Private Health Insurance

When it comes to health, it is of such vital importance that it cannot be neglected. Our health may be compromised at an unexpected moment or as a result of an accident. You can get treatment under better conditions with private health insurance, you can get services from contracted institutions.

What Does Private Health Insurance Mean?

Private health insurance is a type of insurance that guarantees the health services that you can use under the agreement, covers the expenses of the health service that requires diagnosis and treatment for problems that may arise as a result of an unexpected illness or accident.

You can get services under better conditions in the designated hospitals with private health insurance, which can be made on request. When it comes to health, we all want to be treated in hospitals with the best doctors and the best equipment, as this is an area that will not be neglected.

Private Health Insurance Coverage, Advantages and Application Principles
If we take into account the fact that health problems can arise at once, then private medical insurance, which is a way to ensure our tomorrow, relieves not only our health…

The fact is that when you want to have an MRI in institutions contracted by insurance, you can make an appointment for weeks later. In order not to take risks in such cases, we prefer to contact private hospitals that do not have a queue problem and we have to pay fee for the procedures we have done here. However, given the fee paid for private health insurance, it allows us to take advantage of it with a lower budget compared to the extra costs that may arise as a result of the health service that we may need to receive during the year.

What Does Inpatient Treatment Include?

  • Any surgical intervention(surgery) is necessary or unnecessary inpatient treatments
  • Limb and reconstructive prostheses within the limit
  • Medical equipment to be used during surgery (platinum, pacemaker, etc.b.)
  • Dental treatment expenses arising after a traffic accident
  • Intensive care expenses
  • Guarantee of treatment abroad
  • Examination and examination expenses after chemotherapy and Radiotherapy procedures
  • Ambulance service
  • The treatment plan given regarding home care
  • Physical therapy applications after surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Pregnancy and childbirth coverage

What is Outpatient Treatment? What Does It Include?

Outpatient treatment includes interventions that do not require hospitalization for 24 hours or more at the health facility where you are applying for treatment in case of any illness. The services covered by outpatient treatment are as follows:

  • The examination, diagnosis and treatment that the Doctor will do in accordance with your complaint
  • The drug(s) to be used in the recommended treatment after the diagnosis of your disease
  • The assay and X-ray required by the doctor for diagnosis
  • The use of modern diagnostic devices such as MRI, tomogrophy and scintigraphy
  • It includes expenses that may arise with the course of physical therapy.

Apart from the services specified in the outpatient and inpatient treatment , depending on the policy width; Dental package, eye examination, dietitian and check-up options such as private health insurance are among the health services that can be used under private health insurance.

Alternative Health Insurance Option: Complementary Health Insurance

Another type of coverage used under health insurance is complementary health insurance, which should not be confused with private health insurance. Health insurance is a type of insurance that can be preferred by insured individuals to avoid worrying about additional costs that may arise during the diagnosis, examination and treatment processes that will be performed in institutions contracted with the Social Security Institution (SSI). For example, IVF treatment, which is a very expensive treatment method today, can be covered by complementary health insurance, and the cost of treatment that will occur will be covered by a much lower budget.

What is the Price of Private Health Insurance? How is It Determined?

There is a price December that varies from person to person related to the private health insurance premium. I can say that the premium fees charged for private health insurance in 2021 have changed in 2022. The premium you will have to pay will vary depending on the age, health status, gender of the person to whom the insurance will be made, and the content of the policy in the context of coverage.

As we mentioned in the article, services such as VIP Check-up, dental treatments cause the premium fee to be paid to change. For this reason, it is not possible to say an exact figure regarding the private health insurance fee for 2022 due to these variables.

How Can I Get Private Health Insurance?

If you want consultants who are competent in their field to offer you private health insurance, you can get information and services by visiting an agency located at the closest point to you.

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