female homosexuality (cf gay, lesbian, bisexual)
  • GENDER INAPPROPRIATE: the psychiatric term for gender that fails to adhere to social norms (cf gender variant, transgender, gender identity disorder, gender police)
  • GENDER NOISE: “What was the sticking point really for Personnel and the other people who chose to make an issue of my “no-tie-too-fem” status at work was they didn’t like my “gender noise”. They could really care less what I cut off or sewed on so long as they didn’t have to see it, and I behaved as they expected me to. Whether they were right or not really didn’t matter.”–Lori
  • GENDER ORACLE: a person whom people consult in an attempt to determine the gender of a third person without having to actually ask the party about whom the question has arisen
  • GENDER OUTLAW: a person who refuses to be defined by conventional definitions of man and woman–Kate Borstein (see variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, transgender, gender transgressor, gender wars, gender-free)
  • GENDERPATHOPHILIA: “an abnormal need or desire to pathologize any gender behavior which makes you uncomfortable”–Riki Ann Wilchins
  • GENDER POLICE: people who feel they the right and duty to enforce standards of appearance and behavior, usually non-transgendered people who attempt to force gender variant people to conform to gender stereotypes, such might include law enforcement officers, helping professionals, teachers and school administrators who set dress codes, family members, and other, or simply the generic ‘They’ that represents social pressure; within the transgendered community, those who feel they have the right to pass judgments upon other transgendered people’s passability (cf pope, nadle, gender outlaw, drawer test, pussy posse)
  • GENDER ROLE: the social role assigned to men and women based on their gender attributes (cf gender style)
  • GENDER SHOCK: the dismay or frustration of being obliged to cope with people of a different gender, a variation on ‘culture shock’
  • GENDER STYLE: gender role (cf)
  • GENDER TERRORIST: a person who has the power to force other people to conform to their own ideas of gender, especially a professional who practices reparative therapy (cf gender police, reparative therapy, gender wars)
  • GENDER TRANSGRESSOR: a transgendered person, a person who deliberately violates gender expectations (cf gender outlaw, genderbending, androgyne, epicene)
  • GENDER TRASH: transgendered people as an undesirable element, usually used in a self-deprecating way (cf gender outlaw, gender transgressor, genderbender, transgendered)
  • GENDER VARIANT: a person who varies from the expected characteristics of the genetic gender but who is not necessarily aware of their variation or any of the larger issues relating to gender (see tomboy, androgyne, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, ambiguous gender, polygendered, inner sex, gender outlaw, transsexual, transgendered, gender wars)
  • GENDER WARS: the battle over the legitimate expression of gender, esp the femnist vs transsexual battle, or the conventional social expectations vs transgendered people (cf Label Wars, gender, gender police, gender outlaw, gender terrorist, reparative therapy)
  • GENERAL RUDENESS SKILLS: skills necessary to effectively perform a male identity, as opposed to simply being masculine (cf femme pretender, drag king, butch, gentleman butch)
  • GENETOGUY: a person born biologically male (cf bio boy, gen, genman)
  • GENMAN: a genetic man (cf genwoman, gens)
  • GENMEN: genetic men collectively (cf gen, bio boy, non)
  • GENTLEMAN BUTCH: a butch woman with better manners and more taste in clothes than is usually attributed to butches (see butch, stone butch)
  • GENTLEMAN SLUT: one of the few positive terms for a yonic man, ‘lord high gentleman slut’ (cf toyboy, boy, bottom, submissive, catamite, slut, macho slut, ponce)
  • GENWOMAN: a genetic woman (cf genman, gens)
  • GG: ‘genetic girl’, also ‘Gigi’ (cf gen, genwoman)
  • GHOST: a spirit or haunt; (Native American) the Great Spirit, in constructions such as Ghostdance; a person’s whose reality is denied, ignored, feared, or made invisible, as such, female-to-male transgendered people sometimes speak of feeling like ghosts in their communities; (Native American) the term two-spirit, if translated into Athabaskan languages such as Apache and Navajo, and some other Native languages, means ghost, or a person possessed of both a dead spirit and living spirit, or a ghost-haunted person, which has nothing to do with gender or sexuality–being ghost-haunted (in whatever form) is a bad thing, hence two-spirit cannot be translated into Native languages and is part of the Pan-Indian movement, which is embraced by some Native people (usually of mixed blood or lost blood) and rejected by traditionalists who are thoroughly knowledgeable about tribal customs (cf two spirit, true spirit)
  • GHOTI/GHODI: (Old Norse) a transgendered priest or priestess, usually m2f (cf skrat, hermaphrodite, valkyrie)
  • GID: gender identity disorder; transsexualism (cf)
  • GIRLIE BOY: a feminine man; a masculine woman
  • GIRLFAG: a female who identifies as or with gay males (see female faggot, boy)
  • GIRLJOCK: a female athlete, a muscular woman (see muscle moll, Mack truck)
  • GODDESS: an admired woman, esp a sexually dominant woman, not necessarily beautiful (cf domme, bitch, boss, phallic woman, woman of goddess-like proportions, valkyrie)
  • GODDESS GRACE: athletic African American actress Grace Jones in her incarnation as Creator of the Universe. According to this creation myth popular among gay men and lesbians, the Goddess Grace created God, then created the universe, then created Adam and Steve, then created the Amazons, then created the straight people. She is assisted in her work by the demigod Gayos, who manifests as a gay African prince. The Amazons hunt and provide meat for the table, the gay men weave baskets and take care of the huts. Grace’s magnificence is so blindingly that mere mortals cannot gaze upon her, so she incarnated in human form as the actress Grace Jones in order that she might be knowable to her people (cf gay goddess, the gay goddess, goddess, goddess worship, Amazon, role reversal, virile)
  • GODDESS WORSHIP: (religious) the worship of female deity or deities, feminist or women’s religion, esp pagan; an erotic practice in which a woman is worshiped as a goddess, some human goddesses adopt an ithyphallic presentation and penetrate their worshipers with either a phallic wand or a strap on dildo (cf goddess, ithyphallic)
  • GRANITE BUTCH: a very stone butch (cf. butch, stone butch, gentleman butch, drag butch) “You and Rocco were granite butches who couldn’t soften your edges. It wasn’t in your nature.”–Leslie Feinberg
  • GREENHORN: a juvenile male of any species of antler or horn-bearing animals due to the green mossy texture of the new horns; an immature or virgin human male; a female to male transsexual just beginning transition (cf shavetail, smooth-faced boy, butch lite); a naive person of any gender
  • GUEVEDOCHE: (Dominican Republic, ‘penis at twelve’) A female to male intersexual who appears female at birth, but whose testicles descend and penis develops at puberty when the testosterone kicks in (cf intersexual)
  • GURL: (modern slang) a gay man; any person that is obviously not a girl
  • GUY: a male or female person with a masculine appearance; (informal) any person (see female faggot, transsexual, mandyke, one of the boys)
  • GYNANDROMORPH: an individual (usually used of insects and lower animals) who exhibits both male and female characteristics (see hermaphrodite, pseudohermaphrodite)
  • GYNANDRY: (early 20th century) according to Krafft-Ebbing, a disorder which caused women to forsake their natural sex role and live as men (cf unnatural, unwomanly, transsexual, invert, lesbian, mannish, dike)


  • HAIDA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • HAIRY MARY: (1950s Glasgow, Scotland) a working class woman, from the fact that they did not wear a hat or cover their hair, hats being a middle class cultural trait
  • HAISLA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • HAJA: (Hausa African) a male who is sexually penetrated or dominated by a male lover, or if his partner is a kurawa, his wife or girlfriend (cf. karuwa, mata, saurayi, miji)
  • HANDSOME: masculinely beautiful, used of men and women; one of the few positive words to describe butch women (see mannish)
  • HAPPY BOLDNESS: masculinity in women that does not threaten men (cf tomboy, cowgirl, Western Amazon) “mixture of feminine delicacy and masculine will”–Paul Bourget
  • HARD: strong, masculine, intelligent (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, he-woman, rodeo) “…sharp as nails and just as hard… If Eve had been a ranchwoman, she would never have tempted Adam with an apple. She would have ordered him to make his meal [himself].”–Anthony Trollope, 1862
  • HATSHEPSUT: (15 century BCE Egypt) a woman pharoah who dressed as a man to rule, represented in pictures as a man–without breasts and with short hair, and he referred to himself by male names; ancient Egyptians liked beards so much that it was routine practice for women to wear false beards
  • HAWAPENDEZI NA NGUO ZA KIKE: (Zanzibar African lit. ‘when the clothing doesn’t fit) masculine bearing in females so that the required feminine clothing seems incongruent, such women are believed to wear male clothing in private, to seek sexual satisfaction with other women, and to prefer masculine activities (cf kulambana, kusagana, kujita mbo ya mpingo)
  • HEATHEN: a follower of a pagan religion, any person who does not follow a Jewish, Christian, or Moslem faith; a person who does not follow conventional social expectations (cf infidel)
  • HELL-SPARKING THE PRONOUN: to deliberately use gender pronouns in such as way as to cause confusion; deliberately using pronouns in previously non-traditional ways, such as parenting magazines that use ‘she’ as a generic pronoun for all children, or authors that switch back and forth between ‘she’ and ‘he’ in a single article (cf sie, per, it)
  • HE-SHE: a masculine woman of any orientation (see passing woman, mannish, butch, he-woman, f2m, handsome, butch, tomboy)
  • HE-WOMAN: “[a cowboy] has no use for those he-women who wear pants and try to dress like a man.”–Ramon Adams (cf wear the pants, the man, cotquean, phallic woman, unnatural, unwomanly, cowgirl, handsome, Amazon)
  • HEM: indirect pronoun for a person of undetermined gender, or for a person of deliberately ambiguous gender, part of the set ‘sie, hes, hem’ (see per, hir and sie)
  • HEEMANEH: (Cheyenne American) androgynous priest; lesbian (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • HEN PECK: for a woman to constantly dominate, harass, or command her husband or boyfriend to obey her wishes (cf pussy whipped, cotquean, bitch, role reveral)
  • HEROIC MASCUINITIES: (late 20th century) forms of masculinity that require heroic efforts to live up to, and which depend on the subjection of alternative forms of masculinity in order to survive
  • HES: pronoun and possessive adjective for a person of undetermined gender, or for a person of deliberately ambiguous gender, part of the set ‘sie, hes, hem’ (see per, hir s/he and sie)
  • HERMAPHRODITE: (mythological) the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became joined in the body with the nymph Salamacis; a human being exhibiting male and female characteristics; an animal (eg snail) normally possessed of both male and female characteristics; a person or thing combining oposite qualities; a homosexual; an effeminate man; a person with a feminine physique (including breasts) and male genitalia, as opposed to androgyne (see androgyne, intersexual, gynandromorph, pseudo-hermaphrodite, true hermaphrodite, transgendered, transsexual, transgenderist, polygendered, kleinfelter)
  • HERMAPHRODITE: (Native American) the traditional English word for a person who has both male and female spiritual elements, these people were frequently stripped, whipped, and killed because they did not have ambiguous genitalia, and hence were considered perverts, not hermaphrodites (cf true spirit, winkte, kurami)
  • HERMAPHRODYKE: ‘hermaphrodite dyke’; ‘androgynous dyke’, a lesbian of indeterminate shape; ‘butch lite’, (see butch, androgyne, dike, dyke, epicene, androdyke, transdyke, hermaphrodite, pseudohermaphrodite)
  • HERMOPHOBIA: an unnatural fear or discomfort towards intersexuals or hermaphrodites
  • HETEROSEXIM: the belief that heterosexuality is universal, natural, normal and superior to any othe orientation, heterosexism goes hand in hand with homophobia (cf heterosexual)
  • HETEROSEXUAL: sexually attracted to the opposite sex, conventionally, attracted to a person of the sex opposite one’s birth sex, many conservative people will tolerate transsexual lesbians and gay men on the grounds that they are really just funny looking heterosexuals; in transgendered parlance, a heterosexual is a person of the gender opposite their living sex, regardless of whether or not they have had SRS, hence, partners that may consider themselves as heterosexual may be perceived as lesbian by conventional standards; also some transgendered people feel that only an attraction to the opposite transgendered sex, eg f2m/m2f, is heterosexual, and that attraction to genetic men and women is awkward, peculiar or undesirable (cf asexual, bisexual, bisensual, monosexual, homosexual, pansexual, transgendered, pangendered, adventurous heterosexual)
  • HETEROSOPORIFIA: the boredom of heterosexuality “I can smell het men a hundred yards away and they (yawn) just don’t float my boat, whereas queer boys wang my wonger just by blinking.”–Jill Nagle
  • HEYOKA: (Sioux American) sacred person, often but not always transgendered; a sacred clown; a contrary (cf transgender, winkte, kurami, true spirit)
  • HIR, IR: pronoun and possessive adjective for a person of undetermined gender, or for a person of deliberately ambiguous gender (see s/he, per, hes and sie)
  • HOLE: a bodily orifice; among gay men, the anus; among f2ms, the vagina, also known as ‘the other hole’ (cf other hole, transsexual, f2m)
  • HOMMASSE: (15th century French) man-woman, masculine woman; nickname for Joan of Arc (cf man-woman, man-maiden, hermaphrodite, intersexual)
  • HOMOSEXISM: the belief that certain types of gay men and lesbian women are superior to others, and which places bisexuals and transgenders at the bottom of the status period, if it accepts them at all (cf Lesbian chauvinism)
  • HOMOSEXUAL: erotically attracted to members of the same sex, esp a person who is exlusively attracted to their own sex (cf asexual, bisexual, bisensual, monosexual, pansexual, gay); a transendered person who is attracted to transgendered people (cf gay, gen)
  • HOMOSEXUALIZATION: a veiwpoint that considers homosexuality a disruption to the binary gender system, “…it always was a cherished tactic of QUEER LOSERS to attempt to drive a wedge between Male & Female if possible – that is one of their main goals and that is why they should not be trusted in the work place. Everything in their pathetic little world is, to them, a reflection of the gender war.”–Ato Hakeem
  • HOMOVESTITE: a person who obsessively, compulsively and neurotically wears the clothing of their own sex
  • HOPI: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • HORMONES: colloquial term for testosterone enanthate (no longer available) or testosterone cypionate, the two most commonly prescribed preparations of testosterone used for inducing masculine characteristics in female to male transsexuals (cf testosterone)
  • HORSE-FACED: an ugly woman (cf horse godmother, jane, beldame, dog)
  • HORSE GODMOTHER: an ugly or masculine woman (cf horse faced, dog, bitch, ogress, beldame, handsome, jane)
  • HORSEY: adjective for an ugly, masculine, or athletic women; a woman who rides horseback, an outdoorswoman; any person who attends to horses, esp for racing or hunting; to be in heat, esp a mare (see horse godmother, horse-faced)
  • HOYDEN: (historical English) a rude, ignorant, boisterous, obstreperous person, esp a girl or woman (cf romp, boy, tomboy)
  • HUNG LIKE A GERBIL: to have small genitalia, eg, to be ftm (cf ftm, bottom surgery, dick)
  • HUSKFACE: (Iroquois Native American) Huskface medicine society, in which all members are gender benders (cf two spirit)
  • HUSTLER: a male prostitute, esp one that services other males (cf catamite, gay, gay f2m)
  • HYPERTRICHOSIS: excessive hairiness, especially in women
  • HYSTERIA: (19th century US) sexual arousal in women, considered a form of insanity, and blamed for domestic disruption, crime, and illness, women were incarcerated in mental institutions, if that didn’t cure them, their clitorises were removed (cf IGM, infibulation, phallic woman, pervert); (early 20th century US) emotional arousal in women, considered the result of a disordered sexuality, it was treated with therapy, which included the use of vibrators to cause orgasm–the origin of the now commonplace sextoy (cf sex toy, dildo); (late 20th century US) an uncontrolled emotional outburst in males or females, especially mass hysteria, in which groups of people share a similiar irrational and emotional response to an event
  • HWAME: (also hwami) (Mohave American) a female to male transgendered person, believed to be lucky in gambling and capable of becoming powerful shamans, they could also acquire paternity of a child by seducing a pregnant woman (cf wintke, kurami, true spirit, manly-hearted woman, two-spirit) “If a pregnant woman dreamed of masculine implements, such as arrow-feathers, her female child could become a hwame.”–Midnight Sun (Anishnawbe American), 1988
  • IBO: (Nigeria) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters; among the Ibo, the influence of colonialists inspired the queen to substitute a European male hat for her traditional crown, and inspired females of high social standing to adopt male European garb and to bind their breasts in an attempt to approximate the look of powerful European males (cf agule, Amazon, Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo) (Note: this data is derived from colonial rather than indigenous sources, and as such probably says more about the observer’s viewpoint than about the motivations of the people being observed.)
