Lesbians, Pakistan Islamist Society & Honour Killings

What do you do if you know that you are a lesbian in Pakistan?
A city is your only hope for freedom and a chance to find a woman to love. Cities also allow women to wear blue jeans and cut their hair short. Universities are places to challenge society in dress and speech. By nature, many university students are non-conformists and are interested in western democracies with freedom of lifestyles. However, if a lesbian gest caught in any homosexual act, Pakistani law can imprison a lesbian for life. Most gays and lesbians worst fears are family and neighbours who may decide to murder homosexuals in honour killings.
In an Islamic country, there are few role models for lesbians to follow. The internet becomes a source of information and hope. If a Pakistani lesbian does find a woman to love, they can walk down the streets holding hands, as this is a custom regarded as ‘sisterly love.’ The main problem occurs when a lesbian reaches the age of marriage which is the fabric of Pakistani society. Some lesbians buckle under pressure and marry men. There is also the struggle to love oneself in a society that considers homosexuality unnatural and a disease. Islam considers homosexuality a sin.
If a Pakistani lesbian does manage to find someone to love, many people may just overlook the two of them living together. It is a society that feels that women don’t have sexual needs or desires. That kind of woman works in a brothel!
Lesbian dating occurs on the internet and another way to date is to be part of a circle of lesbians. Professional women stand a better chance of being lesbians and marriages of convenience do occur where lesbians ‘marry’ homosexual men. Money and power are two modes of protection, allowing travel outside of the country.
It is a hard life for Pakistani lesbians and others that live in countries where ‘love dare not raise its name.’ However, love is an incredible force and when combined with initiatives can lead to a happy life. We wish all the brave lesbians in this situation, every happiness and love.
Paula, 2014, stories4hotbloodedlesbians.com