Lesbian Victories in US Politics

Christine Quinn, an open and married lesbian is running for Major of New York City. If she wins, it will be the first time in twenty years since a Democrat takes the position. Michael Bloomberg has been in office for twelve years.

In the mayorial race is Anthony Weiner, who became infamous when he emailed pictures of his crotch to a number of women. Weiner is married to a former Hilary Clinton’s aide,Huma Abedin who has stood by him.

So, is there a penis versus a vagina race between these two? (just joking).

As LGBTI people, it is heart-warming to read of our brothers and sisters who have made a difference in politics. Harvey Milk paid with his life in San Francisco in 1978 when he fought against a proposal to fire all gay school teachers in California.

To the present, we congratulate gay Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell involved in marriage equality in the New York State Legislature

For the record,

– no openly LGBT governor or United States president has ever been elected to office

– no openly LGBT person has been named or served as a federal Cabinet member

But, we’re discussing lesbian victories in USA politics, so let’s celebrate

– Federal judge: Deborah Batts, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York – appointed 1994

– U.S. Senate (first openly LGBT person, out when first elected): Tammy Baldwin – elected 2012, lesbian, representing Wisconsin

Lesbian Mayors

Massachusettes: Gina Genovese, elected Mayor, 2005 – Neptune Township

Texas :Mayor: Annise Parker, elected Mayor of Houston 2009

So let’s spread this information world-wide to aspiring lesbians politicians and lawyers.

paula, 2014, stories4hotbloodedlesbians.com

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