  • ICCO: International Chinese Comrades Organization, for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people of Chinese descent (cf tongzhi)
  • ICKOUE NE KOUSSA: (Illinois American) a female to male transgendered person (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, two-spirit)
  • IGM: ‘infant genital mutilation’, the term used by intersexual activists to describe surgical procedures performed on infants with anamolous genitals to normalize their appearance, frequency is estimated at 1 in 2000 live births (cf intersexual, hermaphrodite, clitorectomy)
  • IM: ‘intramuscular’, injection of medication into the muscle via hypodermic needle, the usual transsexuals (see testosterone, testosterone patch) method of delivering testosterone to f2m
  • IMPOSTER: a woman who passes as a man whose masculine gender role is invalidated when her female body is discovered; note: such women were summarily dismissed from the military, dismissed from school, or otherwise ejected from any male-only establishment they might have joined, likewise, their marriages to women were viewed as a fraud (cf passing woman, passing man, jawan, male impersonator, female offender)
  • INCLUSION: the inclusion of minorities within the transgendered community, specifically, the issues presented by the inclusion of racial, ethnic, religious, differently-abled, ecomonic, and other minorities; the current transgendered community is overwhelming white, and white concepts of gender and white experience defines the transgendered language with ther result that minorities whose experiences and language differs are defined as being not transgendered, and hence, not included in the transgendered discourse (cf transgendered discourse)
  • IN DRAB: ‘dressed as a boy’, the opposite of ‘drag’, eg, ‘dressed as a girl’ (cf D.R.A.B, crossdresser)
  • INELIGIBLE: a person deemed unsuitable for SRS (cf transsexual, transgenderist, SRS); a person deemed unsuitable for joining a men-only group; a person deemed unsuitable for joining a women-only group (cf marginalize)
  • INFIDEL: a person who does not believe in the Moslem faith; (Western US) a person who disbelieves in the Christian faith; a person who disbelieves in social conventions, esp moral imperatives (cf heathen)
  • INNER SEX: a gender movement advocating that individuals be allowed to express their ‘inner’ sex, including ambiguous or shifting gender, not dependent upon physical sex (see androgyne, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, ambiguous gender, hermaphrodite, transsexual, true spirit)
  • INTERESTED EYE: the ability to perceive things that interest the observer, though the participants are being discreet (cf gaydar)
  • INTERMEDIATE SEX: (early 20th century) according to Edward Carpenter, the condition of being a person with a female body but who lived as a man (cf invert, gynandry, transsexual, crossdressing, hermaphrodite)
  • INTERNACIONAL: (Mexico) a person who both penetrates and is penetrated (cf switch, bisexual)
  • INTERSEXUAL: an anomalous medical condition of having physical traits of two sexes, may or may not be visible to the naked eye (cf hermaphrodite, pseudo-hermaphrodite, transgendered, transsexual, transgenderist, inner sex, ambiguous gender, gender variant, polygendered, Kleinfelter, joey, john-and-joan, pangendered)
  • INVERT: (psychology) a person who exhibits the characteristics of the opposite sex, the old euphemism for homosexual (cf sexual inversion, homosexual, transgendered)
  • INVERTEBRATE: (biology) lacking a spine, by extension, a person lacking in courage or morality, by further extension, a homosexual or transgendered person (cf masculine, invert, homosexual, transgendered, sexual inversion)
  • INZILI: (Bagishu African) hermaphrodites; homosexuals (cf mzili)
  • ISANUSES: (Sesotho African lit. ‘chief diviner’) female diviners considered to commonly be lesbians, and to make use of dildoes for sex
  • ISKANCI: (Hausa African) ‘vice, craziness’ (cf wasa)
  • ISLETA: a tribe of Native Americans in the Southwest having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • ITHYPHALLIC: ‘bearing an erect phallus’, certain mythological figures, eg, Thor and Set, were always depicted with erect phalluses; adjective used for a female figure carrying a ceremonial phallus or wearing an artificial phallus, a female figure represented with a phallus, or by extenstion, a crossdressed or crossgendered representation of a female figures, esp a goddess (cf ithyphalloi, prosthesis, strap-on dildo, phallocentric, phallic woman, goddess)
  • ITHYPHALLOI: (ancient Greece) women who dressed as men to worship Dionysus, the name means ‘bearing phalluses’, and they are represented in art carrying huge erect phalluses; also referred to men who dressed as women to worship Dionysus (cf prosthesis, strap-on dildo, role reversal, mystery, Eros, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermaphrodite, Dice)
  • INVERT: (late 19th, early 20th century) a person who exhibits instincts or behavior of the opposite sex; a homosexual man or woman
  • ISANGOMA: (Zulu African) male to female or female to male priests and priestesses
  • IWINKTA: (Dakota Sioux American) verb, to glorify becoming a woman; to become a wintkta (cf winkta, winkte, koskalaka, Double Woman, true spirit, kurami)
  • JACK: (early 19th century England) a masculine female; a butch lesbian; (early 20th century US West) ‘Jaqueline’, a tomboy; a female outlaw (cf long rider, Amazon, warrior woman, smooth faced boy, he-woman)
  • JANE: a woman or girl, esp a plain, masculine or unattractive one, ‘plain Jane’ (cf horse-faced, ogress, unwomanly, dog)
  • JAWAN: (Persian) a young man, esp a private soldier; a passing woman (cf passing woman, posestra, vowed virgin); note: numerous cultures have folklore and history concerning women who pass as men to join the military in order to be with a beloved man (cf imposter)
  • JENDERPUNK: a genderfucker with a masculine expression (cf genderfuck, transgender, gender bender, gender variant)
  • JESUIT: a practioner of nonorthogenital sex acts, esp a male (cf saint, angel, secular preacher, pope)
  • JEWELRY: the female genitals; the male genitals; genital jewelry; body piercings generally
  • JEZEBEL: (Biblical) wife of Ahab, King of Israel; a wicked or shrewish woman, esp one who wears heavy make up–Jezebel was a staunch defender of her pagan religion (see bull bitch, brimstone, Amazon, virago, unwomanly)
  • JINSI: (Hausa African) sex and gender, ie. all the differences between men and women, biological, psychological, and cultural
  • JOCKSTRAP: an athletic supporter, used by genetic men to support the genitalia during physical activity; used by f2ms to pack a prosthesis; sometimes a fetish object (cf packing, strap on dildo, prosthesis, phallus, ithyphalloi)
  • JOEY: (20th century Australia) an intersexual; a homosexual male; a young man or boy; a masculine woman or lesbian; a sodomite, someone who practices nonorthogenital sex acts (see intersexual, transsexual, homosexual, sodomy, boy, man, mannish); menstruation
  • JOHN F: (from President John F, Kennedy) an affectionate term for a female to male transsexual, especially one with a take charge attitude (cf f2m, transsexual, boss, square john broad)
  • JOHN-AND-JOAN: an intersexual; a homosexual male (see intersexual, homosexual)
  • JOTA: (Mexico) a feminine gay man who dresses as a woman and is the receptive partner for anal sex, sometimes with partners who do not realize she is male; a drag queen, a crossdresser (cf joto, macho, mayate)
  • JOTO: (Mexico) an effeminate gay man, the receptive partner for anal sex, the opposite and partner of a macho (cf, butch, femme, macho, mayate)
  • JUDY: a woman or wife; a ridiculous or violent woman (from Punch and Judy show); a prostitute (cf bull, virago, Amazon, bitch, cotquean)


  • K’WAZO: (Hausa African) a man who has the power to act on his sexual urges, generally seen as a masculine, heterosexual male, even when taking male partners, karuwa females can also acquire this status, and take younger, less powerful males as their lovers or husbands (cf. karuwa, mata, haja, miji, sauriya)
  • KAGOTOGOSTA KOMOSTAB MURENIK: (Nandi African, lit. ‘she has gone up to the side of the men’) a woman who becomes a man and is accorded male privileges
  • KAIMA: (Zande African) a cob of blood-red corn used as part of the ritual by which two women were joined as husband and wife (cf bagbaru)
  • KAINEUS: (ancient Greece) also spelled Caeneus, a female to male mythological figure viewed as a ‘scorner and rival of the gods’ (cf Athena, Amazon, Leucippus)
  • KALISPEL: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • KANAKA: (from Hawaiian ‘man’) a Pacific Islander man, especially used in a derogatory way; a man, esp a Pacific Islander considered as a sex object (cf boy); the testicles
  • KARUWA: (Hausa African) a female who defies gender expections by remaining unmarried or by going out of the house without a veil; some of these woman acquire younger or less prosperous male lovers or husbands (cf. saurayi, miji, haja, mata)
  • KASKA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • KATOEYS: (Thai) a crossdresser, a member of a third sex (cf)
  • KATSOTSE: (Zuni American) a female to male transgendered person (cf lhamana, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • KEPT MAN: a man supported by his lover (either male or female) (cf male concubine, boy, ponce, catamite, toyboy, submissive)
  • KHANITH/XANITH: (Oman) an alternate gender status; gay males, feminine males (cf. xanith)
  • KIFI: (Hausa African) lesbianism; the practice of feminine males having sex with other feminine males, even sex between two masculine males can be viewed as lesbianism–since sexual relationships usually involve a power imbalance eg, male/female, old/young, masculine/feminine, kifi seems to refer to sex among peers
  • KINGING IT: to be a drag king; “Kinging, though technically as old as history, is a phenomenon that’s currently raging through gay and non-gay communities all over the country. In simple terms, Drag Kings are women who not only dress like men, but actively attempt to pass for men. For some women, it’s away to challenge our male-dominant society. Others feel it’s a form of self-expression. For many gender-dysphoric women — those who are unhappy with their given sexual or gender identity — Kinging is a way of life.”–Colleen Van Tassell
  • KITESHA: (Basongye African) alternate gender role for males and females, male and female kitesha have sex with one another, they may also engage in either homosexual or heterosexual relationships with other non-kitesha members of their communities, the male kitesha partially crossdresses and takes some of the duties assigned to women (eg, the gathering of firewood), but not much is known about the female kitesha
  • KLEINFELTER, KLINEFELTER: a person with a particular chromosonal anomaly, raised as either a man or woman (see hermaphrodite, intersexual)
  • KO’LHAMANA: (Zuni American) a male warrior who was conquered by a warrior woman who made him dress in women’s clothes (cf katsotse, lhamana, winkte, kurami, true spirit, warrior woman, manly-hearted woman)
  • KOJOBESIA (Ghana African, lit. ‘man-woman’) androgyny
  • KOKWIMA: (Acoma American) a hermaphrodite (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte, hermaphrodite)
  • KPANKPANKWONDI: (Moba African) initiation rite for girls who refuse to marry the husbands selected for them
  • KOSKALAKA: (Dakota Sioux American) young man, youth, post-pubescent male; a lesbian, especially a masculine one, a dyke; a female to male transgendered person (cf wikoshkalaka wintke winyan, winkte, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit) “at a time directly preceeding a great cleansing in society, the winkte and koshkalaka would reappear, as out of the grass. Not just a few, but in great numbers.”–Native American prophecy
  • KOSKALAKA WINYAN: (Dakota and Lakota Sioux American) a female koskalaska, a tomboy, a lesbian (cf koskalaka, winkte, wintke winyan, true spirit, kurami)
  • KURAMI: (from Yuma American ‘kwe’rhame’) a female to male person; a term in common usage in the New England and other areas as a general term for f2m persons, in this usage generally considered as the opposite of wintke (see also f2m, transman, androgyne, transsexual, transgenderist, passing woman, passing man)
  • KUILIY: a Pend d’Oreille American woman warrior, who was the leader of a group of warriors that rescued a group of warriors that had gotten pinned down in battle with the Blackfeet in 1842 (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, Woman Chief)
  • KUJITA MBO YA MPINGO: (Zanzibar African, lit. ‘to use the ebony penis’) to use a dildo made of ebony for intercourse between females, made and sold secretly, they come in two forms, one is a strap on dildo that ejaculates warm water while the other is a doubled-ended dildo for simultaneous penetration (cf. kulambana, kusagana)
  • KULAMBANA: (Zanzibar African, lit. ‘to lick’) for a female to perform oral sex upon a female (cf kusagana, kujita mbo ya mpingo)
  • KUSAGANA: (Zanzibar African, lit. ‘to rub’) tribadism (cf kulambana, kujita mbo ya mpingo)
  • KWOL-AATMO: (Sambia people of Papua New Guinea ‘female thing turning into male’) A female to male intersexual who appears female at birth, but whose testicles descend and penis develops at puberty when the testosterone kicks in. (cf intersexual, guevedoche)
  • KWE’RHAME: (Yuma American) a female to male transgendered person (cf winkte, kurami, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni noho, wintike, ohitika win, turtle woman, Woman Chief, White Whale Woman, two spirit, true spirit)
  • KWIRAXAME’: (Maricopa American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • (TO) LABEL: to choose a term as a self-descriptor, to apply a term to another person, generally speaking considered to be a rude behavior in the transgendered community, but nonetheless is a widely practiced form of entertainment and political infighting (cf Label Wars, self-identify)
  • (THE) LABEL WARS: the battle over terminology for transgendered people, the endless dissection of terminology to dispute meaning (cf label, self-identify, Border Wars)
  • LADIES AUXILARY: the relegation of female partners to an inferior status as supporters of f2ms, denying them leadership roles, and demanding that they submerge their personal issues in order to suppor their f2m partner
  • LADY BUCKJUMPER( circa 1900 Australia) a female buckjumper, the Australian equivalent of bronco rider (cf wrangler, cowgirl)
  • LADY WING SHOT: Annie Oakley, famous female shootist (cf cowgirl, Western Amazon) “Any woman who does not thoroughly enjoy tramping across the country on a clear, frosty morning with a good gun and a pair of dogs does not know how to enjoy life.”–Annie Oakley
  • LAMB: a catamite, especially an abused or passive one (cf catamite, toyboy, ponce, bronco); the partner of a wolf (cf wolf)
  • LEATHER, LEATHERSEX: kinky sex, esp sadomasochism, bondage, and/or leather fetish
  • LEATHERMAN: a man or gay male with a leather fetish or who wears leathers clothing, usually black, such as boots and motorcyle jackets; a man or gay male into into kinky sex, sadomasochism, bondage, or sexual discipline (cf boy, bottom, top, SM); a gay or bisexual f2m into leather sex (cf leather, leatherwoman, boy, bottom, top, SM, gay, fag)
  • LEATHERWOMAN, LEATHERDYKE: a woman or lesbian with a leather fetish; a woman or lesbian into kinky sex, sadomasochism, bondage, or sexual discipline (cf boy, role reversal, SM)
  • LEFT-HANDED: homosexual; transsexual; queer; left-handed is sometimes used as a euphemism for odd, different, queer, or otherwise not normal, this has even been enshrined in some studies which demonstrated that queer people are more likely to be left-handed, but even more studies have shown that there is no relationship between being gay and being left-handed (cf gay body, prefeminine, prehomosexual, premasculine, pretranssexual)
  • LESBEAN: (colloquial US) a humorous mispronunciation for ‘lesbian’
  • LESBIAN: a woman who is erotically attracted to other women (cf heterosexual, bisexual, transfan)
  • LESBIAN IDENTITY/COMMUNITY: a strong self-identification as a lesbian as a primary element of identity; a strong sense of lesbians as distinct from other people and the sense of a shared culture and institutions (cf women’s community)
  • LESBIANĘCHAUVINISM: lesbian homosexism, the belief that certain types of lesbians are superior to other types of lesbians, and which places transgendered people at the bottom of the status period — if they are permitted to partcipate at all (cf homosexism)
  • LESBIAN STOWAWAY: an f2m who joins the lesbian community and tries to be a lesbian because he doesn’t know what else to do (cf transsexual, f2m)
  • LESBOPHOBIA: fear and hatred of lesbians, especially by other lesbians
  • LESVIAN: a virilized lesbian
  • LETTING THE INSIDE OUT: (20th century Native American) giving external expression to internal characteristics; transition (cf transition, true spirit, transsexual)
  • LEUCIPPUS: (ancient Greece) girl dressed as boy by Galatea because Lampros would not rear a girl; goddess Leto changed her to male when petitioned
  • LHAMANA: (Zuni American) male to female transgendered person, it is not clear if female to male persons also existed under this label (cf katsotse, Ko’lhamana, man-maiden, transgendered, true spirit, winkte, kurami, manly-hearted woman)
  • LIEUTENANT NUN: Catalina de Erauso, born 1585, Spain, a woman who fled a convent disguised as a man, and who proceeded to live life as a ‘picaro’ (rogue) in Latin America (cf shave-tail, man-maiden, Amazon, male impersonator)
  • LILLOOET: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • LIPSTICK BUTCH: a woman with a feminine or androgynous appearance and a masculine attitude (see boss girl, butch lite, androdyke, alpha female)
  • LONG LABIA: (Sesotho African) a practice in which girls lengthen their labia minora in the belief that it will enhance sexual intensity (cf. mocheso)
  • LONG RIDER: (Old West) an outlaw; a female outlaw who wore male clothing and was accepted as one of the men, “You’re neither man nor woman, but a long-rider with every man’s hand against you.”–Max Brand (cf Jack, smooth faced boy, warrior woman, Amazon)
  • LOOSE: promiscuous, frequently used to criticize women who engaged in ‘men’s work’ (cf gay
  • LORDOSIS: (biology) in animals, the position in which the female arches her back in a U-shape, presenting her rump, signalling her readiness to be mounted; some scientists attribute the same behavior to gay men (cf yonic, phallic women, mounting behavior)
