When charged with a felony, there are severe consequences.
Experienced criminal defense lawyers have successfully defended people against felony charges including, but not limited to:
- Arson
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Drug trafficking
- Drug possession
A felony is more serious than a misdemeanor and imposes the harshest penalties on a criminal defendant. When a crime is classified as a felony, the punishment can be a year or more in prison. Under California law, a crime listed as a felony may also be punishable by death. If facing a felony charge, do not make possibly incriminating statements to the police. Request to speak to a criminal defense attorney. They, like the court system, assume you are innocent until you are proven guilty.
When someone is proven guilty, a felony conviction commonly leads to other, disadvantageous consequences besides a prison sentence. These repercussions include the loss of voting rights, the inability to work in certain industries, the inability to obtain professional licenses, and the prohibition of carrying a handgun or firearm. Protect these rights by speaking with one of attorneys during a free initial consultation.
To learn more about felony charges and other legal concerns, contact a criminal lawyer. If you have questions for us, please comment.