Genderfluid Pride Flag
Genderfluid Pride Flag & Genderfluid Flag Meaning
Genderfluid people literally see their gender as fluid, rather than fixed.
The flag’s colors reflect this. Pink represents femininity, white signifies a lack of gender, purple is the combination of maleness and femaleness. Then black represents all genders, including third genders. And finally blue stands for masculinity.
It was created in 2012 by artist JJ Poole.
Tris Reid-Smith/GSN
What Does It Mean to Be Genderfluid?
Being genderfluid means having a gender identity that changes or shifts over time. A genderfluid individual may feel like different genders at different times, such as male, female, non-binary, or other identities, or they may feel a mix of genders. These shifts can occur daily, weekly, or less frequently, and they are deeply personal. Genderfluidity challenges the idea of fixed gender categories and emphasizes the fluid and dynamic nature of gender identity.