Brow Lift

A Brow lift, which is also called a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that corrects sagging eyebrows, while softening the angry or worried facial expressions that generally results from frown lines across the patient’s forehead.
The Browlift procedure is usually performed on both men and women between the ages of 40 and 60. It works by elevating the skin and underlying tissues of the upper face, while removing certain parts of the muscle that is responsible for frown lines. Then, the forehead is pulled firmly and locked in a new, elevated position.
History of Brow lift
In the 1960s, facial rejuvenation focused on facelifts for the lower face and blepharoplasty treatment f aging eyelids.
During the mid-70s, the world of plastic surgery began to pay attention to the upper third of the face. Although it is not a newly discovered operation, the Brow lift or forehead lift became considerably rampant during that time.
The conventional forehead or brow lift was done as an open-door procedure. Although the traditional approach remains popular, many plastic surgeons are now using an endoscope for the brow lift.
Today, “partially closed” and full Endoscopic brow lifts are also common forehead lift procedures.
Benefits of Brow lift
The benefits of a brow lift procedure can solve forehead wrinkles, drooping or saggy eyebrows, excess upper eyelid skin, lateral eyelid hooding and scowl lines between the eyebrows or above the nose.
In general, the brow lift and forehead lift surgery allows the eyebrows to return to a youthful position, giving a more relaxed appearance. Unwanted wrinkles and lines in the forehead and eyebrows are softened and even eliminated.
Candidate for Brow lift Cosmetics
A forehead and brow lift is usually performed for men and women in the 40 to 60 age range in their desire to reduce the visible effects of aging. However, this procedure can help any adult who has developed frown lines due to muscle activity or stress.
Brow lift is usually performed on patients with drooping eyebrows, excess upper eyelid skin, frown lines between eyebrows and deep horizontal creases across the forehead.
Forehead lift is most commonly performed for patients who are bald, those who have a receding hairline and those who have had upper-eyelid procedures.
Patients with inherited conditions such as heavy brow, furrowed lines or baldness can be given a more refreshed appearance with the brow lift procedure.
The Brow lift Procedure
Most forehead lifts are performed under local anesthesia, complemented by a sedative to make the patient drowsy. Although you will feel a mild discomfort, the forehead will be numb to pain.
In other cases, the surgeon may prefer general anesthesia, wherein the patient will sleep through the entire brow lift operation.
The brow lift surgery can be performed in several different techniques. However, the two most common methods are the coronal incision and the Endoscopic technique. Both procedures can take between 45 to 90 minutes. However, the duration of the brow lift procedures may vary depending on different factors.
In order to reach your cosmetic goals, the surgeon will help you in deciding which method is more appropriate to your condition. Both brow lift methods follow the same preparation steps – tying the hair back and trimming the hairline where the incision will be made.
* The Traditional Technique (Open method or coronal incision) is performed by a headphone-like patterned coronal incision at the natural hairline to keep the scars unseen. It starts above the ears, continuing towards the top of the head and down the other side of the head.
When the surgeon works through the incision, the forehead skin is cautiously lifted to remove underlying tissues, excess skin and forehead muscles that cause frown lines and wrinkles. During this step, the eyebrows can also be elevated to create a smoother appearance. The incision is then closed with stitches, clips or staples.
* The Endoscopic Technique
The Endoscopic brow lift method uses an endoscope – a small, pencil-like camera that is connected to a TV monitor. Rather than the single, long coronal incision, the surgeon will make at least three to six short scalp incisions – each less than an inch – behind the hairline. Then, the surgeon will insert another instrument through a different incision in order to lift the skin and alter or remove muscles and underlying tissues.
During this step, the eyebrows can also be lifted to a secured higher position. When the lift is complete, the several scalp incisions will then be closed with clips and stitches.
Side Effects of Brow lift
In any Brow lift or forehead lift surgery, side effects are rare. However, some patients may experience bleeding, infection, numbness around the incisions, formation of large scars and damage to eyebrow nerves.
Expect to experience temporary side effects such as headaches, numbness and bruising. For traditional brow lift procedures, possible hair loss and itching can also occur.
Recovery After Brow lift Procedure
* Traditional forehead lift patients may experience numbness immediately after the procedure. Patients prone to headaches may be treated with a longer-acting local anesthesia. For two to three days after the brow lift procedure, the head should be elevated to prevent swelling of cheeks, eyes and forehead. For as long as six months, itching scalp can be experience.
* Endoscopic forehead lift patients may experience numbness and mild swelling. Pain can be controlled by medication and itching is less likely to occur.
The recovery time of this brow lift surgery takes 7 to 10 days, usually sooner for Endoscopic forehead lift. The full recovery from bruising can take up to three weeks.
The Results
The length of time the Brow lift effects last will vary depending on a number of factors such as lifestyle and heredity.
Usually, a forehead or brow lift can last for 5 to 10 years.
Surgical Facility
A forehead lift is commonly performed in a surgeon’s office-based facility or an outpatient surgery center. It is rarely performed in a hospital.
Brow lift Cost
The average total cost for a forehead or brow lift is $4300 to $4800 and $3000 to $7000 for medical facility, location and surgeon. However, certain fees such as consultation, hospital stay, medical expenses, technical equipment costs and after-surgery follow-ups can add to the costs.
Risks, Complications and Contradictions
Minor complications of this surgery include temporary hair thinning, widening of scars and edge necrosis. Infections and bleeding are very uncommon, but are possibilities.
Two weeks before and two weeks after the surgery, the patient should discontinue the use of aspirin and similar medications to prevent adverse reactions.