  • LOVALE: (Zimbabwe) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters (cf Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Mende, Ibo)
  • LOVE DART: a small penis; a larger than average clitoris (cf boy-in-the-boat, clitorectomy, female circumsion, IGM, true hermphrodite, female eunuch, small fancier, CAH, intersexual)
  • LOVEDU: (Transvaal) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters; they also had a queens who kept harems of women (cf Nandi, Nuer, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)


  • M/M: male on male, especially with reference to erotic content (cf slash, gay, fag hag)
  • MACHERA: (Mexican Spanish) a macho woman; a woman who likes to penetrate men (cf phallic woman, strap on dilo, dominant, ftm, top, machero, macho, macho slut)
  • MACHERO: (Mexican Spanish) a macho man; a man who likes to penetrate macho men (cf machera, macho, butch bottom)
  • MACHISMO (Mexican Spanish): the Mexican ideal of manhood, inlcuding virility, aggressiveness, and domination of women; symbolized by the conquistodors conquest of Mexico and rape of Native women (cf macho, machero, machera, vestido, marianismo, maja, majo)
  • MACHO: (Mexican Spanish) excessively masculine, tough, butch; when applied to women, tough, butch, assertive, sexually aggressive (cf phallic woman, virile, Amazon, butch, bitch, ballbreaker, joto, jota)
  • MACHO SLUT: a sexually aggressive woman, as per Pat Califia (cf Califia, phallic woman, domme); a sexually aggressive male bottom (cf catamite, bronco); an activist who favors in your face activism on behalf of sexual freedom (cf frighten the horses)
  • MACK TRUCK: a large, muscular woman, ‘built like a Mack truck’, this term is usually a double-edged sword in which the woman’s strength is admired while her femininity or attractiveness is denied (cf butch, muscle moll, girl jock, handsome, Amazon, muscle maiden, ogress)
  • MAGAI: (modern Zanzibar African) lit. ‘gays’, it appears to be a Swahili plural of the English word ‘gay’, eg, gay men or lesbian women
  • MAIDEN SOLDIER: a woman working openly as a soldier, eg, Molly Pitcher; a woman working as a soldier, but disguised as a male (cf female knight, passing woman, posestra, vowed virgin, kurami, jawan, sir)
  • MAJA: (historic Spanish) an independent woman, a maja was employed and enjoyed greater personal liberty than ordinary woman, for which she was simultaneously admired and castigated, a maja supported a majo (cf dominant, woman of independent means, cotquean, role reversal, manly hearted woman)
  • MAJO: (historic Spanish) a man who lived off the of the earnings of a woman, who was therefore not obliged to earn his own living and was able to spend time in frivolous activities, such as music, dancing, drinking, and fighting (cf ponce, cotquean, role reversal, boytoy)
  • MALE: capable of procreating with a female of the same species; masculine, manly, macho; having a part which fits into a socket of a corresponding ‘female’ tool or machine (cf trans male)
  • MALE CONCUBINE: a male partner who takes the wife role in a marriage not recognized by law (cf cotquean, concubine, ponce, catamite, toyboy, role reversal)
  • MALE IMPERSONATOR: feminine equivalent of female impersonator, a woman who passes as a man (cf masculine impersonator, crossdresser, feminine impersonator, passing woman, drag king)
  • MARIANISMO: (Mexican Spanish) the ideal of womanhood, featuring martyrdom, motherhood and purity, specifically in imitation of the Virgen Mary (cf machismo, vestido)
  • MATA: (Hausa African) wife, when the woman is karuwa, the dominant partner, in violation of the traditional cultural expections (cf. saurayi, miji, haja)
  • MSO: (‘male sex object’) a male significant other conceived of in terms of his sexual desirability, a male bimbo (cf bimbo, toyboy, yonic, catamite, role reversal)
  • MAGNIFICENT SEVEN: the seven m2f leaders who confronted HRC’s exclusion of transgendered people from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
  • MAGNIFICENT SEVEN PLUS TWO: the Magnificent Seven, plus the two f2m leaders that crashed the party and demanded to participate, eventually leading to the inclusion of f2ms leadership in the Southern-Eastern coalition of gender organizations (cf old girls club)
  • MAKAHO: (Hausa African, lit. ‘blind man’) a heterosexual man, so referred to by gay males
  • MAMA BEAR: a female police officer or security guard (cf she-bear, bear, dike, to dike)
  • MAN: a male human; an f2m transsexual; a butch lesbian, a lesbian in ‘the man’s role’
  • MANEATER: a sexually aggressive woman (cf phallic woman, slut); a bitch (cf ball-breaker)
  • MANESS: (historical ‘man-ess’) woman as the feminine of man (cf female man, posestra, man-maiden, hommasse)
  • MAN-MAIDEN: (historical European) a masculine woman; a hermaphrodite (cf female man, hommasse, lhamana)
  • MANHOOD: the condition of being human; the condition of being a man, as opposed to being a woman or boy; male sexuality and/or genitalia; men as a group; (informal) a brotherhood (cf male, masculine)
  • MANNIFIED: mannish, a woman with masculine attributes (see mannish, butch, tomboy, severe, mandyke)
  • MAN-WOMAN: a hermaphrodite; an intersexual; a transsexual; a transgendered person; (historical) He Hwa, a transgendered Zuni woman (see androgyne, epicene, bisexual, hermaphrodite, intersexual, Zuni man-woman, berdache, two-spirited, true spirit, man-maiden)
  • MANLY HEARTED WOMAN: (Piegan Canadian) a bold, courageous, or masculine woman. In the patriarchal society of the Piegan Indians (Canadian), women are expected to be submissive and sweet, but not the manly-hearted women, who behave like men, can organize the dances of the Sun which are the prerrogative of men; can urinate in public; are expected to be sexually active; are not punished for adultery; dominate their younger husbands in every aspect–the husband is submissive; and are supposed to possess mystical powers. Women who are rich, generally over 45 and have been married many times are entitled to become manly-hearted women; (cf ninauposkitzipspe, moroni noho, wintike, ohitikia win, turtle woman, Woman Chief, White Whale Woman, two spirit, true spirit, virago)
  • MANLY HEARTED WOMAN: (16th century English) “I have the heart of a man, not a woman, and I am not afraid of anything.”–Elizabeth I of England
  • MANNISH: butch, older adjective for masculine women, carries no implication of orientation (see butch, handsome, severe, mannified, he-woman)
  • MANDYKE: a masculine woman of any orientation; a woman who takes a male cultural role while not necessarily passing as male (see female faggot, butch, boychick, guy, transsexual)
  • MANPUSSY: the anus, esp in a male; a male considered as a sex object, esp a catamite (cf ponce, punk, catamite, bottom, submissive); the anus, esp in a transman (cf other hole, bottom, submissive)
  • MARGINALIZE: to give scant attention to certain members of a group, to deny the relevance of minority issues (cf ineligible)
  • MARY: The Virgin Mary; a contemplative or intellectuel woman; a homosexual, domesticated, or effeminate man (cf bottom, submissive, cotquean, catamite, yonic man, toyboy); a woman–no negative connotations; a diseased woman, eg, Typhoid Mary (cf slut, spitfire, brimstone, skag)
  • MASCULINE: characteristics typically attributed to men or males; adjective for a woman with characteristics considered to be more appropriate for men (cf transgendered, mannish, mannified, he-woman, butch)
  • MASCULINE IMPERSONATOR: a woman who impersonates men as a form of entertainment, eg, ‘Victor, Victoria’, a male impersonator (cf male impersonator, drag king, FTV, crossdresser, XDR, passing woman, passing man, transsexual, transgenderist, female transvestite)
  • MASCULINE PROTECTION: feminine hygiene products used by an ftm (vf cognitive dissonance week, ftm, testosterone)
  • MASCULINE PROTEST: (Adlerian psychology) the adoption of overtly masculine behavior by a person of either sex in (unconscious) reaction to the stereotypical association of femininity and submissiveness
  • MASCULINISM: the development of masculine physical characteristics in females (cf virilization); (rare) advocacy for the rights of men, including such principles as the right to be free from gender stereotypes, the right to have visitation with or custody of minor children, and other issues, the male parallel to feminism (cf f2m-centric, androcracy, masculinist)
  • MASCULINIST, MASCULIST: someone who advocates men’s rights (cf masculinism, f2m-centric)
  • MASCULINIZE: to make masculine, to make more masculine (see dike, butched up); to induce male characteristics (cf forced masculination, virilization, testosterone, f2m, transsexual)
  • MASCULINOID: with a masculine appearance or form, but not male (cf butch, drab, male impersonator, transsexual)
  • MASCULINOPATHY: a mental disorder of exaggerated and violent masculinity, attributed to a childhood in which the boy’s concept of masculinity was not reinforced by a positive, present, masculine role model (cf phallocentric, androcracy, masculine protest, masculinism)
  • MASTER: a male or masculine person who has mastered a particular skill; a top, a dom (cf top, dom, bottom, forced crossdressing, forced masculinization, boy, daddy, archangel, alpha male); in certain East Asian religions, a spiritual teacher regardless of gender
  • MAYATE: (Mexico) a straight acting man who is accepted as a normal heterosexual male, even though he has male and female sex partners (cf bisexual)
  • MBM, MtM: ‘man born man’ a female to male transsexual, the term addresses the fact that many transsexuals feel that they were born men and that their female physique is a birth defect (see transsexual); also refers to persons born male who require medical intervention to fully manifest their maleness, eg, conditions such as undescended testicles or who have lost their penis due to accident or illness
  • MEACOCK: (historical) a sissy; an effeminate, homosexual, or submissive male (cf cotquean, fribble, molly, catamite)
  • MEAT PUPPET: the human body, especially seen as an object that must obey the spirit, though it does not necessarily reflect the spirit (cf bod)
  • MENDE : (Sierra Leone) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters (cf Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Ibo)
  • MEGABITCH: a real nasty bitch (cf bitch, goddess, dominant, domme, boss, bossy, ball-breaker)
  • MEME: a non-inherited cultural trait transmitted from person to person; a concept or custom that rapidly jumps from person to person which has an instantly recognizable meaning to those who had not previously encountered it but who subsequently adopt it; a ‘revealed’ or ‘intuitive’ behavior, as opposed to a ‘learned’ or ‘studied’ behavior; a frequent method of communication among transgendered people, esp those who adhere to the concept of an ‘inner sex’ which naturally expresses itself, as opposed to those that believe the opposite sex must be studied and imitated
  • MIDDLE: a person who practices kinky sex without invoking a power paradigm ; also, a person who is a top in certain kinds of erotic encounters, but is a bottom in other kinds of erotic encounters, or a person who interacts with more than one partner a time who takes a role an an assistant top or as a bottom that dominates other bottoms at the command of the top (cf switch, bisexual, bigendered, bottom, top, sub, dom, domme, master, SM)
  • MIJI: (Hausa African) husband; a gay male; a male partner of a karuwa (cf. karuwa, mata, haja, k’wazo, sauriya)
  • MINDOSSI: (Congo) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters (cf Nandi, Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • MINIPOKA: (Piegan American) favored child, a class of children given unusual opportunities, ninauposkitzipxpe were generally drawn from this class, some white observer felt that girls of this class, being saddled with responsibilities as well responsibilties at an early age, were forced to grow up in a non-feminine way (cf ninauposkitzipxpe, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • MINTY: a homosexual of either gender, esp an effeminate male or butch lesbian (cf butch, homosexual, epicene, transgendered, gender variant, fairy)
  • MISAGO: (Mombasa African) a woman who resisted marriage and was interested in getting an education and a career, often perceived as lesbians, though the term refers to violation of the gender norms, not sexual orientation (cf wasaga)
  • MISANDRIST: a person who fears and hates men (cf androphobia)
  • MISFIT: a person who does not fit in (cf freak, mutant, morph)
  • MISS WEST: (circa 1900) a western woman, especially a cowgirl (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, wrangler, Western Amazon)
  • MIXED DRESSING: (Native American) partial cross dressing, characterized by one or a few objects, usually accessories of the opposite sex, and basically standard apparel for the biological sex; the Tolowa and other tribes used mixed dressing to indicate status as a shaman (medicine man, doctor, curer) (cf crossdressing, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • MKE-SI-MUME: (Swahili lit. ‘woman, not man’) a man-woman, a gender variant person; a gay man or lesbian woman
  • MOCHESO: (Sesotho African): sexual arousal in females
  • MOFFIE: (South African) a hermaphrodite; a gay man; a transgendered person (cf. wor sitabane)
  • MOLLIFY: (historical) to become softer, more feminine, more luxurious; to reduce in anger or violence, to appease (cf molly, mollycot)
  • MOLLY: (from Latin mollis, soft) a girl, a young woman; (18th century England) a homosexual male or effeminate man (cf tomboy, tommy, cotquean, mollycot, mollify)
  • MOLLYCOT: a man who busies himself with domestic duties generally considered to be women’s work; an effeminate man; a woman who associates with such a man (cf molly, mollify, cotquean, fag hag)
  • MONOSEXUAL: attracted to only one sex, a person who is exclusively heterosexual or exclusive homosexual in orientation (cf bisexual, bisensual, pansexual)
  • (TO) MORPH, TO BODYMORPH: to alter one’s physical apperance by use of tattoos, piercings, scarification, branding, surgery, hormones, or other permanent methods (see morph, shapeshifter, transsexual)
  • MORONI NOHO: (Paiute American) female to male transgendered person (cf minipoka, bedache, ninauposkitzipspe, Woman Chief, White Whale Woman, true spirit, virago)
  • MORPH, BODYMORPH, METAMORPH: a person who has altered their appearance, can refer to alterations other than gender, eg tattooing, body piercing, scarification, etc (see to morph, morphodite, shapeshifter)
  • MORPHODITE: (19th century Western US) a queer person, a gay man or lesbian woman, esp one who is obviously so; a gay man, a drag queen, an effeminate man, a fairy; less often a bull dike or masculine woman; any person who obviously violates traditional gender expectations; in rural communities tolerance was/is often extended to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people who conformed to the gender norm while ‘morphodites’ and ‘queers’ were/are subjected to harassment and discrimination (cf queer, transgender)
  • MOTSOALLE: (Lesotho African) special friend, a lesbian lover, “It’s like when a man chooses you for a wife, except when a man chooses, it’s because he wants to share blankets [have sex] with you. The woman chooses you the same way, but she wants love only.”–‘M’e Mpho Nthunya
  • MOTHERFATHER: (late 20th century US) the Christian god, in a form of address that acknowledges that It is both male and female (cf angel, saint, angelina, hermaphrodite, Creator)
  • MOUNTING: insertion of the penis into the vagina of a female animal, or into the anus of a male or female animal (cf lordosis, mounting behavior, yonic man, phallic woman, role reversal)
  • MOUNTING BEHAVIOR: (biology) the action of a female animal attempting to mount a female or male animal, as if she had an erect penis (cf lordosis, mounting, yonic man, phallic woman, role reversal)
  • MULAN: a 1998 Disney movie featuring a girl who cuts off her hair and poses as a man in order to join the army (cf reincarnation, Joan of Arc, hommasse, woman warrior, Amazon, Chinese Amazon)
  • MULTIPLE PERSONALITY: a person with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD); a person with multiple identities which vary according to the person’s mood and environment who is not mentally disordered, eg, bigendered, crossdresser, etc; transsexualism, MPD, schizophrenia, and depression are often confused with one another, or each condition may contain elements of one or more of the other conditions which is used to justify gender variant people being sent for psychological evaluation and/or therapy before undergoing transition (cf transsexual, Gender Identity Disorder, bigendered, crossdresser)
  • MUMMY-BABY: (Lesotho African) an intense, often sexual relationship between schoolgirls in which an older girl is the ‘mummy’ of a younger girl, who is the ‘baby’, a mummy might have several babies, but a baby could only have one mummy
  • MUSCLE MAIDEN: a muscular woman (cf Amazon, girljock, muscle moll, Mack truck, mannish)
  • MUSCLE MOLL: based on ‘gun moll’, a muscular woman (cf girljock, Mack truck, mannish, studmuffy)
  • MUSCULAR: a muscular or masculine woman (cf muscle moll, girljock, Mack truck, mannish, butch)
  • MUSKOBANJA: (South Slavonic) ‘manlike woman’ (cf vowed virgin, posestra)
  • MUSP-IWAP: (Yuki American) a female to male transgendered person (cf naip, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • MUTANT: a person who does not fit standard biological models; a transgendered person
  • MUTARAJJULAT: (9th century Islam) ‘women who wish to ressemble men’
  • MWAKA OGA: (Zanzibar African, New Year’s Festival) a festival celebrating the harvest and the new year old, and involves men, women, men dressed as women and women dressed as men chasing each other around and beating each other with sugar cane sticks, to the amusement of all
  • MYSTERY: an unknowable thing, esp religious mysteries; (ancient Greece, ancient Italy, ancient Levant) orgiastic pagan religious rites for ancient deities such as Cybele and Dionysus, which included cross dressing and anal sex which sometimes utilized transgendered priests and priestesses; various rites existed for men who wished to commune with the Goddess by accepting a feminine sexual role and allowing themselves to be penetrated by people who were acting out male roles, rites also existed for the transformation of men into women by ritual castration or for transformation of women into men, via use of an artificial phallus (cf Amazon, Athena, Aphrodite, Eros, ithyphalloi, role reversal. goddess)
