Ally Pride Flag

Ally Pride Flag & Ally Flag Meaning

The ‘Straight Ally Flag’ celebrates all straight and cisgender people who are proud allies of the LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex +) community. It’s thought to date from the late 2000s.

The black and white stripes represent heterosexual genders. Meanwhile the A-shaped rainbow stands for both ‘ally’ and ‘activist’, championing their active role in advancing LGBTI+ rights and inclusion.

Other ‘straight’ flags have been used against the LGBTI+ community, but this one shows how our friends, families and colleagues support us.

Tris Reid-Smith/GSN

What Does It Mean to Be an Ally?

An ally is a person who supports and advocates for the rights and equality of a group they are not a part of, particularly in the context of LGBTI+ communities. Allies stand up for marginalized groups, challenge discrimination, and work to create inclusive environments. Being an ally involves listening, learning, and amplifying the voices of those who are oppressed or underrepresented, while also using their privilege to advocate for change. An ally can be anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, as long as they actively support and respect the LGBTI+ community.

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