How to Become a Citizen of Turkey?

Turkish citizenship is acquired by birth or by applying later. Foreign citizens can obtain Turkish citizenship by applying later. However, in order to obtain citizenship, certain conditions are stipulated that the applicant must meet. Foreigners who meet these requirements complete the citizenship application by applying to the relevant institution. With the successful conclusion of the application, Turkish citizenship will now be acquired.

Terms of Application for Turkish Citizenship

The conditions for applying for Turkish citizenship are different depending on which method the application is made. However, the documents that must be submitted for the application also vary. In practice, most often there is a question of obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage and investment. Therefore, in our article, we explained the issues related to the acquisition of citizenship mainly through marriage and investment. In order to complete the process as quickly as possible in the application for Turkish citizenship, which is quite extensive and contains legal techniques, and not to waste time and rights, it will be the most correct approach to get help from an experienced foreign lawyer.

The requirements that people who want to become Turkish citizens must meet when applying for citizenship are regulated by the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901. An application for citizenship cannot be made without fulfilling these stipulated conditions. The general requirements for citizenship can be expressed as follows:

  • To have the ability to be mature and distinguished,
  • To show that he intends to live in Turkey with his behavior,
  • Not carrying a disease that will put public health at risk,
  • Having good morals,
  • Having an income and a profession that will meet your requirements,
  • To be able to speak Turkish at an adequate level, except for applying for Turkish citizenship by investment,
  • Not being in a position to disrupt public order and shake up national security.

The listed conditions are general conditions and additional conditions are also available depending on the reason for applying for citizenship of the person.

How to Get Turkish Citizenship by Marriage?

The conditions required to become a Turkish citizen by marriage are as follows;

  • Being married to a Turkish citizen for at least 3 years,
  • Living in family unity,
  • Not being in a situation that would undermine public order or risk national security,
  • Not taking any action against the marital relationship.

How to Get Turkish Citizenship by Investment?

The necessary conditions for becoming a Turkish citizen through investment can be expressed as follows:

    • To invest fixed capital in the amount of at least 500 thousand USD,
    • Creating employment for at least 50 people,
    • To purchase real estate in the amount of at least 250 thousand USD by placing an unsaleable comment on the deed for 3 years,
  • Depositing a deposit of at least 500 thousand USD to one of the existing banks in Turkey, provided that it is kept for 3 years,
  • To purchase state borrowing instruments provided that they are held for 3 years in the amount of at least 500 thousand USD,
  • Purchase a participation share in a real estate investment fund in the amount of at least 500 thousand USD, provided that you keep it for 3 years.

How to Get Turkish Citizenship with a Residence Requirement of 5 Years?

Obtaining Turkish citizenship with the requirement of residence, Citizenship Law art.he found an editing area of 11. Accordingly, foreigners residing in Turkey for at least 5 years have the right to apply for citizenship. No time should have been spent outside Turkey for more than 12 months during this period.

Other Ways to Obtain Citizenship

  • Obtaining citizenship as an immigrant,
  • Acquisition of citizenship by adoption,
  • Acquisition of citizenship by the right to choose,
  • Obtaining citizenship exceptionally.

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