Misdemeanor Lawyers

Misdemeanor criminal charges are less severe than felonies in the penalties you face if you are convicted. Although it is a less severe charge, a misdemeanor will still affect your criminal record. If charged with a misdemeanor, call a misdemeanor attorney.
Contact one of criminal defense lawyers if facing a misdemeanor charge of:
- DWI/DUI drunk driving
- Reckless and careless driving
- Drug possession
- Theft and shoplifting
- Assault and battery
- Probation violation
A misdemeanor, while not as serious as a felony charge, may carry with it a term of imprisonment of up to one year, a fine, a period of probation, and restitution if you are convicted. A misdemeanor conviction will affect your ability to receive public housing, to be employed, and other legal benefits. If investigated or charged with a misdemeanor, contact the Law Office.
The more prior convictions you have on your record, the more likely jail time will be part of any sentence handed down. Do not jeopardize your rights by speaking to the police without the benefit of counsel provided by one of lawyers.
To learn more about a misdemeanor or other criminal charge, call a criminal lawyer or law office.