Androgynous Pride Flag

Androgynous Pride Flag & Androgynous Flag Meaning

Androgynous people are a mix of both male and female. The blue stripe represents masculinity and the pink femininity. The grey area represents that the metaphorical ‘grey area’ between these two genders.

Of course, androgynous people don’t necessarily feel exactly equally male and female – you can be slightly more masculine or feminine. But the flag forms an ‘equals’ sign to signify gender equality.

The alternative Androgynous Pride Flag has a more traditional ‘rainbow flag’ design. Red represents women, purple the mix between female and male, yellow for non-binary, grey for neutrality and blue for men.

Tris Reid-Smith/GSN

What Does It Mean to Be Androgynous?

Being androgynous refers to blending or embodying characteristics traditionally associated with both masculinity and femininity. Androgynous individuals may express themselves through their appearance, behavior, or identity in a way that is not distinctly male or female. This can be a personal style choice, a reflection of their gender identity, or both.

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