Acceptance of Homosexuality is Increasing
According to a study conducted in the USA, the tendency of homosexuality to be accepted in societies has increased worldwide. Turkey showed differences in acceptance rates by 25 percent Trends countries.
According to the survey results announced by the US-based Pew research company, more and more people around the world are of the opinion that homosexuality should be accepted more.
However, although there is a general increase in the acceptance of homosexuality, the rates vary according to the countries depending on the demographic structure. Accordingly, mostly in Western Europe, rich countries and societies with a high level of education, young people accept homosexuality as a part of the society.
According to the results of the research comparing 2002 and 2019, the rate of those who think that homosexuals are included in the society in the USA increased from 51 percent in 2002 to 72 percent in 2019. From 25 percent to 44 percent in South Korea, from 54 percent to 68 percent in Japan, from 33 percent to 54 percent in South Africa, from 83 percent to 86 percent in Germany and It increased from 74 percent to 86 percent in the UK.
In the study, it was also examined whether there is a parallel between individuals’ political tendencies and their perception of homosexuals. The research revealed that there is a deep ideological gap in the outlook for homosexuals between two different political fronts in the US.
Accordingly, 85 percent of Democratic voters in the USA support homosexuals, while those close to Republicans support homosexuals at 58 percent.
Bottom row in Turkey
Societies where homosexuality is not welcome were also listed in the study. Accordingly, Nigeria is the country where homosexuality is least accepted in society with 7 percent. 9 percent in Indonesia and Tunisia, 13 percent in Lebanon, Russia, Ukraine, and 14 percent in Kenya and was determined to be 25 percent in Turkey.
Religion is also an influential factor in the view of homosexuality, according to Pew’s research. Accordingly, the rate of acceptance of homosexuals among religious people is lower than nonreligious people.
While 73 percent of religious and religious people in Germany think that homosexuals should be accepted in society, this rate is 91 percent for non-religious Germans.
While the proportion of religious people who support homosexuals is 22 percent in Israel, this rate is 62 percent for non-religious people. In Poland, the rate of support for homosexuals varies among religious and non-religious people. 73 percent of the religious and 53 percent of the non-religious people in the country think that homosexuality should be accepted.
62 percent of religious people in Italy, 80 percent of non-religious people, 66 percent of religious people in Brazil, and 76 percent of people who are not see homosexuality as a part of society.
while 19 percent of those defining homosexuality as a pious religious people in Turkey while seeing itself as part of society finds 45 percent. In the USA, this situation is at the level of 57 percent and 86 percent.
A total of 38 thousand 426 people from 34 countries participated in the study, which covered the period of May and October 2019.