Body Hair Problems?

If you’re battling the urge to tame your body hair but you’re not sure if it really matters, let’s get it straight right now: if it bothers you, it probably bothers your partner, too. Even though one in three men currently remove hair from areas like their chest, back, and legs, most men not into bears, have gone on the record requesting that their partners try just a little bit harder.
Are you feeling a little anxious about unwanted hair after you’ve checked out the stats? There’s no need to get nervous, because there are more products and techniques than ever to help you get smooth.
Top Three Techniques
Track down a reputable salon that handles men’s sugaring, which is considered the oldest method of hair removal. It’s not trendy and it’s not new, but the techniques are getting better for men in particular. Male hair is thicker and more wiry, and you can work with a spa professional to help you choose the most effective method for hair removal.
If you’re low key, then I’d recommend getting Veet for Men Gel Cream to remove excess hair. You’ll need to coax someone into helping you if you’d like to do your back, which means you may not be able to surprise your man after all. It’s worth it if you’re on a budget, and since most of the major depilatory brands have begun producing men’s products after a rise in sales in late 2006, you won’t have any trouble finding the right product for you.
There are plenty of home waxing kits out there, and you’ve got to pick and choose to find the right one. If you’re looking for something all natural, try Parissa All Natural Hair Removal Systems. (They have specialized in men’s products for years now and offer more specialized options.) And if you’re set on a full Brazilian wax, look for a professional and do not attempt this at home.
Source: Queer Life Sout Africa