  • MZILI: (Bagishu African) a hermaphrodite; a homosexual (cf inzili)
  • NADLE, NADLEEH: (Navajo American) ‘other’, usually male to female, but also female to male, esp the Navajo gender police whose job it was to exhort or intimidate women into proper behavior; ‘real nadle’ were hermaphrodites, ‘pretend nadle’ were crossdressers or transgendered people; male and female nadles occured in equal numbers, and they were accorded the social privileges of the gender whose clothing they wore; the verb nadleeh means “to be in a constant state of change”–Wesley Thomas (Navajo) (cf baa, nadlee___baa, nadlee____baa dilbaa, nadleehi asdzaan, situational gender identity, true spirit, winkte, kurami) “[nadleeh] legal status is also that of a woman. The blood payment for the murder of a nadle is the same as that for a woman, which is higher than that required when a man is killed.”–Hill
  • NADLEEH____ BAA: (Navajo American) the correct term for a female-bodied nadleeh, the a given family name is inserted in the blank space, they had traditional roles in Native society known only to elders, who will not discuss them with people who are not Navajo medicine men or women (cf baa, nadleeh, nadle___baa dilbaa, situational gender identity, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NADLEEH____BAA DILBAA: (Navajo American) a female-bodied nadleeh, different in some ways from nadleeh____baa (cf nadle____baa, they had traditional roles in Native society known only to elders, who will not discuss them with people who are not Navajo medicine men or women (cf nadle, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NADLEEHI ASDZAAN: (Navajo American) a lesbian (cf baa, nadle, nadlee___baa, nadlee___baa dilbaa, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NAIP: (Yuki American) a female to male transgendered person (cf musp-iwap, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • NANCY/NANCE: (19th century American) a feminine man (cf feminine, effiminate); a homosexual man (cf homosexual, gay); a man dominated women (cf Aunt Nancy Man, cotquean, role reversal, pussy whipped)
  • NANDI: ( Kenya) an African people having female husbands or male daughters (cf Nuer, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • NAVAJO: “Even the [sexual] organs are male and female, inseparable and distinct. At the tip of the penis is a little vagina, while on the vulva is a little penis. That is how it is said in Navajo.”–anonymous elder, quoted by Jean-Guy a, Goulet (cf Nadle, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • «NDƒ?SDAN: (Mescalero Apache) man-woman, usually but not always a homosexual or effeminate male, rarely a female (cf singer of ceremonies, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NERD: a rude term for an intellectuel man or woman (cf unwomanly, bluestocking, severe, academy)
  • NEUTER: without sexuality; without gender; incapable of procreation; androgynous (cf eunuch, asexual, autosexual, androgyne)
  • NEW WOMAN: (circa 1900 US) a feminist
  • NGOCHANE: (Zimbabwe African, from the Shona) gay
  • NICHIWAKAN: a lesbian and gay Native American society in Winnepeg, Canada (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NIIZH MANITOAG: (Algonquin American) ‘Two Spirit’, the Great Mystery in Its role as the hermaphrodite Creator of the world, and the origin of the term two-spirit (cf two spirit, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • NINESAN: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • NINAUPOSKITZIPSPE: (Piegan American) ‘manly hearted woman’, mannish women, some of whom sung men’s songs in ceremony, and conducted their own business without their husband’s interference; distinctions were made between real manly-hearts who owned property, and would-be manly-hearts, who acted like manly hearts but didn’t have the financial wherewithal to maintain the conspicuous display of a real manly-heart (see maja, berdache, nadle, wintke, moho moroni, manly hearted woman, true spirit, two spirit, ohitika win, turtle woman) “These were not lesbians or crossdressers, but a small group of married inviduals possessing certain traits considered masculine by the Piegan, such as aggression, independence, ambition, boldness, and confident sexuality. Not just any women who behaved this way would be entitled to the term of manly-hearted however, but only those of a certain status that manifested these characteristics in particular social settings.”–Lewis, 1941
  • NO NAMES: (Phillipines, Gautamala, Peru, US) a person who exhibits crossgendered behavior
  • NOOTKA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • NON: a non-transgendered person (cf gen, bio boy, transgendered); alternately, a non-operative transgendered person, a transgendered person who does not intend to have surgery (cf non-op, transsexual, transgenderist)
  • NOT MEN: (Native American) a female to male transgendered person (cf true spirit, two spirit kurami, not women) “Biological women who assume some aspects of male roles”–Lester B. Brown
  • NOT WOMEN: (Native American) a male to female transgendered person (cf true spirit, two spirit, winkte, not men) “Biological men who assume some aspects of female roles.”–Lester B. Brown
  • NUBILE: a sexually attractive young man or woman; a catamite
  • NTALHA: (Flathead American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • NTE: ‘nontranssexual envy’, envy of nontranssexuals by transsexuals
  • OHITIKA WIN: (Sioux American) ‘brave woman’; a woman recognized for her courage and entitled to wear the eagle feathers of a warrior in her hair, eg, Mary Crow Dog (cf manly-hearted woman, turtle woman, two spirit, true spirit, wintke, nadle, NINAUPOSKITZIPSPE, moroni noho, White Whale Woman, Woman Chief, brave heart cry)
  • NUER: (Sudan) an African people known to have had female husbands or male daughters (cf Nandi, Lovedu, Babamba, Mindossi, Lovale, Mende, Ibo)
  • NUWUDUKA: (Shoshoni American) a female to male transgendered person (cf waippu, sungwe, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • OBJECTIFY: to turn a human being into an object (cf meat puppet, sex object, tribify)
  • OGRESS: female ogre, a man eating monster; an ugly or masculine woman (cf dog, handsome, mannish, beldame)
  • OKANAGAN: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • OKULIKOWEKA: (Wawihe African) male-male and female-female sex acts
  • OKITCITAKWE: (Ojibwa American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • OLD BULL: ‘old bulldagger’, an older, wiser butch woman (see bull, bull dagger, butch, elder, stone butch)
  • OLD GIRLS CLUB: the m2f version of the old boys club, especially with regards to the exclusion of f2ms
  • OLD SCRATCH: (from Old Norse, ‘skratte’, a goblin, and Old English ‘scratta’, a hermaphrodite): In Christian mythology, the Devil
  • OMNISEXUAL: interested in all forms of sexuality (cf pansexual, pangendered, transgendered)
  • OMUKUETU: (Khoisan African) comrade, friend, not a lover, used for both gay male and lesbian friends (cf. oupanga, epanga)
  • ONNABE: (Japanese) male impersonator, especially those who work as hosts in clubs frequented by women (cf takarazukura, Shinjuku Boys)
  • ONE OF THE BOYS, ONE OF THE GUYS: a woman who is accepted in male activities as an equal partner, regardless of whether she exhibits male or female characteristics (see boy, guy, morphodite)
  • OMNIGENDERED: possessing all genders, exhibiting cultural characteristics of male and female, the term is used specifically to refute the concept of only two genders (see variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, gender outlaw)
  • ONE WHO WEAR SKIRTS: a male to female transgendered person in a Native American tribe, who would adopt a female role because he was disabled and not able to function as a warrior/hunter, or because he was gay or effiminate and did not want to work as a warrior/hunter, or because he was called by Spirit to do so (cf berdache, true spirit, wears the pants, m2f)
  • OSH-TISCH: (Crow American ‘Finds Them and Kills Them’) an m2f transgendered person who for one day put off female garb and dressed as a man, participated in the Battle of Rosebud on the side of the white men against the Lakota and Cheyenne under Crazy Horse; she may be the model for the legend of Owl Woman, who was supposed to alternate back and forth between gender roles; Osh-Tisch were repeatedly persecuted by various forces during her life, but the Crow protected her, but after she died, no one among the Crow took up openly transgendered roles, and the ceremonial role was lost (cf Buffalo Calf Road Woman, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, Woman Chief of the Crow)
  • OTHER: not fitting the binary gender system (cf transgendered, gender variant); not fitting the binary orientation system (cf omnisexual, ambisexual, bisexual)
  • OTHER HOLE: the vagina, especially among gay f2ms (cf hole, transsexual, f2m, transfag)
  • OTTAWA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • OTHER-GENDERED: (Native American) gender variant, transgendered (cf, transgendered, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • OUPANGA: (Khoisan African) erotic friendship between two males or two females (cf. omukuetu, epanga)
  • OUT: ‘to be out of the closet’, to be open about a facet of identity that is misunderstood or rejected by others, eg, to be openly gay, transgendered, disabled, etc (cf closet, coming out)
  • OUTER EDGE: (Native American) those who lived at the outer edge of the encampment, eg, the transgendered Native Americans (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)


  • P-TRANSPLANT: the misnamed ‘penis transplant,’ the various experimental techniques whereby gonadal tissues, usually testes, are transplanted, either from one person to another, or are relocated in a different part of the body of the original owner, penes have never been transplanted and are unlikely to be transplanted any time soon
  • PACKING: a genitally female person wearing a strap on dildo or prosthetic
    phallus (cf passing, drag king, stippling, binding)
  • PAGE: (17th century England) a boy or youth employed as a messenger or servant in a noble household; a teenage male actor assigned females roles in Elizabethan theatre productions, whom often served as erotic objects for theatre goers; during this same period women were forbidden on the English stage so a fad developed for women to wear short hair and breeches to play at being pages; a woman who dressed and presented herself as a young man, of which there are numerous stories and historical reports (cf breeches, crossdressing, male impersonator, drag king)
  • PAGC: ‘psychiatric abuse of gender-variant children’ (cf GID)
  • PAM: Pamela, a common feminine name; also, the jack of clubs, esp in games in which this is this is the highest ranking trump
  • PANGENDERED: “Someone who acknowledges that there are no absolutes on the sexuality/gender identity spectrum.”–S. Lee Smith (cf sex blind, bisexual, bigendered, omnigendered, pansexual)
  • PANSEXUAL: attracted to all sexes, as opposed to bisexual=attracted to two sexes and monosexual=attracted to one sex (cf bisexual, bisensual, monosexual, pangendered, asexual, homosexual, omnisexual, heterosexual, adventurous heterosexual)
  • PAPAGO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • PARTICULAR FRIENDSHIP: (Roman Catholic) an intimate relationship between nuns
  • PASSED ON THE PLAINS: attacked and/or raped by a mob of Native Americans, as sometimes happened to a lone woman or lone man caught by a group of warriors from a different tribe, transgendered people were usually but not always exempt from this form of assault (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, sacred person)
  • PASSING: the ability to pass as something other than one’s birth race, gender, class, or other attribute (cf passing woman, passing man, ping)
  • PASSING WOMAN: a woman who passes as a man (see drag king, cross dresser, transsexual, male impersonator, passing man, jawan, posestra)
  • PASSING MAN: a female bodied person who passes as a man in ordinary society (see MTM, F2M, passing woman, transsexual, crossdresser, drag king, male impersonator, smooth faced boy)
  • PAWNEE: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • PCOS: ‘polycystic ovarian disease’ (cf)
  • PEGLESS BOY: (from ‘peg boy’, a catamite) a lesbian, masculine woman, or transman who is perceived as being incapable of sexual dominance, or perceived as the receiver for sexual penetration (cf boy, dominant, submissive, dike)
  • PENIS AWE: obssessive preoccupation with the wonders of having a penis (cf penis envy, feminized phallus, tomboy, bisexual, FNT)
  • PENIS ENVY: (obsolete psychology) diagnosis formerly applied to female to male transsexuals, now obsolete, but still remaining in the popular lexicon, probably derived from the stereotype that all an f2m wants is to have a big dick (cf phallocentric, FNT, feminized phallus, feminine facade, penis awe, SRS)
  • PER: pronoun and possesive adjective for a person of undetermined gender, or for a person of deliberately ambiguous gender (see hir, sie, it, hellsparking the pronoun, gender oracle)
  • PERVERT: a person who violates conventional expectations of sexuality or gender, esp when such behavior is viewed as a gross violation of the norm (cf transgendered, transsexual, homosexual, pansexual, sodomy, queer)
  • PET: a sexually submissive person, esp a young man, or a submissive young woman in a masculine role (cf ponce, submissive, dominant, bottom, top, catamite, yonic, boy)
  • (THE) PETTICOAT WARS: Native American term for a series of Indian Wars, beginning in 1737 when the Lenape (Delaware) Indians turned to their Iroquois patrons for assistance against the infamous ‘Walking Treaty’ which transferred land from the Lenape to the Pennsylvanians via deceit, but the Iroquois refused them saying, “We conquered you. You are women, we made women of you. Give up claims to your old lands and move west. Never attempt to sell land again. Now get out.” (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, winkte, kurami, gender wars)
  • PHALLIC HEROINE: a fictional female character who successfully engages in heroic activities generally considered the domain of fictional male characters, eg, Wonder Woman and Superwoman (cf phallic mother, phallic woman, Amazon)
  • PHALLIC MOTHER: a demanding, controlling mother, whose inappropriate gender behavior is blamed for a child’s non-forming gender or sexual identity (cf feminized phallus, phallic woman, penis envy, penis awe)
  • PHALLIC WOMAN: a woman with a masculine style of sexuality, esp one who is sexually dominant or demanding, refers to her sexual appetite not her appearance (see Amazon, domme, boss); a woman who wears a strap-on dildo for sexual intercourse; a woman who appears as a man, their male partners are referred to as ‘yonic men’ (cf strap on dildo, drag king, passing woman, ftv, ithyphalloi, yonic); a person with a female body and a male identity (see f2m, transsexual):
  • PHALLICISM: (religious) the worshiping a male fertility as a symbol of the regenerative power of nature; erotic veneration of phalluses or phallic objects and people (cf phallus, phallocentric, phallic woman, goddess worship)
  • PHALLOCENTRIC: an excessive preoccupation with penises; an excessive preoccupation with masculinity and/or men (cf ftm-centric, androcentric, phallic woman)
  • PHALLOCRATIC: the imbuing of penises with political and social power (cf phallicism, phallocentric)
  • PHALLOPHORIA: (religious) the rites of Dionysus during which phalluses were carried through the streets in celebration (cf phallus, phallocisism, ithyphallic)
  • PHALLOPLASTY: the making of a penis by plastic surgery (cf SRS, bottom surgery)
  • PHALLUS: (from Greek phallos) an image of the erect penis, symbolizing the generative power in nature, esp, the ones carried during the Phallophoria; the penis; an image of an erect penis; a euphemism for the male genitals; maleness (cf strap-on dildo, prosthesis, phallocentric, phallic woman, ithyphallic, phallophoria, phallocisism)
  • PIMA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • PINE LEAF: A Crow warrior woman, one of many manly-hearted women of the Crow (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, Woman Chief of the Crow) “…one of the bravest women who ever lived… She possessed great intellectuel powers. She was endowed with extraordinary muscular strength, with the activity of the cat and the speed of the antelope… solemnly vowed that she would never marry.”–James P. Beckwourth, 1931, nonetheless, Beckwourth proposed marriage to her, she refused, when he persisted, she agreed, ‘when the pine leaves turn yellow’. Several days passed before he realized pine trees are evergreen
  • (TO) PING: one transgendered person detecting another transgendered person (cf passing, passing woman, passing man, clocked, gender oracle)
  • PINK DOLLAR: the belief that gays, lesbians and bisexuals have higher disposal incomes than the average, a belief that does not factor in unemployment and poverty among people of color or transgendered people
  • PINK TRIANGLE: (historical) a badge applied by Nazis to transvestities and drag queens incarcerated in concentration camps, later extended to gay male prisoners, who along with Jews were the lowest rank of prisoner; (modern usage) a symbol of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered pride, best known as a gay pride symbol, some gender variant individuals wear it with ‘TS’, ‘TG’ or ‘TV’ superimposed
  • PLUMBING: the uro-genital tract; the genitals
  • POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN DISEASE (PCOS): a medical condition that affects up to twenty-five percent of female to male transsexuals, it is also common among infertile women; this disease increases the naturally occuring level of male hormones and thus leads to virilization of the female; some studies have also linked it to masculinity in non-transsexual females and to lesbians, though other studies dispute this (cf butch, transsexual, testosterone, virilization)
  • POLYGENDERED: exihibiting characteristics of multiple genders, deliberately refuting the concept of only two genders (see androgyne, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, ambiguous gender, inner sex, intersexual, bisexual, sex blind. pangendered)
  • POMO: a Native American tribe (cf PoMo, pomosexual)
