Drag Pride Flag

Drag Pride Flag & Drag Flag Meaning

The alternative drag flag debuted much later in 2016. It was the result of a worldwide competition run by Austin International Drag Foundation to symbolise pride among drag queens and drag kings.

The flag’s designer Veranda L’Ni set out the meaning as follows:

Purple represents a shared passion for drag. White stands for ‘the blank slate that is our bodies and face and that we all change to create the characters that we become’. Blue symbolises both self expression and loyalty.

Finally, the crown is for leadership in the LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex +) community and the stars for the many forms of drag.

Tris Reid-Smith/GSN

What Does It Mean to Do Drag?

Drag is a performance art that involves individuals dressing up and acting in exaggerated gender presentations, often for entertainment purposes. People who perform drag, known as drag queens (typically men dressing as women) or drag kings (typically women dressing as men), may use makeup, costumes, wigs, and other accessories to transform their appearance and portray gender in playful or satirical ways. Drag is often associated with LGBTI+ culture and is used as a form of self-expression, creativity, and sometimes social commentary. While drag is most commonly linked to the gay and queer communities, it can be enjoyed by people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

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