  • POMO: Post Modern, in the arts a movement after and directly in reaction to Modernism; a worldview that recognizes diverse, complex and heterogenous influences and multiple subjectivities (cf pomosexual)
  • POMOSEXUAL: “the queer erotic reality beyond the boundaries of gender, separatism, nad essentialist notions of sexual orientation.”–Cleis Press (cf PoMo)
  • PONCAS: a tribe of Native Americans whose men were all considered effiminate and whose women were all considered masculine by white observers (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit) “The squaws [sic] all appeared to be of such fiber that they could trounce their husbands easily, and throw them out of the tent when they wanted to…”–Lt Eugene Ware, 1864
  • PONCE: a pimp, a man who lives off the earnings of a woman; a male lover supported by a woman; any younger lover of an older woman (cf manly hearted woman, phallic woman, yonic man, submissive, dominant, top, bottom, adventurous homosexual, role reversal); a male homosexual; a pimp or procurer; a lazy or effeminate man; a mooch (cf poncey, toyboy, submissive, bottom, catamite, gentelman slut)
  • PONCEY: ressembling a ponce, esp a pimp or male homosexual; effete (cf ponce, majo, abbot)
  • POPE: in Roman Catholicis, the chief ecclesiastic officer, a man’s whose working uniform is a dress; by extension any man in a dress, especially if they are making a statement by so dressing; a gender variant person who feels they have the right to issue proclamations about gender and sit in judgment on other people’s gender presentation (cf female pope, gender police, nadle)
  • POPESS: a female pope, esp Pope Joan, who reigned as Pope John, but was discovered to be a female imposter when she gave birth during a procession, her name has been stricken from the rolls and her existence denied by the Catholic Church (cf pope)
  • POSESTRA (15th century to present day Albania) an Albanian woman who swore perpetual virginity, wore men’s clothes, and was accorded the legal and social priveleges of a man. Some even served as soldiers in the Turkish army (see vowed virgin, jawan)
  • POST-TRANSSEXUAL: someone who has completed transition from their previous gender role to their current gender role (see transsexual, transgenderist)
  • POTAWATAMI: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • POWER TOY: a toy with a pronounced gender association which is considered appropriate for children of one sex but not the other, eg Barbies for girls and toy soldiers for boys; use of power toys by children of the ‘wrong’ gender places those children at risk for psychiatric diagnosis and treatment (cf gender identity disorder, transsexualism, gender variant, transgender)
  • PREFEMININE: (psychology) a male child considered to be at risk of developing effeminate traits (cf prehomosexual, pretranssexual, premasculine, gender identity disorder, gay body, sex-typing)
  • PREHOMOSEXUAL: a child considered to be at risk of developing into an adult homosexual (cf prefeminine, pretranssexual, premasculine, gender identity disorder, gay body, sex-typing)
  • PREMASCULINE: (psychology) a female child considered to be at risk of developing masculine traits (cf prehomosexual, pretranssexual, prefeminine, gender identity disorder, gay body, sex-typing)
  • PRETRANSSEXUAL: a child considered to be at risk for developing into and an adult transvestite or transsexual (cf prehomosexual, prehomosexual, premasculine, gender identity disorder, gay body, sex-typing)
  • PRETTY: feminine, comely; of a male, prefeminine, effeminate, prehomosexual, homosexual
  • PROSTHESIS: an articial phallus worn by female to male persons to simulate mail genitalia, techniques vary, from rolling up a sock and strapping it in with a jock strap, to more sophisticated and realistic devices, some of which are purported to allow urination while standing (cf strap-on dildo, ithyphalloi, phallic woman, ball-bearing)
  • PSEUDO-HERMAPHRODITE: a person having the gonads of one sex and exhibiting the secondary sexual characteristics of the other sex (see intersexual, transsexual, hermaphrodite, true hermaphrodite, androgyne)
  • PUCELLE: (French; from the Latin ‘pullus’ young animal) a girl or young woman, esp Joan of Arc (cf hommasse); a prostitute or kept woman
  • PUNK: (early 20th century Italian American) a young homosexual gangster, esp the receptive partner (cf boy, bronco); (mid to late 20th century) a heterosexual hoodlum; a young male motorcycle rider or member of a white gang; (late 20th century) a male or female fan of punk music, characterized by rebellion to established authority and apparel worn in defiance of convention, especially that which is grungy, torn, genderbending, or tatooed, often accompanied by radical hair styles such as mohawks or unnatural hair colors such as bright green (cf riot grrl, boy, androgyne)
  • PUSSY: the female genitals, especially the vagina; in men, the anus (cf manpussy); a male considered as a sex object, esp a catamite (cf catamite, role reversal, yonic, ponce, punk, bottom, submissive)
  • PUSSY POSSE: the vice squad, by extension, any force which acts to suppress sexual and gender diversity (cf gender police, drawer test)
  • PUSSY WHIPPED: a man dominated by a woman (cf contquean, bitch, goddess, role reversal, maja, majo, yonic, phallic woman, dominant)
  • PUTA: (Mexico) a female slut; a feminine slut of any gender (cf puto)
  • PUTO: (Mexico) a male slut; a masculine slut of any gender (cf puta)
  • QUEAN, QUEEN: (Scots dialect) A young woman, a young matron; later applied to homosexual or effeminate men; also spelled ‘queen’ (see cotquean); a lesbian (see queer queen)
  • QUEEN KONG: a large, hairy-breasted woman; a female to male transsexual who is taking testosterone but has not yet had a breast reduction; an intersexed person who has breasts and body hair (cf transsexual, intersexual, buffarilla)
  • QUEER: (early 19th century England) female genitals; (20th century US) an odd person, a person who does not fit conventional cultural expectations; a person who does not fit conventional heterosexual expression; implies a gay or lesbian individual, but is also used to identify a heterosexual person who does not behave in the stereotypical heterosexual way; within the gay community, describes individuals who ‘act queer’ as opposed to those who ‘act straight’ (cf morphodite)
  • QUEER-FRIENDLY: a predominantly heterosexual person or environment that is friendly to queer people (cf adventurous heterosexual, queer straight, tourist)
  • QUEER QUEEN: a lesbian (cf dyke, butch); a m2f transsexual (cf transsexual)
  • QUEER REBELLION: rebellion against societal norms by LGBT people as a form of social protest and as a method of distinguishing LGBT identity as a queer identity separate from the mainstream (cf body modification, gender police, (to) follow the tail of the crow) ”
    We’ve got to put an end to this lie that queer people are just like straight people except that we sleep with our own.”
  • QUEER STRAIGHT: a heterosexual who does not conform to the stereotype of heterosexuality; a heterosexual who prefers the company of queer people and/or is a member of the queer community; a heterosexual person who is an ally or activist on behalf of the queer community (cf ego-dystonic heterosexual, adventurous heterosexual, bi-curious, tourist, queer-friendly)
  • QUEERER: transgendered
  • QUESTIONING: a person who is questioning their gender identity, a person who is attempting to broaden their understanding of gender roles (cf pangendered)
  • QUILEUTE: a tribe of Native Americans in the Northwest having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)


  • RADICAL FAERY, FAIRY: a predominantly gay male movement stressing ecology, pagan & New Age religion, androgyny, self-actualization, and positive attitudes toward sex and sexual variance, gender bending is a common but not universal practice, some women and/or f2ms practice this philosophical path (cf urban primitives, queer rebellion, the Tribe)
  • RAKSHASA: (Hindu mythology) a kind of demon who enjoyed devouring women and girls, they could only escape him by disguising themselves as boys or men
  • RANCHERA: (19th century English invention from Spanish ‘rancho’, ranch) a Mexican cowgirl; a cowgirl of any ethnic background (cf buckaroo, cowgirl, Western Amazon)
  • RECAST MALE: a female to male transsexual (cf f2m, transgenderist, transsexual)
  • RED ROAD: (Sioux American) according to Black Elk, the mystical road that runs north to south and is the Red Road, which is the road of purity and righteousness, it is crossed by the Blue Road (sometimes called the Black Road) which runs east to west and is the path of danger and destruction; (Native American) by extension, the Red Road is the path of traditional Native American spirituality and culture (cf true spirit)
  • REINCARNATION: (8-9th century China) the belief that a masculine woman had lived a previous life as a man, such women were admired and the subject of numerous stories (cf shih niang, woman warrior, takarazuka, Amazon, manly-hearted woman, woman chief) “Her swordplay moved the world…She was exquisite, like a sky-god behind a team of dragons, soaring.”–Tu Fu (712-770 CE) (cf Mulan)
  • REINCARNATION: (Athabaskan Canadians) the belief that souls are reincarnated in bodies that may not be the same sex as the spirit, and the accomodation of the reincarnated identities via external expression, which will include transgendered expressions if the spirit is the opposite sex of the body, further, a spirit might be reincarnated multiple times, and therefore a plethora of identities need to be managed by the current person (cf true spirit, two spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • REPARATIVE THERAPY: (20th century psychiatry) condemned by the American Psychiatric Association as unethical and ineffective, this technique uses aversion therapy, gender stereotype training, forced medication, forced incarceration, electrock shock, corporal punishment, humilation, emesis, restraints, and other hostile forms of treatment to brainwash a client (usually a minor turned over by his or her parents) to conform to the conventional standards of gender and sexuality (cf GID, transsexual, gender police, gender terroist)
  • REVERSE SEXISM: in the transgendered community, sexism by transwomen towards transmen; in the f2m community, sexism by transmen towards genetic women (cf androcracy, ftm-centric)
  • RIGHT WING FEMINISTS: feminist fundamentalists (cf) such as Janice Raymond and Mary Daly
  • RINGMASTER: that portion of a person’s intellect which keeps track of multiple and sometimes conflicting facets of gender expression (cf pangendered, bigendered, crossdresser, multiple personality)
  • RIOT GRRL: A female punk rocker, esp an aggressive one (cf boss, bitch, butch grrl)
  • RIM-WALKER (Native American) a person who walks between dichotomies (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • ROBUST: strong, muscular, healthy, one of the few positive words large for a muscular or active woman during the 19th and early 20th centuries (cf stout, mannish, muscular, fleshy, handsome)
  • (TO) RODEO: to attend a rodeo, to compete in a rodeo; to engage in kinky sex or sexually suggestive games– rodeo has provided numerous sexual metaphors, eg, the barrel racing motto, “Turned, burned, whipped, and spurred.” (cf bronco, cowgirl, leatherman, SM)
  • ROLE REHEARSAL: a psychological term referring transsexual’s practicing their new gender role
  • ROLE REVERSAL: an erotic role playing game in which the man takes a female or feminine role and the woman takes a male or masculine role, which may be as simple as switching initiative from the man to the woman, or may be as complex as the adoption of crossdressed identities and the use of a strap on dildo to faciliate the roles during sexual intercourse (cf cotquean, dom, domme, epicene, crossdresser, top, boy, daddy, adventurous heterosexual, pangendered, pansexual, yonic man, lordosis, mounting, mounting behavior, phallic woman)
  • ROM: (Romanese) a person, a human being, a member of a Romany tribe, the correct term for a person called ‘Gypsy’; rom is sometimes translated as ‘man’, but it is not genderized to the masculine in the indigenous language, (cf Rroma, Romaniya, datha, she-chorne, complementary)
  • ROMANIYA: (Romanese) Rroma law, ‘Gypsy Law’, the body of rules that government the conduct of the many Rroma tribes, Romaniya has no taboos against homosexuality (cf Rom, Rroma, she’chorne, datha, complementary)
  • ROMP: (historical English) a playful person, esp a girl, milder than hoyden (see hoyden, tomboy, tommy)
  • ROUGHRIDER: a cowboy or cowgirl; a bronco rider; a horse racer (cf cowgirl, wrangler, Western Amazon, buckaroo, buckjumper)
  • RROMA (also ROMA): (Romanese) Romany, Gypsies, the name preferred by the Rroma people; (cf Rom, Romaniya, she’chorne, datha, complementary)
  • RUFUS: the female genitals; a disguise for a man visiting a mistress by pretending that she is a male friend
  • RUNNING EAGLE: a Blackfeet woman warrior, also called ‘Girl Chief’ and ‘Medicine Girl’, she went on nine raids and counted three coups before being killed in the 1840s (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, Buffalo Calf Road Woman, Woman Chief of the Crow, Pine Leaf, Woman Chief of the Sakonnets, true spirit) “I wish that I was a boy… but if IĘcannot be one, I can at least do a boy’s work. IĘshall not tan hides, I shall not do lodge work, I shall continue to help my father! … I care not what people say of me as long as IĘdo right. As for marrying… I shall never marry! I shall never be any man’s slave.”–Running Eagle (circa 1825), quoted by Schultz, 1919
  • S/HE: abbreviation for ‘she and/or he’ (cf sie, per, hes, hir)
  • SAINT: a highly respected leader in the f2m community, eg ‘Saint’ Lou Sullivan; (historical European) the Catholic Church canonized some twenty-five female to male persons who lived and worshiped as men and were discovered upon death to have female bodies (cf angel, archangel, angelic, saint, secular preacher)
  • SACRED PERSON: (from ‘wakan’, ‘great person, holy person’, Sioux American) a transgendered person (cf transgendered, wintke, kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman)
  • SAKWO’MAPI AKIKIWAN: (Blackfeet American ‘boy-girl’) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-heartedly woman, true spirit, Woman Chief)
  • SAL-ZIKRUM: (Babylonian) ‘male woman’; “Based on evidence from the Code of Hammurabi, the Sumerian culture recognized a separate type of woman called a salzikrum…Salzikrum is a compound word literally meaning “male woman.” A salzikrum was entitled to greater rights of inheritance than an ordinary woman.”–Faris
  • SANTO DOMINGO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • SARIS: Assyrian ‘at the head’) in earliest use, men who are not male
  • SAURIYA: (Hausa African) a boyfriend; a masculine gay man; a man who is partnered with a karuwa woman (cf. mata, haja, miji, karuwa)
  • SCHIZOPHRENIC: a catchall psychiatric diagnosis used to pathologize people who do not behave as other people think they should; while some number of patients do have true schizophrenia, people with non-conforming gender expression have been and continued to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and pre-schizophrenia; sometimes the diagnosis is a legitimate error due to the ignorance surrounding gender disorders, but all too frequently it is deliberate in order to justify traumatic psychiatric intervention (cf gender identity disorder, transsexualism, penis envy)
  • SCRAT:(from Old Engilish ‘uelscratta’, hermaphrodite, possibly from Old Norse ‘skratte’ a goblin) a person with both male and female physical chracteristics, a hermaphrodite, an intersexual (cf hermaphrodite, intersexual, androgyne, Old Scratch)
  • SECULAR PREACHER: a f2m who is an effective public speaker but not a minister, not necessarily Christian (cf angel, saint)
  • (TO) SEE TWO WAYS: (Mescalero Apache) “to be able to comprehend and structure the world in both male and female ways simultaneously”–Claire R. Farrer (cf singer of ceremonies, «ndŽ?isdzan, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • SELF-DETERMINISM: the right of the individual to decide who sie is and how to express hirself (cf self-identify, womanism)
  • SELF-IDENTIFY: to choose a label for oneself (cf Label Wars, label, self-determination)
  • SENP’AA: (Tewa American) ‘woman like a man’ (cf true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • SERVICE ORIENTED TOP: a top who is very solicitious of the bottom’s needs (cf SM, stone butch, topping from the bottom, top, bottom, sub, dom, domme, master)
  • SEX: physical traits related to reproduction; by extension
  • SEX BLIND: not discriminating between the sexes (cf pangendered, bigendered)
  • SEX CHANGE: sex reassignment surgery; (Black American English) a transsexual (cf SRS, transsexual)
  • SEX REVERSAL: adoption of a form or role characteristic of the opposite sex (cf role reversal, crossdresser, transsexual)
  • SEX TOY: inaminate object used for sexual stimulation (cf dildo); a person perceived as a sex object (cf boytoy)
  • SEX-TYPING: (psychology, agriculture) in agriculture, the assignment of sex as being either male or female, sex-typed fowl are coded by having holes punched in the webs of their feet; in psychology, the assignment of masculinity and feminity as mutually exclusive polar opposites which is construed as normal, healthty, and desirable (cf gender police, binary gender system)
  • SEXISM: discrimination against women because they are women; (rare) discrimination against men because they are men, also called ‘reverse sexism’;
    in a transgendered context, domination of events and organizations by male to female persons, also called ‘reverse sexism’; in an f2m context, the domination of events and organizations by female to male transsexuals (cf f2m-centric, masculinism, trancentric, sexual apartheid, binary gender system)
  • SEXUAL APARTHEID: the rigid division of a society into men’s a women’s roles, with compulsory masculinity and femininity enforced by taboo and/or legal and/or religious restrictions as powerful as those forces which maintained racial apartheid in South Africa–Martine Rothblatt (see binary gender system, third sex)
  • SEXUAL DIMORPHISM: the physical differences between males and females in addition to the reproductive system; most Western cultures exaggerate and suppress masculine and feminine characteristics in order to create much sharper divisions between the sexes than naturally occurs (cf binary gender system, binary gender system)
  • SEXUAL INVERSION: homosexuality, transgenderedism
  • SEXUAL POLITICS: the relations between the sexes, esp when viewed in terms of power (cf sexism, sexual apartheid, binary gender system)
  • SEVERE: (early to mid 20th century) a woman whose taste in clothes was too masculine, also ‘too severe’ (see butch, butch lite, androgyne, mannish, hard, unwomanly)
  • SEXUAL INVERT: a homosexual man or woman; a woman who dressed in masculine clothing; a lesbian, esp a butch lesbian (cf female offender, dyke, crossdressing, cowgirl, tomboy, GID, trousers)
  • SHAGGY: (Ozark US) sexually aroused, a ‘shaggy dog’ is a bitch in heat; by extension a sexually aroused woman is a ‘shagstress’, ‘to shag’ is to have sex or to go in search of sex (see bitch, dog, phallic woman)
  • SHAIKHA: (Arab) a female shaikh, a female leader among various historical and contemporary Arabic peoples
  • SHANGî: (Brazil) Yoruba deity of all genders, rites include crossdressing (cf spirit possession dances)
  • SHAPESHIFTER: (mythology) a person capable of altering their body through magical means; (modern) a person who is capable of altering their cultural appearance to either male or female; a person who has had medical procedures to change their physical characteristics, esp a transsexual who has had sex reassignment (see morph, to morph)
  • SHASTA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • SHAVE-TAIL: an immature male, a male who has not yet developed body hair (cf bare-assed, greenhorn); a lieutenant (cf posestra, jawan, woman warrior); an f2m person who does not take testosterone, or who has not developed much body hair as a result of taking testosterone (cf transgenderist, transnatural)
  • SHE-BEAR: a bearish woman; a large, fleshy, strong, aggressive/protective woman (cf bear, master, sir, daddy, he-woman)
  • SHE’CHORNE: (Romanese) homosexual; Rroma churches often welcome gays because there is no taboo against homosexuality under Romaniya, however, particular tribes may have taboos as each tribe is autonomous and self-defining, (cf Rom, Rroma, Romaniya, datha, complementary)
  • SHE-BUCKAROO: ( 1936 US West) a female buckaroo (cf cowgirl, buckaroo, Western Amazon)
  • SHE-WOLF: a female wolf; the wolf that according to Roman legend stepmothered Romlus and Remus; a female lecher; a warrior woman (cf she-bear, bull bitch, warror woman, manly-hearted woman, bitch)
  • SHE-MEN: female to male transgendered people (see he-woman, transsexual, FTV, WTM, MTM)
  • SHERO: a female hero
  • SHIH-NIANG: (China) shaman or holy person who wore a combination of male, female, and religious garb; in ancient China women who defied gender expectations were often said to have been a man in a previous incarnation, and so their masculine behavior was tolerated and even applauded (cf reincarnation)
  • SHINJUKU BOYS: male impersonators who work in the Shinjuku entertaintment district of Tokyo (cf onnabe, takarazukara)
  • SHIVA: (India) Hindu god, often represented as male, but also represented as half male, half female
  • SHOGA: (Swahili) among female speakers, a female friend; a gay man, who often earsn a living by prostitution, and is welcome in both male and female contexts (cf. mke-si-mume)
  • SIE: (German) (in English also spelled zie, ze, or xie) pronoun and possesive adjective for a person of male or undetermined gender; pronounc and possessive or for a person of deliberately ambiguous gender (see hir, per, it, hell sparking the pronoun)
  • SIKHANDIN: (Hindu mythology) a girl raised as a male, who turned into a man upon reaching adulthood
  • SINGER OF CEREMONIES: (Mescalero Apache) a person, usually a homosexual or effeminate man, occassionally a woman, who knows the ancients songs and traditions of the people (cf «ndŽ?isdzan, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • SINTA’XLAU’WAM: (Sanpoil American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • SIR: (military usage) direct address for either male or female officers; (historical usage) direct address for either male or female knights; (modern usage) preferred form of address for some masculine women, with some minor usage among women who appear culturally female, but who oppose distinctions in courtesy based on gender; not a standard form of address for females in any modern community outside the military (see Amazon)
  • SITUATIONAL GENDER IDENTITY: (Navajo American) gender identity and expression depending on the situation, as in Navajo who travel between the cities and the reservations, and utilize different language and expression in each location (cf nadle, true spirit, wintke, kurami)
  • SKRAT: (Old Norse) a goblin; a hermaphrodite (cf valkyrie, scratte, hermaphrodite, ghoti)
  • SLASH: slash fiction, fiction featuring popular characters, originally Star Trek characters in homoerotic relationships, in which the erotic content was indicated with m/m and f/f for male on male and female on female erotic content; slash was originally practiced by heterosexual, lesbian and bisexual women who wrote fantasies featuring the imagined erotic relationship between Kirk and Spock, it expanded to cover more characters, more series, and more types of relationships; slash is now understood as privately circulated, amateurly produced, queer erotica featuring copyrighted or trademarked characters (cf m/m, gay, fag hag)
  • SLUT: untidy, slovenly, dirty, repulsive, lewd, sexually promiscuous; a female dog, a bitch; this word sums up the belief that a proper woman is feminine, domestic, and submissive, hence a violation of any single point is considered a violation of the whole package (cf bitch, ogress, unfeminine, unwomanly, butch, cotquean, brimstone, gay, macho slut, gentleman slut, toy, bottom, submissive, yonic man, phallic woman,)
  • SKAG, SCAG: an unattractive or unpleasant young woman (cf butch, ogress)
  • SKAG HAG: a woman who hangs out with homosexual men, a fag hag (cf fag hag, trans hag, gay woman, skag)
  • SM, SADOMASOCHISM: an erotic game involving application of bondage, erotic torture, role-playing, fetishes, and other sexual alternatives, also known as ‘kink’ and ‘leathersex’, the role-playing aesthetic is a method whereby many people are enabled to explore gender issues and experiment with alternative gender roles; since transgender people require adaptions in order to satisfy their erotic needs, some persons consider transgenderism inherently kinky, though transgendered persons do not necessarily see it that way themselves (cf dom, domme, top, dominant, bottom, submissive, yonic, phallic woman, master, daddy, boy, rodeo)
  • SMALL FANCIER: a person who prefers a partner with a smaller than average penis (cf love dart)
  • SMOOTH-FACED BOY: (19 – 20th century Western US) description of men, some of whom were later discovered to be female-bodied; also ‘wild smooth-faced boy’ (see passing woman, passing man, transsexual, transgenderist, shave-tail, bare-assed)
  • SOCIAL AGORAPHOBIA: the psychological condition of women limiting their movements in male space because they do not feel at ease there, eg, fearing to walk on a public street alone at note; especially when violating male space will result in the woman being labeled a whore or sinner and possibly verbally harassed or physically attacked (cf passing woman, invert)
  • SODOMY: all forms of sexual of proscribed sexual intercourse, esp anal sex, but including oral sex, bestiality, and other practices–heterosexual vaginal intercourse is the only approved sexual practice, hence Biblical authority is used to castigate all homosexual and transgendered people for their depravity in not adhering to heterosexual norms (cf asexual, angel, bisexual, bisensual, homosexual, monosexual, heterosexual, pansexual, transgendered, pangendered, pervert, freak, morph)
  • SOFFA: term invented by the American Boyz for a ‘significant other, friend, family, or ally’
  • SOREGUS: (Khoisan African) an especially intimate bond of friendship between opposite or same sex partners
  • SPINSTER: an unmarried woman, especially an older unmarried woman, “which, as you know, is the female equivalent of ‘eunuch’, having no sexuality at all.”–J PĘGorey
  • SPIRIT POSSESSION DANCES: (African, Caribbean, Brazilian) dances in which the dancer is possessed by spirits, crossdressing is frequently included among the rites( cf. Shango, Mwaka Oga)
  • SPIRITUAL GENDER CROSSING: among early Christians, the belief that a female saint who acquired or demonstrated masculine attributes was improving herself by taking on attributes of the more perfect sex (cf spiritual warrior, true spirit, Creator) “Thus women could elevate themselves by denouncing their flesh and devoting themselves entirely to their religion. It was believed that those women who did so with the greatest fervor could thereby transform themselves into men.”–Holly Devor
  • SPIRITUAL WARRIOR: (Native American) “By providing a living examples to others, by seeking wisdom and knowledge about the sacredness of life and of Indian ethics, and incorporating those teachings into everyday contemporary life, the GAI spiritual warrior challenges the existing devaluation of alternative sexuality and understandings of gender roles.”–Duane Champagne (cf GAI, true spirit, two spirit, kurami)
  • SPIRITED: a woman or girl who maintains a socially acceptable degree of femininity while demonstrating assertive, tomboyish, or masculine behavior, appearance, or attitudes (cf hoyden, romp, tomboy, femme, alpha, severe, mannish, spitfire, unwomanly)
  • SPITFIRE: a hot tempered person, a spirited woman; a woman infected with venereal disease (cf spirited, virago, cotquean, Jezebel, bitch; (historical: WWII) a British single engine fighter airplane (see Amazon, brimstone, sir, warrior woman)
  • SPOKESHERM: a hermphroditic spokesperson (cf intersexual, spokestrans)”An intersexual after she has seen the urologist, had surgery, grown up, and realized what was done to her.”–Riki Ann Wilchins
  • SPOKESTRAN: a transgendered spokesperson (cf transgendered, spokesherm)
  • SQUARE JOHN BROAD: an honest and trustworthy woman (cf John F)
  • SQUAW: (Native American) genitals; (English) an offensive term for a Native American woman considered as a sex object (cf abraham, timothy)
  • SRS: sex reassignement surgery, genital reconstruction in transsexuals, also known as ‘sex confirmation surgery’ (see after market, frankendick)
  • STEALTH TRANSSEXUAL: a transsexual who passes as a genetic man or woman (cf transsexual, wood worker, passing, clocked, ping)
  • STEROIDS: colloquial term for illicitly obtained hormonal preparations used for enhancing bodybuilding excercises and/or enhancing masculine traits, (ab)used by both males and females, gens and trannies; a variety of steroidal hormones used for various medical purposes obtainable only by prescription, eg, testosterone prescribed to f2m transsexuals (cf testosterone)
  • STIPPLING: an illusion of a beard created by dotting the chin using an eyebrow pencil or other marker (see also packing, crossdressing, drag king, binding, elevator shoes)
  • STONE: (Black American English) very “On Wednesday you were broke, but on Friday you were stone broke.”–Leslie Feinberg
  • STONE BUTCH: a masculine lesbian who maintains male appearance and role even to the point of refusing to remove clothes during sex (see butch, drag king, male impersonator, transgenderist, dyke) “In order to withstand the weather, we had to become stone.”–Audre Lorde
  • STONE MALE: “when the fear of penetration combines with a delusional sense of innate superiority and leads to sexual and other kinds of violence.”–Judith Halberstam (cf stone butch, homovestite)
  • STOUT: muscular, strong, brave, fat, when used for men and objects it was a postive term, when used for women it was neutral (cf girljock, severe, muscular, fleshy, mannish, sturdy, butch)
  • STRAP-ON DILDO: a harness made of leather or fabric to which a dildo can be attached, usually worn by women to allow them to penetrate their partners, this form of intercourse is practiced by lesbians and heterosexual women (cf prosthesis, frankendick, role reversal, SM)
  • STRICT BUTCH: a butch female who maintains butch identity at all times (cf butch, drag butch, stone butch)
  • STRONG: adjextive for self-confident, dynamic women, especially those that are respected by their culture instead of being characterized as bitches, one of the few positive words for masculine or assertive women (cf robust, bitch) “You better behave yourself or we’ll throw you to the women.”–Native American admonishment
  • STUD: (1950s Black American English) a masculine woman; a butch lesbian (cf studmuffin, studmuffy, stonebutch, butch)
  • STUDMUFFIN: a handsome or sexually attractive man; a handsome or sexually attractive masculine woman (cf butch, dike, virile, Amazon, gentleman butch, stud, studmuffy, muscle moll); a handsome or sexually attractive transman (cf trans king, handsome)
  • STUDMUFFY: a handsome, sexually attractive woman especially an athletic or masculine woman (cf dike, gentleman butch, stud, studmuffin, muscle moll)
  • STURDY: (mid 20th century) euphemism for a masculine girl or woman (cf tomboy, butch, severe, mannish, mannified, stout, muscular, fleshy)
  • SUBMISSIVE: the opposite of dominant, a person that sexually submits to another, some of these people seek male or masculine partners, carries a suggestion of emotional surrender (cf dom, domme, top, yonic, bottom, boytoy)
  • SUNGWE: (Shoshoni American) a female to male transgendered person (cf nuwuduka, waippu, bedache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • SUPI: (Ghana African) a girl to which another girl has a strong attachment
  • SWAN: a specied of bird that has no external genitalia, both males and females keep their genitals safely tucked away inside; an ftm that has not had genital surgery
  • SWITCH: a person that switches between dominant and submissive erotic roles, or between top and bottom erotic roles, or between any other polarities of sex, orientation, or gender (cf bisexual, dom, domme, top, daddy, boy, bottom, submissive, yonic, ponce, middle)


  • T*: abbreviation for transsexual, transgendered, transgenderist, tranvestite, two-spirited, trans fag, etc; an artificial construction that avoids divisive influences by reducing gender variant people to the one thing they have in common, the fact that they transcend conventional definitions of gender (cf t star, t folk, t boy, t man)
  • TAFOYA UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE: “in cross cultural research one can have context or definition, but not both at the same time. The more one attempts to establish a context for a situation or process, the more one will blur a clean, simple definition for a situation or process and the more one will lose a sense of context. “–Terry TaFoya (Taos/Warm Springs) (cf true spirit, two spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • TAIKWAHNI WA’IPPE: (Shoshoni American) woman-man, a transgendered person with a female body (cf tainna wa’ippe, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • TAINNA WA’IPPE: (Shoshoni American) man-woman, a transgendered person with a male body (cf taikwahni wa’ippe, true spirit, kurami, winkte) “Make sure you get your words right and defined right!… That word taina wa’ippe–there are other words in Shoshoni that mean the same thing and are being used on different occassions. For the women, there is taikwahni wa’ippe’, for the men there is takwhni tainnapa’ or sometimes taikwahni, depending on which you use and how you use it.”–Clyde M. Hall (Shoshoni)
  • TCORD: ‘transgender coordinator’, specifically, the person in a local P-FLAG chapter tasked with responding to transgendered people, their families, and issues (cf SOFFA)
  • THLADIAS/THLIBIAS: (Latin) men whose genitals have been injured in such a woman that procreation is no longer possible
  • TORTILLERA: (Mexico) literally, a tortilla baker, from the motion of slapping the tortilla back and forth between the hands; a bisexual man, a man who likes to penetrate and be penetrated; a man or woman who likes to be the middle for a sexual threeway (cf macho, bisexual, machero, puto)
  • T BOY: a female to male transsexual or transgenderist, a person born female who is taking testosterone (cf bio boy, gen, testosterone, t man, transman)
  • TRANSFASHION: to change the appearance of; transgendered fashions
  • TRIBIFY: (David Valentine) to create a tribe, specifically, the act of academics and enthonologists who render transgendered lives exotic and alien while using their own experience of gender as the norm against which transgendered people are judged and seen as tribal, exotic, different, and hence, suitable objects for examination. (cf objectification)
  • T FOLK: collectively, transgendered people of any type (see T*, t star, transgendered, trans)
  • T MAN: a female to male transsexual or transgenderist, a person born female who is taking testosterone (cf transman, bio boy, gen, testosterone. t boy)
  • T STAR: transgendered, transsexual, transvestite, two-spirited; any gender variant person; a transgendered activist, a gender rights activist (see T*, t folk)
  • TAKARUZUKA: (Japanese) traditional Japanese theatre in which all roles (including male roles) are played by women, less well known than the Noh and Kabuki, in which all roles are played by men (cf onnabe, Shinjuky Boys)
  • TAWKXWA’NSIXW: (Quinault American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TECHNO-WINKTE: a male to female person who has decided that it’s okay to continue using tools or electronic devices after transitioning to a female role; a butch m2f (cf winkte, butch)
  • TEDDY BOY: (1950s US and England) a young man who affects an Edwardian style of dress, specifically, a long coat and drainpipe trousers; any rowdy young man (cf teddy girl)
  • TEDDY GIRL: (1950s US and England) a girl or young woman who keeps company with teddy boys, or who adopts the manner and dress of a teddy boy (cf teddy boy)
  • TESTOSTERONE: the male hormone taken by female to male transsexuals to masculinize their appearance (cf t boy, testosterone patch, f2m, transsexual)
  • TESTOSTERONE PATCH: a prescription preparation of testosterone usually used in hormone replacement therapy for genetic men, but also prescribed by some physicians for f2m transsexuals (see testosterone, f2m, transsexual)
  • THE MAN: the masculine member of a lesbian or gay male couple (cf butch); a woman who dominates her husband (cf cotquean, role reversal, phallic woman); the boss man, the boss woman (cf boss, bossy)
  • THON: (Cajun American) ‘tunafish’; a woman appearing culturally as a man, apparently with reference to ‘something fishy’ and the ‘fishy’ smell of female genitals (see boy, boychick, mandyke, passing woman)
  • THIRD: the third gender, a gender which does not conform to a binary gender system (cf binary gender system, sexual apartheid, third sex, tommy, molly); a lesbian; a gay male
  • (THE) THIRD SEX: homosexuals collectively; eunuchs (cf molly and tommy)
  • THOMPSON: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TIGRESS: an aggressive or violent woman (cf bitch, tomcat, spitfire, virago, woman warrior, phallic woman)
  • TIMOTHY: a penis; a prostitute, a brothel (cf abraham, squaw)
  • TIMUCUA: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TIPAI: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TITWB: ‘trapped in the wrong body’ (cf transsexual)
  • TITQATTEK: (Kutenai American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TLINGIT: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit) “Sex is apparently not an unchangeable attribute of a person. Thus, not only may sex be changed at reincarnation, but at menopause (according to the interior Tlinglit) the women [sic] ‘changes back to a man again'”–De Laguna
  • TOM: an ordinary man; (from Tom o’Bedlam) a madman; a girl or woman, esp a boistrous one; a prostitute; the male of any kind of animal, esp a cat; as a verb, to practice prostitution, copulate, to be promiscuous (cf tomboy, tommy, molly, gay)
  • TOMBOY: an uncouth or boisterous boy; a forward or immodest woman; a boisterous girl, especialy one who acts in a boyish manner; some communities tolerate tomboys, some do not, tomboyish behavior is grounds for diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder (see boy, hoyden, romp, tommy, Gender Identity Disorder, feminine facade)
  • TOMCAT: an aggressive woman (cf tomboy, bitch, spitfire, tigress)
  • TOMMY: (18th century England) a masculine woman; a lesbian, paralleled ‘molly’, a feminine man; tommies and mollies were considered to be a third and fourth gender by some people, an idea that was eradicated by the pathologization of gender and sex in the late eighteenth century (see cotquean, tomboy, third sex, molly, pervert, butch, boy)
  • TONG XING LIA’N: (Chinese) ‘same sex love’ (cf ICCO, tongzhi)
  • TONGZHI: (Chinese) queer person, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered person of Chinese or Asian descent (cf ICCO)
  • TOP: a sexually dominant person, the person who takes the ‘male’ role in sex (cf phallic woman, bitch, butch, stone butch, dom, role reversal)
  • TOP COW: (humorous) a bull; a man; is one of the few constructions in which the male is not demeaned by a feminine reference, perhaps because of the common misuse of the word ‘cow’ for any cattle, including steers and bulls; also a female boss (cf cow, bull, boss)
  • TOP SURGERY: breast and nipple reduction surgery for f2m transsexuals; female to male mammioplasty, also called ‘chest surgery’ (cf bottom surgery, SRS)
  • TOPPING FROM THE BOTTOM: when the bottom partner has control of the erotic encounter, in variance from the usual erotic arrangement in which the top partner has the initiative (cf top, bottom, sub, dom, domme, master, SM, role reversal, middle)
  • (DAMN) TOURIST: a person who visits other places for the purpose of gawking at the quaint natives, specifically, heterosexuals who come to queer spaces in order to titillate themselves (cf queer-friendly, adventurous heterosexual)
  • (TO) TOY: to flirt; to engage in foreplay; to have sex with, especially with a person considered as a sex object
  • TOY: a sex object, either male or female; the female genitals; the anus; a yonic man (cf ponce, toyboy, catamite, manpussy)
  • TOYBOY: a male partner perceived as submissive to his male or female partner (cf ponce, toy, catamite, punk, bronco, phallic woman, yonic man, manpussy)
  • TRANCENTRIC: a focus on transsexuals to the exclusion of non-transsexual transgendered people and/or non-transgendered significant others (cf f2m-centric, sexism, masculinism)
  • TRANNY: (also ‘trannie’) a transsexual (cf transie, transsexual)
  • TRANNY HAWK: a man erotically attracted to transsexuals (cf dyke daddy, transfan, transcatcher, trans hag)
  • T-BIRD: a woman erotically attracted to transsexuals (cf trans hag, transfan, transcatcher)
  • TRANS: transgendered, transsexual, transgenderist, transcengendered, transvestite, transition, etc
  • TRANSBOY: a transsexual boy, a transgender boy; a person born female who takes a boyish role in intimate relationships (cf boy, boychick, boychik, daddy)
  • TRANS CATCHER: a person erotically attracted to transsexuals (cf tranny hawk, t bird, transfan)
  • TRANSCENGENDER: a person who transcends gender, an elaboration of transgender–Sharon Stuart (see transgender, binary gender system)
  • TRANSDETECTOR: an internal system whereby a person believes they are able to spot transgendered people, a gaydar for t folk (cf clock, ping, passing)
  • TRANS FAG DRAG: an f2m drag queen, “I’m an ageless drag queen trapped inside a gay teenage boy trapped inside a middle aged woman. It’s like being the human equivalent of those Chinese boxes that fit inside each other. Sometimes I wonder if I could go even further… Who’s trapped inside the drag queen?”–Julie Anne (cf trans king, drag king, f2m, female female impersonator, transfag)
  • TRANSDYKE/TRANSDIKE: a bisexual or lesbian transsexual (cf dyke, dike, transsexual)
  • TRANSFAG: a gay or bisexual female to male transsexual; also an f2m who is erotically attracted to f2ms (see gay f2m, female faggot, gay woman, transgendered, transhomosexuality)
  • TRANSFAN: a person who is erotically attracted to transsexuals, a person who has a fetish for transsexuals (see t-bird, tranny hawk, trans catcher)
  • TRANS KING: by analogy with drag king, a handsome or well dressed transgendered man, can be any orienation (cf drag king, transsexual, transgendered, transgenderist, gentleman butch)
  • TRANSGENDER(ED): gender variant people who have a self-concept which acknolwedges their gender variation and their relationship to other transgendered people, rejected by some as carrying implications that there are only two gender and that one ‘transitions’ from one gender to the other (see androgyne, epicene, variant expressive, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, ambiguous gender, gender outlaw, T*, gen, non, pangendered, homosexual, transhomosexual, heterosexual, transition, trans king, transcendgender, transgenderist, transnatural)
  • TRANSGENDERED DISCOURSE: the academic discussion about transgendered issues carried out via publications and conferences; an almost exclusively white middle class conversation that excludes minority voices and experiences (cf inclusion)
  • TRANSGENDERED HOMOSEXUALITY: gay and lesbian relationships in which partners assumes gendered roles such as ‘husband and wife’, in which one partern adopts a masculine role and the other partner adopts a feminine role, eg butch-femme couples (cf butch, femme, transgendered)
  • TRANSGENDERIST: a person who believes that people ought to be allowed to express any gender role they like, regardless of their physical sex or social expectations; a crossdresser who lives full time dressed as a member of the opposite sex but who does not intend to have genital surgery, eg, Virginia Prince (cf crossdresser, , drag king, hermaphrodite, pseudo-hermaphrodite, true hermaphrodite, transgendered, transsexual, intersexual, T*, trans king, transcendgender)
  • TRANSGRESSION, TRANSGRESSIVE: the act of passing beyond the bound of propriety or law or duty, a crime, trespass, violation, or sin; the violation of conventional expectations of gender (cf transgressive, transgendered, transsexual)
  • TRANSGRESSIVELY GENDERED: transgendered; gender variant; nonconforming gender (cf all)
  • TRANS HAG: a woman is is erotically attracted to transgendered people (cf, fag hag, transfan, transcatcher, t bird, tranny hawk)
  • TRANSHOMOSEXUALITY: the condition of a female to male transsexual who is erotically attracted to men (cf gay f2m, FTG, homosexual, bisexual); any transgendered person who is erotically attracted to other transgendered people (cf trans hag, transfan, transcatcher, tranny hawk, t bird)
  • TRANSIE: transsexual (cf tranny, transsexual)
  • TRANSINDIVIDUAL: not confined to a single individual, something applicable to multiple people; in a transgendered context, a transgendered or transsexual individual (cf transgender, transsexual, transvestite)
  • TRANSITION: the process of changing from one gender to the other, esp the medical and surgical and legal procedures undergone by a transsexual to become a member of the opposite sex (cf transsexual, homosexual, heterosexual, transgendered)
  • TRANSMALE: a member of the Trans Male Task Force (TMTF), a person who ascribes to the principles of the TMTF; a transsexual or transgendered man (cf recast male, transman, f2m, transsexual, transgender)
  • TRANSMAN: a transsexual man, a female to male transsexual, the preferred term for many transsexual men; less commonly, any transsexual, transgendered, transgenderist, or other gender trangressive people on the f2m spectrum, the term is generally used less inclusively than f2m (cf transsexual, crossdresser, passing woman, ftv, f2m, passing man, prosthesis, transnatural)
  • TRANSNATURAL: to transition without use of surgery or hormones, the use of exercise, herbs, and other non-medical forms of enhancing the desired gender (cf passing woman, crossdressing)
  • TRANSPARENT: a transgendered parent, a parent of a transgendered child (cf transsexual, transgender, SOFFA)
  • TRANSPIRES: transgendered people who only come out at night (cf weekend warriors)
  • TRANSSEXED: transsexual (cf) “Actually I prefer, and have used elsewhere, the term transsexed rather than the term transsexual because I consider the latter to be misleading. Transsexed emphasizes that such persons cross from one sex status to another sex status, whereas transsexual suggests that sexuality is central to gender and sex dysphorias.”–Holly Devor, Ph.D
  • TRANSSEXUAL, TS, F2M TS, FTM TS: having the physical characteristics of one sex and a strong desire to be the other sex; of or pertaining to both sexes; implies changing from one gender to another; F2M and FTM are abbreviations for ‘female to male’ (see hermaphrodite, intersexual, transgendered, transgenderist, pseudo-hermaphrodite, true hermaphrodite, transgendered, F2M, MBM, WTM, recast male, T*, gender outlaw, transman, posestra, transsexual man)
  • TRANSSEXUAL MAN: a female to male transsexual, esp a post-op or non-op one (see transsexual, transgenderist, T*, transman, recast male)
  • TRANSTESTICLE: a jerk, a person who behaves offensively towards transgendered people
  • TRANSVERSITY: ‘transgendered diversity’
  • TRANSVESTITE, FEMALE TRANSVESTITE, TV, FTV: a biologically female person who wears male clothing, either as a hobby, or as usual appearance, implies an element of erotic gratification (see cross dresser, berdache, butch, drag king, male impersonator, mandyke, T*)
  • TRIBE: a non-governmental group of persons united by extended kinship networks and a shared culture and history; (US) a group of Native Americans related by kinship and history as recognized by the federal government of the United States, by extension, any such group receiving official recognition from local, state, federal, or tribal governments (cf remnant nation)
  • (THE) TRIBE: queer gay men who share a consciousness of themselves as being distintly different from mainstream cultures, including mainstream gay cultures; by extension, queer persons of any gender (cf body modification, urban primitives, radical faery)
  • TRIBADE: (German?) a person who commits tribadism, especially a lesbian
  • TRIBADISM: a form of sexual stimulation involving rubbing body parts together to create arousal and orgasm, especially a female rubbing her vulva against her partner’s body (cf tribade, frottage)
  • TRICKSTER: (Native American) an imaginative, mischevious spirit, often portrayed as a Coyote or Raven, who gave the sun to humanity and who represents creativity; hence an incarnation of the Creator Itself “…a naughty, saucy fellow, who carried his penis in a large box on his back, and many of his picaturesque adventures dealt in scatological farce–naturally, with a moral tied to the fable.”–Radin, 1972 (cf strap on dildo, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TRYSEXUAL: willing to try anything sexual (cf pansexual, adventurous heterosexual)
  • TROLL-MADAM: (from French trou, hole, and madame, woman) a rude word for a woman (cf dike); later, by association with troll, a female troll, an ugly woman (see horsefaced, ogress, spitfire)
  • TROUSERS: male pants; a woman “who thirst[ed] for trousers’ was mentally ill, the victim of a ‘curious mental disorder’ involving hysteria and hallucinations.”–New York Times, May 27, 1876, and Cowgirls, (Savage), 1996 (cf birfucated, bloomers, cowgirl)
  • TRUEGENDERED: a person who may violate social expectations of gender but who does not perceive themselves as transgendered; a person who is being true to their own vision of who they are with regard to gender identity (cf true spirit)
  • TRUE HERMAPHRODITE: a mythical entity having both male and female genitals, a condition that never ocurrs naturally; an f2m transsexual who has virilization of the body due to testosterone and chest surgery, but who has not had genital surgery. Non-op and pre-op f2ms are sometimes mistakenly represented as ‘true hermaphrodites’ due to their enlarged clitorises and functional vaginas (see hermaphrodite, pseudo-hermaphrodite, transsexual, f2m, testosterone, transgenderist)
  • TRUE SPIRIT: (Native American) a person living in accordance with their inner spirit; a person living in a gender determined by temperment, not genitalia (see two-spirited, Zuni man-woman, nadleeh, manly-hearted woman, moroni noho, ninauposkitzipspe, wintke, berdache, man-woman, Woman Chief, Woman Chief fo the Crow, Woman Chief of the Sakonnets, White Whale Woman, Pine Leaf, truegendered, Turtle Woman, letting the inside out, Achumawi, Apache, Assinboin, brumaiwi, Bering Strait Eskimo, sakwo’mapi akikwan, Carrier, Cheyenne,Chipewyan, Chugach, warhameh, Cree, Crow, koskalaka, ntalha, Haida, Haisla, Hopi, ikoue ne koussa, chelxodelean, Isleta, Kalispel, Kaska, tw!inn’ek, titqattek, Lillooet, kwirazxame’, hwame, nadle, Nisenan, Nootka, okitcitakwe, Okanagon, Ottawa, Papago, Pawnee, Pima, Potawatomi, Quileute, tawkxwa’nsixw, sinta’xlau’wam, Santo Doimgo, Shasta, nuwuduka, waippu, sungwe, Thompson, Timucua, Tipai, Tlingit, Ute, Wappo, Washo, Winnebago, Wintu, Wiyot, Yavapai, musp-iwap, kwe’rhame, Yurok, katsotse, Wikami, Warharmi, first berry picker, creature, GAI, outer edge, letting the inside out, Coyote, Petticoat Wars, wicasa wakan, heyoka, senp’aa, «ndŽ?isdzan, singer of ceremonies, berdache kachina, mixed dressing, tainna wa’ippe, nadle___baa, situational gender identity, nadleehi asdzaan, baa, Dragonfly Lodge, heemaneh, TaFoya Uncertainty Principle, Nichiwakan, Niizh Manitoag, winkta, taika wa’ippe, reincarnation [2], following the path, Red Road)
  • TRUE SPIRIT CONFERENCE: the True Spirit Conference sponsored by the American Boyz which takes place the third weekend of February every year in Laurel, Maryland, for female-to-male transgendered people and their significant others, friends, families and allies (cf Boyz)
  • TURTLE WOMAN: (Sioux American) “a strong, self-reliant person, because a turtle stands for strength, resolution, and long life. A turtle heart beats and beats for days, long after the turtle itself is dead.”–Mary Crow Dog (cf ohitika win, manly-hearted woman, two spirit, true spirit, wintke, nadle, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni noho, White Whale Woman, Woman Chief, truespirit, letting the inside out)
  • TWIN SPIRIT: alternate for ‘two spirit’, preferred by some as being more integrated and also recalling various tales of sacred twins (cf two spirit, true spirit)
  • TW!INNA’EK: (Klamath American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • TWO-SPIRITED: (Niizh Manitoag, Alogonquin American’ Two Spirit’, 1990 ) the Great Mystery in Its manifestation as the hermaphrodite Creator of the world; a person with both masculine and feminine attributes; a gay or lesbian Native American; a gay, bisexual or lesbian Native American; a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered Native American; a transgendered Native American; this term is contested; all parties agree that the appropriate tribal designation should be used when possible because tribal roles vary immensely; ‘two-spirit’ is accepted by some and opposed by others; in some Native communites, ‘two-spirit’ is a derogatory term for halfbreeds, mixed bloods, and other people perceived as being divided in their minds or being pulled between two cultures; while in other tribes a two-spirited person is haunted by ghosts, a meaning that has nothing to do with either gender or sexuality, hence ‘two-spirit- must always be rendered in English to retain its intended meaning, and some Native Americans object to this as a form of colonization which forces Native people to adopt English and English concepts of gender instead of retaining their tribal languages and practices with regard to gender, sexuality, and spirituality; the term two-spirit is generally adopted by ‘Pan-Indians’, Native Americans who for one reason or another choose to identify with modern reconceptualizations of a homogenous Native American culture rather than identifying with specific tribes; (cf Niizh Manitoag, ghost, true spirit, kurami, winkte, gender bending, queer) “a female-bodied person who has strong qualities commonly (and falsely) associated in our society only with men,”–Pat Califia
  • TWRL: acronym for ‘those who refuse labels’, people who refuse to accept categorization of their gender identity (cf undecided)
  • UNDECIDED: a person who is uncertain about their gender identity, or about the label they want to use to identify (cf TWRL)
  • UNFEMININE: lacking feminine qualities, lacking traits typically associated with women (cf mannish, unwomanly, mannified); lacking traits associated with feminism
  • UNIGENDERED: having only one gender (cf bigendered, pangendered, transgendered)
  • UNISEX: applicable to both sexes (cf androgynous, neuter)
  • UNNATURAL: failing to adhere to stereotypical sexual or gender characteristics, esp the concept that such nonconformity is a deliberate and wrongful violation of the stereotypes (cf pervert, unwomanly, epicene, gender police)
  • UNSEX: (19th century) to lose feminine gender characteristics (cf unwomanly, mannish)
  • UNWOMANLY: characteristics not typical of a woman, lacking the qualities typically associated with a woman (cf mannish, mannified, masculine, butch)
  • UPPER-TEN: (19th century US) “We met a couple of ‘upper-ten’ ladies dressed in out and out Bloomer style, black cassimere pants and black cloth coats, high heeled boots, finished off with a low crown black hat–I think Duey and I followed them about three squares before our curiosity was satisfied.”–David Spain, 1859 (see Bloomer)
  • UPPITY: a person who gets above their station eg, an ‘uppity woman’ or an ‘uppity nigger’ behaves as if s/he had the right to walk on the sidewalk the same as white men (cf a woman of independent means, dominant, wear the pants, domme)
  • URBAN PRIMITIVE: (late 20th century US) an urban counterculture composed principally of white people who adopt tribal and/or queer customs and beliefs in rebellion against societal norms, commonly including SM, body modification, genderbending, alternative social structures and non-Christian belief systems (cf queer rebellion, body modification, the tribe)
  • URINARY SEGREGATION: the division of restrooms into ‘men’s room’ and ‘women’s room’, by extension, social policing of the binary gender system
  • UTE: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)


  • VALKYRIE: (Norse mythology) the warrior women who carried the souls of dead warriors to Valhalla, where they waited tables and flirted with the dead heros, in modern interpretations they are usually portrayed as curvaceous and blonde, pining after a mortal hero, but the original Norse poetry portrays them as bloody carrion creatures with a horrific and possibly hermaphroditc appearance (cf skrat, ghoti, warrior woman, Amazon, Xena complex, goddess, unwomanly, reincarnation)
  • VARIANT EXPRESSIVE: a person expressing variations from expected gender (see androgyne, epicene, bigendered, omnigendered, gender variant, polygendered, inner sex, ambiguous gender, gender outlaw, ambiguous gender)
  • VESTIDO: (Mexico) a female who dresses as a man and who successfully passes as a man; a masculine lesbian who wears male clothing (cf crossdresser, ftm, transsexual, drag king, passing woman, machismo, marianismo)
  • VIRAGINOUS, VIRAGINIAN, VIRAGOISH: (adjective) relating to a virago (see virago)
  • VIRAGO: a woman of masculine spirit or strength (cf virile, mannish, manly-hearted woman); (now obsolete) a powerful man; (Biblical) Adam’s name for Eve; an Amazon “Eve was framed.”–Anonymous; (see Amazon, sir, bull dike, manly hearted woman, spitfire, viraginous); a domineering or abusive woman (see bitch, boss, cotquean, bull, spitfire, brimstone)
  • VIRILESCENCE: the condition of assuming male physical characteristics (cf testosterone, transsexual, virile, virilism)
  • VIRILE: strongly masculine, potent, powerful, a term usually applied to males, but also applied to masculine females, eg ‘virile Amazon women’ (cf macho, Amazon, Mack Truck, girljock, muscle moll, the Goddess Grace Jones)
  • VIRILISM, VIRILIZATION: the development of male physical characterstics in the female (cf testosterone, f2m, transsexual, beldame)
  • VITAL: energetic, healthy; when applied to a working woman, a euphemism for inadequate feminity, carrying with it the sexist expectation that women should be domestic and passive (cf phallic woman, virile, severe, butch)
  • VITAL HEAT: a theory that holds that human beings have only one sex, male, and that women are people whose reproductive organs have failed to externalize due to a lack of ‘vital heat’, this theory women and men are two genders, but one sex (cf vital, virile)
  • VOWED VIRGIN: (historical & modern Albanian) English translation of ‘posestra’, a woman who vows perpetual virginity and adopts a male cultural role and is accepted as a member of the community as a man, and accorded all rights and privileges of a man, as long as she remains celibate. This custom apparently arose as a way of replacing men lost through excessive feuding (see posestra)
  • VULVAPHOBIA: fear or distate for female genitals, as in gay men who reject gay f2ms, or in f2ms whose detest their female genitals (cf penis envy, penis awe, feminized phallus, transsexual, FNT)
  • WAEPONWIFESTRE: (Old English) a hermaphrodite or intersexual (cf scratte, intersexual, ogress)
  • WAIPPU: (Shoshoni American) a female to male transgendered person (cf sungwe, nuwuduka, bedache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WALEVI: (Swahili African) lit. ‘drunken’, by extention, pederast, as gay men were believed to be heavy users of alcohol (cf shoga, mki-si-mume, wasaga, amri ya muungu)
  • W€NDAW€NDE: (Coptic Amhara African) ‘mannish women’, suspected of attempting to abrograte male privilege
  • WAPPO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WARHAMEH: (Cocopa American) a female to male transgendered person (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WARHARMI: a Tipai hermaphrodite who gave birth to two sons and established the Tipai culture; s/he came from the same sacred mountain (Wikami) as revered by the Mohave as the origin of their god that told the tale of how transgendered people came to be (cf hwame, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, hermaphrodite)
  • WARRIOR WOMAN: a female warrior, especially among cultures in which women were usually barred from the military; an Amazon (cf Amazon, long rider, virile, vowed virgin, jawan, manly-hearted woman, Amazon neurosis, Xena complex, female knight, kurami, woman chief)
  • WASA: (Hausa African) play; same sex love affairs, which are subordinated to arranged marriages
  • WASAGA: (Mombasa African) ‘grinders’, lesbians, the dominant partner was usually older and wealthier and adopted male perogatives of going out alone, receiving male guests, conducting business, etc, though still wearing female garb and a veil, the junior partner dressed and behaved as a typical woman (cf misago, wasagaji)
  • WASAGAJI: (Zanzibar African) lesbian (cf. mashoga, misago, wasaga)
  • WASHO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WEALTH MEDICINE: (Pangwe African) the combination of homosexuality and mystical powers, which generates wealth, the good luck passing from the receptive partner to the dominant partner
  • (to) WEAR THE PANTS: (from 17th century American ‘to wear the breeches’) a woman who ‘wears the pants in the family’ is the dominant member of a heterosexual marriage (cf phallic woman, the man, cotquean, dominant, manly-hearted woman, boy, he-woman, butch)
  • WEEKEND WARRIOR: transfolk who only dress up and go out on weekends (cf transpires)
  • WEREWOLF GENE: a rare condition: congenital generalized hypertrichosis, which causes males and females to develop as much body hair as an animal, as a result of which they are percieved as reverting to a state of bestiality, including aggression, masculinity, and sexuality, though these people are in fact normal humans in all aspects except for their excessive hair growth (cf balding)
  • WESTERN AMAZON: (circa 1900, US West) also, ‘American Amazon’, a masculine woman, a cowgirl (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, wrangler, Miss West) “had about as much notion of propriety as a cat has of mathmatics”–Hjamer Boyeson, circa 1900
  • WHITE WHALE WOMAN: (Inuit American/Canadian) deity believed to have been transformed into a man or man-woman; worshiped by female to male shamans (see nadle, wintke, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni moho, berdache, two-spirit, kurami, khe’rame)
  • WICASA WAKAN: (Lakota Sioux American) sacred man, divided into four categories: healers, performers, wizards, and wintke (cf true spirit, not women, wintke)
  • WIDOWER: a heterosexual man who is married to a woman who has recently discovered that she is attracted to transgendered men and who is now chasing after transmen leaving her husband home to babysit the kids and wonder what the hell is going on (cf gay widower, trans fag hag, gay woman, f2m)
  • (THE) WIDOW IN MASQUERADE: the name of a tavern opened by Hannah Snell, who had a career in the military under the male name and appearance of James Gray, and who was exposed as a female, but still obtained his/her pension, which was used to open the tavern (cf page, breeches, maiden soldier, woman warrior, crossdresser, male impersonator)
  • WIKAMI: a sacred mountain in California, revered by the Mohave, Tipai, Ipai, and Yuma Indians, and is the source of the Creator Spirit who made transgendered people, or the hermphrodite spirit that gave culture to each of the tribes, each tribal legend is somewhat different, but has many similarities (cf Tipai, Warharmi, hwame, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit
  • WINNEBAGO: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WINKTA: (Dakota American ‘waiting woman’) a winkte (cf winkte, iwinkta)
  • WINKTE: (Lakota Sioux American ‘kill woman’) a sacred person who lives either full or part time as the opposite gender; if living part time has apparel, name, and family for each gender, usually m2f, “would be woman”–Little Crow, et al; (Dakota Sioux American ‘kill woman’) a male to female transgendered person, a social outcast, who was ceremonially disowned and cast out by the community; such a person might be heyoka, but was always an outsider (see winkta, true spirit, heyoka, winkte winyan, koskalaka, wikoshkalaka)
  • WINKTE WINYAN: (Dakota and Lakota Sioux American) a female wintke, a person born female who lived as a man (cf wikoshkalaka, koskalaka, winkte, true spirit, kurami)
  • WINTU: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WIKOSHKALAKA: (Dakota and Lakota Sioux American) a young woman, a post-menarche female, a young would who lives alone or who lives lives in the menstrual hut (cf koskalaka, winkte winyan, true spirit, kurami, winkte)
  • WIYA NUMPA: (Lakota American ‘double woman’) a hermaphrodite spirit, that if appearing to either males or females, required them to adopt the dress and lifestyle of the opposite sex (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit) “When a woman dreams of the Double Woman, from that time on, in everything she makes, no one excels her. But then the woman is very much like a crazy woman. She laughs uncontrollably and so time and again she acts deceptively. She causes all men who stand near her to become possessed. For that reason these women are called Double Women. They are very promiscuous, having many husbands. But then in the things they make no one excels them. They do much quillwork. From then on, they are very skillful. They also do work like a man… Even now, they believe these things are holy.”–Thomas Tyon (Lakota American)
  • WIYOT: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • WOBO: (Maale African,) lit. ‘crooked’, ie, gender variant (cf wŠndawande)
  • WOLF: a chaser or seducer of women; an aggressive or masculine lesbian (cf butch, Amy-John, gal-boy); an active homosexual, a top man (cf top, dom, master); the partner of a lamb (cf lamb)
  • WOLFESS: (jocular) a seductive or flirtatious woman (cf wolf, phallic woman, domme)
  • WOMAN BUFFALO HUNTER: hunting buffalo was man’s work, rarely undertaken by females, who are depicted dressed in male garb when they did so (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit, woman chief) “To do all this [hunting buffalo] requires great presence of mind, dexterity, and courage,–few women are found amongst them willing to undertake or capable of performing it.”–Miller, 1951
  • WOMAN CHIEF: (historical) a female Native American chief; a female Native American leader who dressed, lived, and worked as a man–especially Wenona, ‘Woman Chief of the Crow’; or any of many other female chiefs, such as Awashonks of the Sakonnets (cf Woman Chief of the Crow, Woman Chief of the Sakonnets, kurami, manly-heartedly woman, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni moho, berdache, White Wale Woman, Pine Leaf, Running Eagle)
  • WOMAN CHIEF OF THE CROW: (19th century Great Plains) Wenona, a female Native American who dressed, lived, and worked as a man, and who married women– so called by whites who did not understand that Native Americans assigned gender based on temperment, not genitalia; Wenona is generally reinterpreted as a lesbian woman by gay historians, though it is clear he lived as man, he was murdered in 1854 (cf Pine Leaf, Osh-Tisch, Crow, Woman Chief of the Sakonnets, kurami, manly-heartedly woman, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni moho, berdache, White Wale Woman, Running Eagle)
  • WOMAN CHIEF OF THE SAKONNETS: (17th century New England) Awashonks, a female ‘sachem’ or chief of the Sakonnet band of the Wampanoag of New England (cf Pine Leaf, Osh-Tisch, Crow, Woman Chief of the Sakonnets, kurami, winkte, manly-heartedly woman, ninauposkitzipspe, moroni moho, berdache, White Wale Woman, Running Eagle)
  • WOMAN OF GODDESS-LIKE PROPORTIONS: a full-figured woman who ressembles ancient fertility figures, esp one with an assertive or aggressive attitude (cf goddess, Amazon, Aphrodite, Athena, Xena, stout, robust, female female impersonator)
  • WOMAN OF INDEPENDENT MEANS: (19th and early 20th century US) a woman with her own income, often a widow, who was free to control her own affairs and had much greater personal freedom than was enjoyed by most women (cf abbess, dominant, maja, manly-hearted woman)
  • WOMAN-WOMAN MARRIAGE: African custom in which one woman pays the brideprice to acquire a husband’s rights to another woman has been documented in over thirty African populations
  • WOMANFULLY: with a woman’s courage or peseverence, back-construction from ‘manfully’
  • WOMANISM: (late 20th century) a philosophy in reaction against feminism, which believes in the equality and worth and women, and also men, and which opposes many points of feminist ideology while supporting individual liberty such as SM and butch/femme expressions without interpreting such behavior as manifestions of the patriarchy (cf feminism, self-deternimation)
  • WOMEN’S COMMUNITY: women as a group distinct from other people, with a set of shared values and institutions; the feminist community; the lesbian community (cf lesbian community, feminism); among tribal peoples, facilities set aside for the exclusive use of women, especially during menstruation and child birth, with attendent customs and shared values (cf women’s drum)
  • WOMEN’S DRUM: (Native American) a troupe of women who drum and sing together with a single large drum, masculine assumption has eradicated many people’s memory of the traditional role of women’s drums in Native American culture, with the result that women’s drums face sexist discrimination, such drums often but not always include lesbian, bisexual and transgendered women and occassionally gay men (‘feminine spirit’ being the defining characteristic) (cf backwards day, strong, true spirit, two spirit, kurami, feminism)
  • WOMEN’S VOLUNTEER POLICE FORCE: (1920s London, England) a unit of the police composed of women who wore male uniforms including trousers, many masculine and lesbian women joined
  • WOODWORKER: from Ôblending into the woodworkŐ, a transsexual who passes as a genetic man or woman and who is reluctant to be openly identified as a transsexual (cf passing, transsexual, stealth transsexual)
  • WOR SITABANE: (South African, from Sesotho lit. ‘having two sex organs, a penis and a vagina’): hermaphrodite, a feminine gay male
  • WRANGLER: a man or woman who broke horses, the lowest status form of livestock handling, often teenaged or young adult, and who were sometimes sexual objects for higher ranked hands (cf cowboy girl, cowgirl, smooth faced boy)
  • WTM: ‘woman to man’, a female to male transsexual, with emphasis on the social and spiritual details of the change, not the biological details (see F2M, recast male, transsexual, transman, transgenderist)
  • XANITH: (Oman ‘effeminate’) an effeminate man, a feminine but not castrated male (cf catamite, berdache, eunuch, boy, bottom); ‘other’, including a female eunuch or mannish woman (cf mutarajjulat, female eunuch)
  • XENA COMPLEX: after the fictional television character ‘Xena, Warrior Princess’; a woman who admires or identifies with Xena and/or other Amazon women (cf Xenite, Amazon neurosis, Amazon, goddess, postestra, vowed virgin, Athena warrior woman)
  • XENAFEST: a gathering of fans of ‘Xena, Warrior Princess’ (cf Xena, Xena complex, Xeniphiliac, Xenite)
  • XENITE: a fan of ‘Xena, Warrior Princess’ (cf Xena, Xena complex, Xenophiliac, Xenafest)
  • XENOPHILIAC: a fan of ‘Xena, Warrior Princess’ (cf Xena, Xena complex, Xenite, Xenafest)
  • YAIKA BONSANGO: (Nkundo African) a woman who presses up against another woman
  • YONIC: (from ‘yoni’ Indian subcontinental for ‘vagina’) fuckable, a person that allows him or herself to be penetrated by a partner, usually applied to heterosexual males, but also applied to transsexual men who still engage in vaginal sex (cf submissive, bottom, dom, domme, top, daddy, phallic woman, switch, bisexual)
  • YONIC MAN: a man or transman that allows himself to be penetrated during intercourse (cf yonic, submissive, bottom, toyboy, boytoy, catamite, slut, gentleman slut)
  • YUKO WAZI: (Zanzibar African, Swahili, lit. ‘s/he is open’) to be out (cf. anajificha)
  • XDR, X-DRESSER: crossdresser, esp a female to male crossdresser (see crossdresser)
  • YAVAPAI: a tribe of Native Americans having female to male transgendered people, whose tribal name is not known (cf kurami, berdache, manly-hearted woman, true spirit)
  • ZAMI: (African American) Lesbian woman
  • ZOOPHILIA: bestiality, the practice of engaging in erotic relationships with animals; in addition, zoophiliacs or ‘zoos’ often adopt an identity as an animal, sometimes of the opposite sex from their assigned gender, either for short periods of time or as a sustained identity; in either form zoophilia is coupled with the belief that humans, because of their prejudices and oppressions of each other, are inferior to animals (cf dog, furrysex)
  • ZUNI MAN-WOMAN: He Hwa, a transgendered Zuni woman; any transgendered Zuni American generally (cf man-woman, man-maiden, manly-hearted woman, berdache, two-spirited, true spirit, khe’rame, kurami)
  • 401K TRANSSEXUAL: a transsexual affluent enough to have a 401K tax exempt fund

Copyright 1996, 1999 by Gary Bowen

Last updated: 27 Jul 1999


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